Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 1282: Feng Qingbai dug a pit and he was buried

Chapter 1282 Feng Qingbai Digs A Pit, He Is Buried (16)

"It's colder in Beijing than we are here, and I don't know if Xia and Yuzheng can come back for Chinese New Year, but don't wait until the canal is frozen, then you can't go."

Suddenly, the wife said as she handed the dish to Feng Qingbai.

"Come back, they should have boarded the ship now." Feng Qingbai should.

"Really? Did you receive the news?" The wife frowned, and then turned her tone again. "Zhixia and Yuzheng are back, and there is only Xiaofenger in the palace. Called New Year? If only he could come back together, hey. "

"Milk, don't even think about it. Xiaofenger is the emperor. The emperor can go out of the palace to spend a lot of time in our ravine? Those people in the chapel are not allowed to make a big deal?" Unbearable, he tilted his eyes towards Feng Qingbai, "Actually, it is not impossible for Xiaofeng to come, as long as Feng Qingbai nods and promises, nothing is possible. Milk you do n’t know, Xiao Feng Er saw a cat like a mouse in front of Feng Qingbai. Feng Qingbai said that he didn't dare to say two. At first it was Feng Qingbai who talked, and Xiaofenger would only stay in the palace in the future and he would not be allowed to run around. Why don't you come to see you and Grandpa with Xiaofenger's temperament? He can remember that you are the oldest. "

Being able to give grandma a trick and dig a hole for Feng Qingbai to make him have to jump, Liu Zhiqiu was in a good mood and exulted.

He confronted Xue Qinglian and Qian Wanjinzhen against Qingbai, which was repeatedly defeated.

But changing to grandma is not the same. In front of the two elders, the green cypress can't fight at all, even if there is no fighting spirit, just raise your hands and surrender!

A lotus gave Thumbs Up to Liu Zhiqiu aside, this trick is not clever, but it is very useful to deal with Feng Qingbai.

"Are you Qinglian or Honglian?"

The man over there immediately took his thumbs back, and Jun faced expressionlessly, "Get out of the way."

Liu Zhiqiu's elbow struck downwind green cypress, "Hey, brother, what do you say this guy was stimulated, usually he can't see the other for a few months and months, see these seventeen or eight times a day these days, he The lesions got worse? "

"Milk, Zhiqiu scolded Honglian for being sick." Feng Qingbai calmly resigned, picked up a vegetable dish, and turned away.

Immediately behind him, the chicken and the dog jumped, and Liu Zhiqiu wailed.

"Why is Qinglian Honglian sick? Ah? How sick?"

"Thanks to you being brothers, your mouth is so cheap!"

"Dare you run? Go back and let your grandfather clean up you!"

Let the grandfather clean up? Not at all! As long as Grandpa lifts his broom, the two old sons will immediately serve him!

Especially his father, picking up how hard he beats his own son, as if taking two more shots, the son can become a girl.

Fuck! Feng Qingbai dug a pit, he was buried!

Liu Zhiqiu scolded Feng Qingbai with a dog's blood in his stomach, and he did not dare to mouth, and once he opened his mouth, it was a fat meal.

Family instructions from the Liu family, brothers and friends Christine!

Feng Qingbai settled on this, and dug a big hole for him in the most naive way, a mean man!

I must report!

Sooner or later retribution!

After being chased around the compound for two times, the old lady was active, her face was rosy, and her thief was good.

Liu Zhiqiu became a tired dog.

To make the old lady chase, she can't be tired. Let the old lady fight, but not let yourself be beaten too hard.

This is really a technical job and very tiring.

When the old lady was angry, Liu Zhiqiu, who had become a dog, had to return to the stove to carry the rice cooker.

Xue Honglian leaned on the door frame with her arms folded and looked at him coldly.

When he approached, he opened his mouth and said, "Oh, the rhubarb guarding the door next door of the Osmanthus osmanthus is breathing harder than you. It will decline before the elderly. Knowing autumn, you can't do it. Men are the most painful."

"Xue Qinglian on Dog Day! I have fight with you!"

"Grandma Liu--"

Liu Zhiqiu closed his hands and obediently moved the pot.

The man leaning against the door frame at the door face glazed coldly and made a weird smile.

"Well, I can't stand it anymore, when can I make this thing normal! Damn he's really ..." Sick! "interesting!"

The man shook his shoulders, and peach blossomed his eyes sharply. "I hate people who speak up, at night, duel."

Liu Zhiqiu slammed into the door frame.

What! What! Can you still live well! Can't you!

In the hall, the family members sitting by the brazier listened to the movement from the stove, and couldn't laugh.

Qinglian didn't know when it suddenly changed like this, which caught the big guy off guard.

When you talk to people, you can keep changing your face, which makes people always wonder which one will speak under that expression. Other than that, everything else is normal.

At least in the eyes of several elders, Qinglian Honglian is normal.

No one can say that he is ill, the grandparents at home do not agree.

"Okay, don't be poor there, hurry up and bring the rice!" The old man sang.

Liu Zhiqiu's charming voice immediately came over the cooking room, "Come here!"

There are more people in the family, and the small dining table was not replaced by a large one.

In Liu Zhiqiu's words, the table is too large for people to sit far away, and they feel boring to grab the dishes.

The old woman is very agreeable.

The whole family had to be packed at a table to be lively.

Liu Yusheng was sitting with Mu Qiu and Qian Yi, occupying a very small area, squeezing next to each other while watching the food robbing drama.

Croton and red beans are now able to eat by themselves, no longer need to feed, adults are much easier.

The two babies were arranged to sit between the queen queen and wife Liu. The two old ladies could easily wipe their hands and mouths.

All other things about the two babies don't want to get involved.

Chen Xiulan and the cuckoo were sitting opposite each other, and sometimes looked at the two babies who were obedient to eat, looking sighing. In this life, they probably did not take care of their grandchildren.

Can't grab it.

After breaking down the chopsticks that pierced the ghost, General Qin grabbed a piece of fish that had long been optimistic, and put it in the woman's bowl nearby. "You like it, eat more."

"You are also learning this young group, grabbed the dishes? Do you not lose your share?" The woman hummed like a groan, her mouth smiled, and put the fish in her mouth, "Oh!"

"Oh, hey! Is this a tadpole? Stuck by a fishbone?" Seeing the empress queen changed her face, she hurriedly left her seat while covering her mouth.

Qin Xiao's thick eyebrows were knotted and his heels rushed out behind the woman.

A crowd of robbers threw chopsticks and ran out.

A queen queen who pays great attention to etiquette education on a daily basis will never allow herself to fall into disrespect, she must be stuck.

"I'll take a look." Liu Yusheng got up and chased quickly, at the same time commanded Feng Qingbai, "Go get my small medicine chest."

At the root of the corner wall of the hall, the silver-haired woman crouched under the eaves of the hall, and she retched and turned pale.

Qin Xiao gave the ant into a hot pot, "Well, wow, come over and take a look, it's not like stuck in a fishbone!"

Little fairies, good night hahaha! After you read it, I will continue to struggle. I do n’t know how much I can code at night. If I can code three daily chapters ... how good!

(End of this chapter)