Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 1284: Maybe this is Providence

Chapter 1284: Maybe This Is Providence

"We're fine like this." In his ear, a low voice came from the man.

Liu Muqiu turned his head, and faced the rare and serious face of the man in tears.

He said, I have you enough. With or without children, I will live with you forever.

He said, I'm not sorry, really.

She leaned down on his shoulders, letting tears and rain, completely blur her vision.

He didn't know that if he loved too much, people would become greedy and greedy to have more hubs that can be closely connected with each other.

He didn't know, she loved him so much that she was afraid. Not afraid of him changing his heart, but afraid of her letting go. Let go ... let his life be fulfilled.

He is the only child of the father and mother, the only incense in the second room of the old Liu family.

How long can she be selfish to her father and mother like her own daughter? Selfish to make this room because of her aftermath?

she does not know.

She was afraid to think.

The two diagonally slanted each other, Liu Yusheng glanced across the faces of the people at home, paused slightly at Liu Muqiu.

Reaching out, holding the clean and warm fingers of the man next to her, she looked up at him, "Wind and cypress, everyone can be successful, right?"

He stared down at her, smiling with determination, "It must be."

As long as she thinks, he will do it for her.

And she is in an area he is not familiar with, he also believes that she can do better than he imagined.

His affirmative smile is the best encouragement for Liu Yusheng, which can bring her endless courage and confidence.

Finally, his eyes fell on Xue Qinglian, who did not know when the ghost had stopped, or it should be Honglian at the moment. Facing a stranger's face, letting Qian Yi frown with distress beside him, seemingly impersonal, but she would answer every question about Qian Yi's concerns.

"It doesn't hurt."

"Small injuries."

"It's not broken, Xue Qinglian is in a mess, quack."

When she finally saw the woman's eyes red, she frowned, "I'm not dead, what are you crying for?"

"Who is crying for you? I'm happy for Mrs. Qin and Mrs. Qin."


Looking back, Liu Yusheng pouted and smiled. She believed that everyone would be happy.

"Oh, don't cry anymore, go into the house quickly." After calming down, Mrs. Liu immediately rushed the big guy into the house, especially to the queen mother, "It's freezing outside, hurry in and cook over the fire. You are no better now On weekdays, I have to be careful everywhere, and I have to look at you in the future! ... I just got pregnant and I ca n’t smell it. What do you want to eat? You said, I ’m going to make it for you now, and I ca n’t be hungry! ”

She still asked, her queen mother had been half-embraced by the nervous General Qin at the door of the hall, for fear she would fall when she walked.

Hearing Mrs. Liu said that when she was pregnant she could not smell smelly, General Qin nodded immediately and was in a hurry, "Yes, it smells bad, Ah Man, what do you want to eat? I'll do it for you! No, I'll help you sit in it first, You bake it for a while, and when you are seated, I will go to the stove immediately! "

At this moment, the general looks completely indifferent, calm and restrained, like a gimmick.

A lot of people who are still immersed in emotions can't help it.

The empress queen's ears were stained with crimson. She reached out and patted the man for a while. It seemed to be patted, but she used sleeves to wipe him off the mud marks left before her face. "You won't even use the stove to return it to me Cooking? Besides, what else do you do besides grilling meat? "

He rolled his eyes indecently, the queen mother looked at the joke, Mrs. Liu, who had a good joke, General Qin, "I want to eat fried carrot cake, put some hot sauce at home, and the porridge you cooked once , It tastes good, I want a small bowl. "

"Hey, you're welcome, the order is the most troublesome to do!" Madam Liu was angry with her hips on her hips. This mother-in-law really treats her as a second maid?

"You made me what I want to eat." The lady gave her a word, and she looked innocent.

Wife Liu sweated in the forehead, "I said it, I'll do it, okay?"

The lady nodded with restraint, lifted her skirt into the house elegantly, and the upright orchid finger gave the wife Liu amusement.

Xingxing, the big-bellied mother-in-law is the biggest, what she said.

Who feeds her so much?

"Mrs. Liu, I'm going to pull the radishes." After spending a long time in the Liu's compound, Liu Bu became more and more comfortable.

"Go, pick the ridge in Dongtou, the ridge is the tenderest."

There was a happy event, and everyone's attention was turned to this place. The family members of the family rushed to eat the food for the queen queen.

You know how hard it is to be pregnant when you have a baby, not to mention the age of the Queen Mother.

The next big thing in the entire Liu family's courtyard is to take care of the old woman. Anything will wait until the stomach is stabilized.

The weather was cold, and people in the compound returned to their room early to rest after the night.

Coaxing two little babies, Liu Yusheng sat at the window in the compartment, took out the ointment that had been used to adjust the body of the empress queen and Qin Lao, and frowned thoughtfully.

"Refining medicine?" The man came over and asked,

"It's still early, I'll study the formula," she said.

"What's wrong?"

Liu Yusheng laughed, and now he can guess her mind more and more.

"General Qin's body was seriously injured, and the dark illnesses left over from decades of battlefield battles hurt him greatly. And the queen queen was overwhelmed in her early years and was very poor ..."

"You mean, they might have difficulty having offspring?" The man took what she hadn't said.

Liu Yusheng nodded, "Before General Qin's dark illness broke out for decades, I and Xue Qinglian were helpless. If it were not for the spirit to re-dispense the prescription, it is really difficult to say what the situation is now."

If there is no unexpected joy given by red beans, General Qin's injury at that time can only support another six months at most.

The man was silent for a moment, and suddenly raised his lips and chuckled, "Perhaps this is God."

"Don't you always believe God?" Liu Yusheng said.

"When there is no way to explain it, it is okay to believe it once."

With four eyes facing each other, there was a slight smile under each other's eyes.

In fact, since he knew that she had lived in another time and space, he had begun to believe that it was really God.

If not, how can they meet.

"Be early to get busy and rest later." Feng Qingbai stepped aside, raised the stove in the cubicle, and then took the book scroll, sitting quietly next to the woman.

Don't stop, don't disturb, just tell her with action, he's with her.

Liu Yusheng rolled his lips and pulled his eyes back from the man.

The soul of red beans surprised her too much.

If the Empress Dowager and General Qin's body are restored, it is really because of the effectiveness of the spiritual marrow, then ... Can you adapt the spirit to adjust the side to make up for Qiu Mu's deficiency?

Liu Yusheng's heart raised a joy, and he did it as soon as he thought of it, and immediately invested in the formulation research.

I wrote a chapter and a half at midnight last night. I went back today and wrote a thousand now, just two chapters ... Then, put away the juicer!

(End of this chapter)