Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 1299: I know that old is worse than new

Chapter 1299 I Know That Old is worse than New

Soon, people in the yard ran out of the door.

The old lady who rushed to the front was a spirited old lady with gray hair, a deep smile on the corners of her eyes, wearing a blue fine cotton shirt, whitewashed, but looked clean and tidy.

Behind her were two middle-aged women and three young women.

There was a smile on everyone's face, and they looked very happy.

It's just that all of them are female dependents, not a man.

Seeing such a battle, Qian Wanjin reacted immediately, and he shouted at the drive just now.

Now that it is spring sowing, Feng Qingbai must have been dragged and planted.

"Little gold, delicate, come back, come back!" The old lady said with a smile, her voice high.

"Oh, milk, but I want to die, I haven't seen you for half a year!" Qian Wanjin jumped out of the car and had to sue the old lady with a love affair. As a result, the old lady's eyes were not on him Pause for a moment, stretch your neck and look into the car.

"Little gold, is the child brought back? Hurry up, hug me down and see."

Qian Wanjin's face was like being splashed with cold water, and his face broke down, "Mistress, you look at me twice, I've been so tired all the way, I'm tired and thin, and you don't feel sorry for me, you just forget about it Seen the little baby? "

Liu Yusheng carried Qian Yi and Liu Muqiu around him and smiled, "Since receiving the letter, my grandmother has been looking forward to it for more than a month. You should let it go first and don't fight for favor at this time."

All the family members rushed to the carriage and turned a blind eye to Qian Wanjin's existence.

Qian Wanjin sneered, "I know, old is worse than new!"

In the carriage, Shi Xianrou held the baby and opened the curtain. He handed the baby doll to the old lady who rushed over. "Grandma Liu, this is the baby doll, just over two years old, smaller than croton red beans. Ten months. "

This was also later asked from the girl-in-law Hanshuang's mouth.

The little baby was in her arms, and the eyes of Mrs. Liu and Liu Yusheng stuck to her face immediately.

Very thin, thin and dissociated, jaw sharpened, eyes wide.

The hair on his head was thin and yellow, and Liu Yusheng knew at a glance that it was caused by extreme malnutrition.

There is also the baby's small body, although wearing a thick cotton jacket, he can't cover his skinny, like a cat, very small.

What impressed Liu Yusheng the most was that her eyes were empty.

In the car, Shi Xianrou was ready to get out of the car, looking straight and sitting motionless in the corner of the carriage, stiff with a woodcarved woman, "get out of the car, want me to hold you down?"

She didn't speak very loudly, but the people in front of the car heard it, only to find that she was patronizing the baby, and she didn't notice that there were other people in the car. Mrs. Liu was about to say hello, Qian Wanjin rushed out from behind. Staring at Shi Xianrou, "What's the hug? You're a woman, woman!"

Shi Xianrou curled her lips, "It's because I'm a woman that I can hold. If I were a man, I wouldn't dare. My wife at home would be jealous."

Qian Wanjin blushed. He didn't mind being a daughter-in-law, but he gave him some face in front of outsiders. He was Qian Shao, a figure who could brush his face across Nanling.

"Ah, don't stick it in front of you, everyone behind can't see it!" Mrs. Liu was anxious, holding her baby in one hand, pulling Wan Wanjin to the back with one hand, and looking into the car, "This is that Girl, aren't you? Get off, get off, in the advanced room, you see my wife, I forgot to say hello. "

Frost's hands clenched his sleeves tightly. The fear that had just been neglected was lost. The moment the old lady said hello, the smiling face was very kind.

Also, the young woman standing in the middle of the crowd looked at her with a smile, looking quiet and soft.

Along with the maiden, she has seen many different people and has developed a little eyesight. From the other person's dress and temperament, she guessed that this should be Princess Nanling, Liu Yusheng.

The woman who made her jealous and jealous.

It turned out that she looked like this, not a glorious one, but had a striking beauty of her own. Compared with an aggressive woman, she exuded a kind of peace all over her.

Instead, people prefer to be closer.

"Come down, my grandma is acute. If she doesn't get out of the car anymore, she'll get in the car and ask."

After too much torture, the mindset will change. When you meet hope, you will not dare to reach out to get everything, because you are afraid that everything is false. You ca n’t believe that you really have this blessing to own.

This is the case with frost.

Glanced at the smiling faces outside the car, a pair of eyes with goodwill, took a deep breath with frost, and slowly got out of the car with red eyes.

The women outside the car sighed and pityed when they saw the frosty appearance.

She was also thin, looked very weak, and looked sallow.

These are not the most distressing, the most distressing are those eyes. However, more than twenty years old, an old man with a pair of eyes like a wind candle, has been planted with wind and frost after suffering in life.

"Walk around, hurry into the house, you rush back all the way, how many months have you been walking on the road? Don't be tired. I will go back to the room to sleep after a bit of food, and sleep again after I'm full." Take a group of people back and go back, and instruct the two daughters-in-law by the way, "Xiu Lan, Rhododendron, go to the fire to cook rice, I went to get the vegetables prepared in the cellar, first made them fill their stomachs. They did n’t eat well outside, and each one looked pale and yellow, and they were uncomfortable looking at it. "

"Milk, I tell you, those things to eat outside are really unpalatable, and I'm really skinny. I just wanted to come back and ask you to make up for me. How much meat can I make up, it's all up to you!" Qian Wanjin immediately came together to sell miserable.

Liu Muqiu glanced at him, "Shao Dong's, your belly seems a bit bigger than when you left."

Qian Wanjin was so scared that his face turned discolored, and he immediately put his stomach in. "How could it be, you read it wrong. Grandpa has to lose a small waist now!"

"So small waistline, um ... quite rare." Liu Yusheng commented.

"Fujian, don't bring such a demolisher."

"That also requires you to have a desk for me."

Qian Wanjin was stuck, and in front of the woman's smiling face, He was speechless.

It would be easy if it was replaced by Feng Qingbai, and he could splash and roll against Feng Qingbai.

But what can he say to Fu Yan? My sister, spoiled me.

The family members of the family are all treasures.

With a long sigh, Qian Wanjin crooked his head and went to his wife for comfort.

"Everyone back? Enter the house and sit." The silver-haired woman in a fine cotton dress looked at the door of the hall, "Wange, I want hot noodles."

"Okay, I'll do it for you, wait." Madam Liu answered simply.

Qian Wanjin took a closer look at the old woman's face, and immediately uttered a voice, "Old lady, you have a wide heart and a fat body. See you last time, I have gained two full fats, hahaha!"

(End of this chapter)