Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 1304: Suffer bitterly and spicy

Chapter 1304: Suffering From Sickness To Hotness

Adzuki blinked, looked at the little pepper bitten by half a bite, and then looked at the elder brother who was flying with tears and snot, and Mimi pulled the little baby behind her.

My elder brother cried so badly, my younger brother was weak, and certainly not even better.

Let my brother eat it.

Turn around and feed the baby's digestive water in the small medicine bottle, "This is good, that is not good, ah-"

Little baby obediently opened her mouth and drank the potion.

When he saw this, Croton was angry. "I'm telling the truth. Chili is spicy. It can be eaten. If it's spicy, it won't support the stomach!"

Every time he eats the pepper, he will have a diarrhea soon, and it will be easy afterwards.

Better than drinking water.

Xiaoshui is a medicine, and it is a poisonous medicine.

Mother said!

"Eat a bite, I went to the vegetable garden to pick it myself." After being angry, Croton did not give up, and he handed the pepper to the little baby. "You are my younger brother. I have to cover you if you have a bite. You can take a bite and wait Pulled. "

The little baby looked at what was passed to her mouth and opened her mouth subconsciously.

Hongdou's eyes stared at the boss, and his brother had to cry for a while!

With both hands stretched out in time, and held the little baby who was about to bite the pepper, "croton, you can eat pepper, does not mean that my brother can eat. He has already eaten."

Liu Yusheng's forehead was drawn. If she hadn't eaten enough to come and have a look, the abandoned child would have been played badly.

She couldn't figure out, where did the son get so many celebrities?

Not unusual?

After being taught by his mother, Croton pulled back her small paw in depression, leaving half of the peppers in her mouth, and the tears were soaring.

He eats himself!

Grandpa Qin said that he was bitter and hot, and he was a man.

Spicy is as bad as bitterness, and it is the man who dares to eat it.

Why is there no one around me?

With the expression that everyone was drunk on my son's face, I was sober, and Liu Yusheng was very happy.

Croton is a little strong who can grow wildly when thrown into the wild mountains.

The first time she picked up the baby, Liu Yusheng paused.

very light.

When Croton and Red Beans were two years old, they hugged their hands much more than Xiaowa.

My heart flashed with pity. Liu Yusheng sat on the wooden couch, and his hand probed the baby.

Before looking at his face, he knew that he was extremely malnourished. Now looking at the veins, Liu Yusheng's face is even worse.

Not only malnutrition, but even the spleen and stomach are broken.

The health of the body is a mess.

"Mother-in-law?" Croton and Red Bean saw the mother-in-law's face was heavy and did not play any fun.

"Brother is in bad health. You are brothers and sisters. You need to take care of some hot and sour things. Do n’t give it to your brother. Do n’t let him eat raw fruits or anything. Especially you, Croton, ca n’t make a mess Now. "

Croton nodded. "Mother, don't worry, I'm sure I won't make a fool."

Bean sprouts are so weak, how can he bully him?

Besides, he didn't make a fool of him just now, he really can eat the pepper ...

"My dear, will my brother be okay?" Hongdou asked.

"Slow care, it will be fine."

After hearing the words, Red Bean rushed into Liu Yusheng's arms, "My mother is the best!"

Pony fart, this is also learned from her brother, Liu Yusheng could not help but "can not be the best father?"

Dad is the most powerful of these words on weekdays.

"Now my mother is the best!" The girl baby grinned at Xiaomi's teeth and smiled upwards at Liu Yusheng.

The forehead bangs are separated to the two sides, exposing the girl's brows, the red birthmark is beautiful like a bead.

After dinner, everyone in the compound sat in the temple house and began to ask carefully about what happened to Qian Wanjin in the city of exile.

Although I had received Qian Wanjin's letter before, the letter only mentioned a few words about what happened. They did not know anything other than knowing that Xinlan was killed by a girl.

At this moment, Qian Wanjin had a place to play, and the whole hall became his special event.

"You must not imagine how greedy goodness is. When I and Stone first arrived in the city of Exile, I went to see her and wanted to bring the baby back. She immediately raised the conditions, and without hesitation, she spoke 500,000 silver. Selling sons!-Finally, I stumbled to 82,000! "

"Who is Grandpa? Grandpa is a businessman! Can businessmen lose money on bargaining? Where can I keep my money in my face? Grandma, don't you?"

"I had settled it, and I wasn't going to kill everything. It was Xue Qinglian's business. Both of us set the next day to hand in the money and hand in hand, hey! It ’s a moth! I lost my life to play ! "

Mr. Liu and Mrs. Liu and other elders in the compound listened to Wei Hong most with interest.

The old man and others really wanted to know the cause and effect of the matter. Wei Hong was simply collecting gossips and going to the foot of the big locust tree to tell the old ladies in the village.

"Ah, you can say a little bit more about it. How come out of the moth? What kind of moth?" Wife Liu was anxious and asked.

Xiao Jinjin and Xianrou came back with the girl-in-law. People looked thin and weak, and they didn't look bad. After suffering so much, they finally dared to kill people after suffering so much. There must be a reason for Ya-Ming to die.

When Qian Wanjin started to tell the story, Frost actually started to feel nervous, curling up his palms and sweating uncontrollably.

The city of exile is a San Regal Zone, where it is normal for people to fight and kill, and no one will hold anyone dead.

But the place where she stays now is not the city of the three exiles, but Nanling and Xinghua Villagers' Home.

Ordinary people will react very much when they hear the dead, and they will be even more afraid of murderers.

She is now a murderer, with her master's blood on her hands.

She was afraid that the people in the compound would kick her out after listening to the story.

The world is big and she has nowhere to hide.

Qian Wanjin's story is still going on, and has already spoken of the favor of death.

The frosty palms became colder and sweatier, and their complexion became whiter.

"Oh, that's pitiful ..." Madam Liu frowned.

Frost bowed his head, closed his eyes, and did not dare to look at the expressions and eyes of the crowd, waiting for judgment.

Once she died, she would not go to death a second time. If she couldn't tolerate it here, she would still be able to live if she left.

"Frosty, you are so stupid. You should have fled with the abandoned child. She who broke her leg can catch up with you? You do n’t stay and you do n’t have a chance to be cast down. Why are you stupid?" Madam Liu continued to sigh. When Qian Wanjin said that when the girl-in-law was dying, she asked them to take care of the outcast, and she knew that the girl-in-law also loved the outcast.

It's just that life is too much tormenting and it will torture a person beyond recognition.

The girl is poor, so is the puppet.

The most abominable is that maiden.

But these are things she took for granted. It is one thing for them to be outsiders. Whether the parties can do it is another thing. There are many reasons why they cannot do it, because they cannot see or know.

Furthermore, loyalty and loyalty to the master did not mean that he was forced into despair, and he could never do anything against his master and master. If there is, it is a problem with the nature of the minions.

Even at night, there was a goblin saying that I only make two more chapters every day. Orange drumming and drumming is wrong!

(End of this chapter)