Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 1307: He is a deep croton

Chapter 1307: He Is A Croton With Depth

The entrance of the house was surrounded by many lively villagers, and even there were people who loved to join in the fun.

Many people heard Mrs. Liu's words at the tip of her ears and raised her throat to respond, "Yes, you will be your own person after living in Xinghua Village. You can just sip anything."

"What a good day just started, cry, and have a good life in the future!"

"I heard that you are going to work in the distillery too. The distillery is here. If you can't get up in the morning, we will call you when we pass by!"

The villagers who responded did not necessarily know what happened to Han Shuang, but they had spent much of their life with Mrs. Liu. After listening to her, they could hear the story of the woman.

Those stories should not be investigated.

Turn around and look around the villagers outside the door and the wall, bending over frostily, and saluting these people, "Thank you."

The voice was not loud, but everyone felt her gratitude.

"Okay, what are your mother-in-laws doing around here, don't you have to work? Spring sowing hasn't happened yet!" Madam Liu said, "Hurry home and cook!"

"It's still early, what's the rush? You people who are busy in the kitchen are still here, and we're not in a hurry." There was a good laugh outside the room.

That being said, the people at the door finally dispersed.

In a village, you can ask anything at any time. Don't rush.

Laughed away the crowd with a smile, Mrs. Liu didn't stay in the room any more, and took her two daughters-in-law and Hanshuang home first.

To move over with frost, you need to prepare a lot of things, such as bed quilts, tables, chairs, and tableware.

Han Shuang had wanted to stay and clean the house first, and didn't want to bother the people in the compound. They had taken care of her enough.

As a result, she was stopped by Mrs. Liu and said not to be in a hurry, cleaning the house was just a blink of an eye.

Soon, Han Shuang saw with his own eyes how fast the so-called blinking effort was.

It was just a blink of an eye that the dusty and cobwebbed room was cleaned.

When I was going to clean up, every time I went to the house along the road, Wife Liu snarled, and when I got to the house, I followed almost half of the village's women.

The battle fools Frosty directly.

So many people cleaned the house together, so fast that some people didn't grab the job.

After that, Mrs. Liu smiled frostily with her hands on her hips, "Yes, I said very quickly. If you really let yourself be stubborn, you have to be busy for at least two or three days. You just have to clean up that pigpen All day. "

The key is not time consuming, it is because the pigsty is smelly, people stay in it for so long, they are not tired and faint.

From setting up an idea to live by himself to moving in, Frost spent only a day in total.

Before leaving, Liu Yusheng handed her a document, "You hold this thing, keep it well, and you will have roots later."

Frosty's hand was shaking, and slowly opened the document. It was a personal identity document.

Frosty, single-family, native of Xinghua Village, Cangwu Town, Xiangshan, Yunzhou.

Looking at the first line of words, frosty tears burst out, crying silently.

That unbearable frost is dead.

Now she has a new identity, representing her new life.

Before leaving Liu's courtyard, Han Fang knelt on the ground and banged his head a few times towards the people in the courtyard.

This love, she remembered forever.

In the future, wherever the Liu family used her, she would rather die.

At last, she looked at the quiet little baby standing beside the crowd, carrying a small bag with frost, and went to her home.

Watching the thin figure walking away, Qian Yi wondered, "Grandma Liu, don't we need to send her there? She doesn't live far away, just at the entrance to the village."

"No, we sent her. Instead, she was uncomfortable. It was the most appropriate way to deal with it lightly." Mrs. Liu smiled, and did not explain more.

Liu Yusheng understood what grandma thought.

It's really the most suitable for such faintness.

Because they are the only ones who know the frosty past.

Seeing them will make Han Su inevitably think of that past, and always remind her of her past misfortune.

It's better to pull out not far and close, as it is now, and frost can be more comfortable.

There are things they don't care about, but not everyone can cross that threshold.

It didn't take long to walk from the village's innermost to the village entrance, and the villagers greeted them along the road.

Those enthusiasm and simplicity were never seen before by Frost.

To the villagers, she all responded with a nod.

When he reached his own small yard, he pushed open the newly installed wooden door, walked in, and frostily walked through every corner of the room.

Finally, I saw tall wood stacked in the stove, a large bag of rice, and a basket of vegetables. Oil and salt are on the stove.

Looking at these things, Han Fangyu stood for a long time, then slowly squatted down and hugged herself, crying.

Here she received all the goodwill she could get in the first half of her life.

At noon, the frost was sent away, and the people in the compound returned to the house to rest. The grandfathers in the family had to work in the field after a nap, and the compound did not mess up their orderly life because they had left alone.

When the masters went off to work, the family members were doing housework at home, and the children at home were not idle. They drank the little carrot heads in the village and ran across the mountains.

The difference is that there were only two people who played croton and red beans before, this time they had a little tail behind them.

The little tail was pulled by Croton as the boss.

The name is beautiful, as a younger brother, where is the boss, the younger brother should follow.

The baby didn't understand at all, he only knew when he understood.

Little baby doesn't speak, he also assumes he is the default.

The boss feels good about himself.

"Boss, where are we going to play?" A group of small carrots around Croton asked with interest.

Shouting the boss is very smooth, and there is always fun behind the boss.

With one hand on his hips and a straw straw ring on his head, Croton waved his hand to the Qinghe River. "Copy the guy, pick the field snail today!"

"Are we going to eat boiled snails?"

Croton raised his little hand and took a photo on the door of the small carrot one by one, "What do we want to eat? We pick it up for the elders! Nanling takes filial piety as the sky and starts with the baby!"

Pick it up, wouldn't the grandma do it for him?

That is impossible.

But this cannot be said outside.

Uncle Qinglian said that the deepest person in the world is the most difficult to deal with. If you want to make you feel deep, you must have depth first. Depth should be installed without depth.

He is a deep croton, can he talk about the snail?

"Hurry up, buckets, net bags, and some of them!" He is going to eat a large pot today! And add spicy sauce to eat! Enough guys!

(End of this chapter)