Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 1315: Again

Chapter 1315

"A sneeze--"

"A sneeze--"

It was a series of sneezes again, and Feng Mozhu rubbed his nose. "It must be Huangshu Huangjiji."

The small board looked at the nose and heart, and didn't speak.

What the emperor said was what, and he could stop the emperor from dreaming?

"I have sneezed with two heads in the last three days. It is estimated that people in the compound want to think hard. Find a time, and I will go over and see."

The emperor continued to talk to himself, Xiaobanzi was about to hesitate.

The emperor was racking his brains thinking about various excuses to leave the palace and go to Xinghua Village, and he didn't want to think what kind of Buddha was squatting in Xinghua Village. How could he go?

"Emperor, it's getting late, it's time to rest." Seeing that the emperor had gone a little bit into trouble, Xiaoban opened his mouth to remind him to interrupt the emperor's thoughts.

"Clean around the Temple of God?"

"According to the emperor's order, the circle around Gande Hall was cleared, and no one was allowed to approach, it was safe."

"Someone popped up near the dormitory yesterday and almost knocked me down." The emperor's tone was a little cold.

The small board's forehead slid down the black line. Yesterday, indeed, a fish leaking out of the net suddenly appeared, but it was very different from hitting the arms and knocking down.

The emperor is so incomprehensible, and thanks to him being an emperor, otherwise which woman would follow such a stone?

Boring and ruthless.

"Are you slandering in the belly?" The emperor's eyes narrowed, and the sharp eyes made Xiao Banzi face the King of Nanling.

His legs were kneeled softly, "The emperor is angry, the slave is afraid! How can a slave betray the emperor, and the slave can be loyal to the emperor and be loyal to him?"

"It's like singing a line on a big show. It's two sentences every time. You don't get tired of hearing it," Feng Moyan snorted coldly, got up and assumed his hand, "set the car and go back to the palace."

"Yes!" Xiao Banzi got up, still worried.

Just now the emperor suddenly looked imposing, and he really looked like a complete ten, and he was indeed taught by him.

After being frightened, Xiaoban didn't dare to neglect, followed the emperor respectfully, and made obituaries for what Minger was going to do.

"Minger is officially drafted. The emperor needs to attend. The time is set after the early dynasty. Lord Liu said that if the emperor can't get the mood, go there and close your eyes.

"It's meant to let me go there as a decoration."

Little board, "..." That's right.

"anything else?"

"Also, Lord Liu said that the emperor knew something, so he didn't need to remind him more."

"that's it?"

"Oh!" Xiao Banzi slaps his head. "Master Liu also said that the emperor is a dynasty Mingjun, dedicated to the country and the society, and has good care for courtiers.

The word "Fu Bao" made Feng Moyu's eyes light up, then disappeared, his face calmed, "Master Liu is the most worried."

"Master Liu is also loyal to the emperor."

"You have become more and more proficient at slipping horses."

"Emperor Mingjian, the slaves are telling the truth."

Feng Moyu snorted softly, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, but he could see that he was in a good mood.

Uncle Xia, like Huang, has strict supervision over him, but is really good for him.

Not only do you know Uncle Xia, the entire Liu family compound treats him sincerely.

Those people will never betray him.

As an emperor, there are people in his life who can trust him with all his heart, which is his luck.

The small board was on the side and secretly looked at the emperor's face by the palace lights on both sides. When his eyes touched the corner of his slightly raised mouth, he felt relieved.

The emperor was in a good mood, and his life was better.

However, when looking back, he accidentally touched a mass of things on the ground, and Xiao Ban's face was not immediately good-looking.

It's a papa again!

Is there something new?

Do you dare not be so obvious?

Can it be seen at a glance?

In the half month since the show, the show girls have successively entered the palace and waited for the final selection. In order to increase the odds of the show, the show girls have continued to emerge endlessly, creating various encounters with the emperor.

Drop the parrot, pretend to be lost, and be frightened ... In the road that the emperor must pass, all kinds of things can make you startled.

It doesn't matter if you do it twice or too many times, it is really annoying.

It is no wonder that the emperor called the Guards to strictly guard the full range of the hall, and did not allow those people to approach, otherwise it would really be impossible to sleep.

In my heart, to think of it this way, the small board on the face did not dare to show his true emotions. After all, he was just a slave.

Some things the emperor can do well, but he is absolutely impossible. Who knows if one of the diapauses will be the future queen?

So he has to do it for his face.

"Emperor, there is a par in front ..."

The emperor stepped on it, and did not know whether it was really not seen or fake.

The small board heard the sound, and watched the surroundings secretly, guessing at what direction a certain beauty would come out. He had to be prepared to rescue the emperor at any time, so as not to bump the beauty into the emperor's arms. .

"Yeah, I found it. My drop fell there!" Jiao Didi's voice came from behind the garden on the side of the front palace road, and then a light figure turned lightly, just to meet them.

Xiaoban rolled her eyes secretly, came, and was fake.

"Little board, what are you doing there? Do you want to go?"

"The slaves didn't dare! The slaves came to the emperor!" Upon hearing the dissatisfaction of the emperor's voice, Xiaoban immediately pulled up his heels.

As for the drilled woman who looks round and flat, he has not had time to see clearly.

who cares.

Not his beauty.

The emperor didn't look at him, what did he look at?

"Emperor, emperor ?!" The woman's voice showed surprise and surprise, and hurriedly bowed down to salute. "Feng Susu, daughter of Fengzhou Mountain in Jizhou prefecture, has seen the emperor, but she didn't know that the emperor was here. Her words collided with the emperor. Please forgive the emperor!"

The woman was kneeling in the middle of the palace road. To get around her, Feng Moyu had to walk sideways.

The dragon boots stopped in front of the kneeling woman. "Come here to pick up the parcel?"

"Return to the emperor, carelessly careless, accidentally lost the embroidered embroidery embroidery he embroidered by hand, and this was found."

Talking about the woman picking up the embroidery in front of her, holding it in her hands, a bunch of splashing water on the embroidered surface was presented in front of Feng Moyu to prove that she was not lying.

"鸳鸯 Embroidered pal? 朕 I saw such an ugly pal for the first time," Feng Moyan carried his back with one hand, standing high, holding his eyes cool, "they all said that things are like the master, this pal, follow You look a lot. "

The patrol around the patrol had come over, pulling the woman aside to give way.

Feng Moyu walked straight forward, without squinting, not looking at the woman's severely hit face.

Xiao Banzi bowed his head and followed him, Qingxiu's face turned red.

The emperor just said that the piece of papa was absolutely ugly, and that the thing looked like the owner, wasn't that just cursing and cursing the woman?

Seeing that a beautiful woman is so angry, she will faint at any time.

(End of this chapter)