Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 1333: Strictly speaking, you should call me da

Chapter 1333 Strictly speaking, you should call me dad (28)

"Feng Yueguo is rich in medicinal materials." Feng Qingbai said.

In a word, without further explanation, the other three immediately understood the meaning behind Feng Qingbai.

He is a divine doctor, Xue Qinglian is a poison doctor. Both are healers.

And medicine is inseparable from medicine.

"Ordinary doctors can't consume so many medicinal materials, even if I am a divine doctor, I can't save another Fengyue Kingdom." Xue Qinglian touched her chin. "If I remember correctly, what medical school did you intend to build?"

At first, he was ordered by his uncle to lie half-dead in the Nanling King's Mansion. In order to save him, he recruited two apprentices to complete the operation.

The idea of ​​building a medical school was her idea at that time.

It was just that too much happened later, and he did not follow up.

Does Feng Qingbai always remember this guy?

Alas, I really did not marry him.

Regarding the medical school, Qian Wanjin and Liu Zhiqiu have never heard of, "Medical school? Medical students? You mean that you plan to start a college to teach students?"

"Oh my mother! If that's the case, then we won't see the divine doctor everywhere in Nanling?" Qian Wanjin patted his chest, his frightened face turned red.

The sacred doctor on the street, how much money will the sacred doctor be worth by then?

But after thinking about it, my mind settled again.

No matter how many psychic doctors there are in Nanling, they have to use herbs. In addition, students are required to learn medicine by opening classes. If he could hold Feng Yueguo's medicinal materials in his hands, it would be a fortune to heaven!

This sale has been done.

Feng Yue Guo, go!

As long as it is something that can benefit, Feng Qingbai will not pit him, he is completely relieved.

"Feng Qingbai, when does it leave?" Qian Wanjin roared anxiously, his mind was full of silver bills dancing, waiting for him to pick it up.

Feng Qingbai thin lips lightly opened, "Late July."


Are you playing?

The letter from the capital said clearly that 100,000 people were in a hurry. Feng Yueguo couldn't hold on for a long time under the pressure of Beicang in East Vietnam. People were waiting for Nanling to save their lives. Feng Qingbai said that the end of July?

At the end of July?

More than three months left! Since he is not so anxious, now sit here with them to discuss a fart!

Qian Wanjin felt that the silver tickets in his head were flying away one by one.

Heart hurts!

Xue Qinglian and Liu Zhiqiu simply flung Feng Qingbai with a big white eye, both got up and went to the stove to find food.

Smell the smell first come first serve.

One, two, three, all of them were gone.

Feng Qingbai looked out of the hall. An old couple was helping each other to take a long walk. The old woman's belly was already pregnant. The weight was not so light that the old woman looked very bulky when she walked.

But the smile on her face was like the sunset on the horizon, warm and dazzling. For many years, many years, she never smiled like this, she radiated joy and hope all over her.

Feng Qingbai smiled and looked away.

In mid-July, the little guy in the old lady's belly should be out.

Not seeing their mother and son in peace, can not rest assured that they will not feel relieved wherever they go. How to say it is also the person he shouted for so long.

They were there to accompany her, and the old lady was happy in her heart, she said nothing.

Outside, Qin Xiao lowered her head and said something in the old woman's ear. The old woman's face smiled slightly, and she glanced into the hall, then the corner of her eyes smiled even more.

Feng Qingbai got up and went to the inner court to find his prosperity. When he was the most annoying, he saw the love and affection of others.

"General, have you ever heard a word called Hachiko? Love to eavesdrop on the corner and have a long tongue." As he passed by the old couple, Wang Ye passed the voice.

"Strictly speaking, you should call my father." The general answered calmly.

"The first dad you heard in life, sure to call me?" Wang Ye calmly.

"Walk slowly."

"No need to send."

After a little confrontation, Wang Shishi Ran drifted into the inner courtyard, exulting Qin Xiao.

"Again with Feng Qingbai?" The woman beside her smiled.

"Not noisy, quarrel." Qin Xiao's eyes dropped, and she stuck to the old woman's belly. "Did you kick you just now?"

"I won't tell you if you kick."


With the man speechless, the queen queen was in a very good mood and her lips were raised higher. "Walk for a while to go to the stove, and accompany me to two beans and seven or seven."

The man glanced under his eyes, "OK."

The stove was extremely lively at this time.

Three big men and three little babies grabbed.

Croton fought for being young, and desperately coquettishly with the old lady behind the stove. "Ma'am, look at Uncle Jinjin, Uncle Qinglian and Eryi, and come to grab the food with the little baby. Your cheeks are thick! Madam you fry Good shrimps come out a little bit and let them go to the side! "

"A little bit? Croton, look at your uncle and you, this little body, it ’s enough to jam your teeth? Liu Family Courtyard takes filial piety as the first thing to understand? Hey, you guys in this small bowl take it to eat next to you, Enough to fill your belly. "

Mrs. Liu really took a small bowl out of Croton's request, and prepared to give Qian Wanjin a few solutions, and was transferred to Qianwa by Qian Wanjin. Three pairs of eyes stared at the pot that was not ready.

"Prince, Taigong--" Qiqi couldn't speak, but Liangdou had a trick.

One fluttered into the arms of an old man, and one hugged his wife's thigh.

The old man held the red beans and calmly set the fire, and the wife Liu first put out the fried shrimp, and then held the spatula toward the three big ones.

What are you most afraid of? The old lady Liu who was most afraid of the guy with her hand in her hand. With the weapon in hand, the old lady could chase them around Xinghua Village for three laps.

"..." Qian Wanjin quickly brought the small bowl over, and ran out of the stove with Xue Qinglian and Liu Zhiqiu. "It's enough to have a small bowl to solve the problem!"

"Oh oh oh oh—"

"Slightly slightly--"

In the cooking room, is the horn of victory for the little baby.

The fragrant fried river prawns were freshly baked and brought back by the baby. Old Lady Liu did not plan to serve the dish, so the baby was eaten separately.

Looking at more in one basket, in fact, not much after being fried.

"Tai Gong, Tai Po, ah — open your mouth." Croton and red beans ate happily, and did not forget to feed the two old men who continued to cook for dinner.

There are seven or seven, which is their focus to take care of.

Croton, in particular, made up his mind to get rid of raw things in Qiqi, and the best way was to let him taste the food.

Raised his mouth, Croton did not believe that he could continue to smash mud after turning around!

"Seven or seven, you eat more. The prawns made by your mother-in-law are delicious. My mother said that if you eat this long one, you will eat as much as you can and will be as high as me soon!

Seventy-seven was not slow to eat, and was still full of croton's small mouth, and the two cheeks became marmots.

Mrs. Liu and the father continued to cook while enjoying the feeding of the baby. The smile on her face never disappeared.

With more little dolls in the house, life is more delicious.

Last month's debt was finally paid off, hahaha! I smile proudly, I smile proudly ~ It's nothing this month! I can definitely pay it back ~ I must pay it back ~ If you don't pay back, you will draw my little whip! Humph!

(End of this chapter)