Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 1389: Not the most insidious, only more insidi

Chapter 1389 There Is No Most Insidious, Only More Insidious

"If you agree, Fengyue will be the same as before, wind and rain."

The study is quiet.

Quiet to breathe.

Feng Lin and Feng Yi both reacted slowly for several beats. I don't know if it was to stop the joy, or the end result was actually not satisfactory and did not meet their expectations.

"As a monarch, how did you decide to get the ink? Tweaked ..." Like a girl, Qian Wanjin was dissatisfied.

"This account doesn't need to be counted at all, you have already taken a big advantage. In cooperation with our Nanling, you can still leave half of the gold mine, which is almost too much to be stolen than lowering your head to Dongyue Beicang?"

"More about medicinal materials, isn't your Fengyue going to exchange medicinal materials for common people's livelihood anyway? That's no different from me in business. The difference is that before you sold medicinal materials to a lot of people, it was still scattered. It ’s a fixed line. As long as you give medicinal materials, I have all the money and all the money, and the price is definitely not pitting you. You can inquire about it. My Qian family has always been fair in doing business.

"Finally, there is a tribute. The same tribute as before, no pressure? You ca n’t make money? You think about Xiliang. Compared with Xiliang, Nanling is very kind to you, and you do n’t rob him in the fire. Then, in the future, you will be covered by Nanling. Who dares to watch your villains bully you less? The Nanling King has carried the sword for you. This is the strongest shield! "

From Qian Wanjin's mouth, as long as Feng Yue cooperates with Nanling, he should meet the conditions of Feng Qingbai, and the benefits are countless.

Who hesitates who is stupid.

"Thank you, Grandpa for helping! Feng Feng should have given me these conditions!" Feng Lin finally returned to God, and she said something to her.

Ever since they decided to tell the Nanling King about the gold mine, they did not expect that the other party would let them hold the gold mine completely.

Asking people to do things, they must pay a price.

As Qian Wanjin said, this cost is actually much smaller than their estimates.

Indeed, King Nanling did not rob.

Compared with his fierce hands against Xiliang and Fengyue, his conditions are extremely kind.

At least, Fengyue still holds half of the gold mines, and the national dynasty does not need to be reduced to slavery. The people of Fengyue do not need to be slaves to the country.

When it comes to this, it is basically conclusive.

Before leaving, Feng Yi still had one last worry. "Master, now there are courtiers in Chaotang who have taken refuge in Dongyue and Beicang respectively. For the cooperation between our two parties, they will certainly try their best to prevent it, and may not do anything. If things come, how can Wang Ye cope? "

Feng Qingbai smiled and smiled coldly. "But they are grasshoppers after the autumn. They don't have to worry about them. They jump on their backs. When they fall behind, they will see if they can jump to the sky."

"..." The back of the room was cold.

Leaving the palace, riding on the carriage back to the house, Qian Wanjin's excitement to settle the business has not passed yet, grasping Feng Qingbai kept whispering, expressing his regret, "This business is taken down, and Dongyue Beicang needs to You can only buy scarce medicinal materials from me, and you should not make a lot of money. But no matter how much you earn, you ca n’t compare to a gold mine that can dig out gold directly. Feng Qingbai, how do you say you are suddenly kind this time? Get up? 50% of the veins, you do n’t feel a little bit, even if you do n’t want people to feel like you are as greedy as Dongyue Beicang, anyway, you can say that 70%, 60% is fine. You can share the extra 10% or 20% Me! "

"Do you think Nanling has lost money?"

"... That's not to say. Although Dongyue Beicang's mouth is 80%, they are divided equally between the two dynasties, and each side can only get 40%. You can get 50% and get more than Dongyue Beicang. Actually, Your kindness is not like you. You tell me the truth, do you still have a plot behind you? "

Feng Qingbai is definitely not a kind person who will be merciful because of his compassion for others. Also, does he have mercy on this thing?

Anyway, for twenty years that Qian Wanjin has known Ya, he has never seen compassion on Feng Qingbai.

"You've been noisy for a long time, and your mouth isn't dry?" Feng Qingbai was a little overwhelmed, his brows frowned slightly, and he closed his eyes and leaned on the carriage.

"I drank half a pot of tea in Yushufang. It's okay. You finish talking to me first, and I won't let you sleep after that."

This, of course, gave Feng Qingbai the urge to kick people out.

It's not that he doesn't want to be polite to Qian Wanjin. When he encounters this, he can't be polite.

"For the entire continent, there are no fewer than sixty nations, only four strong nations, but small nations account for more than fifty. Most of them have to rely on strong nations to survive. But these forces cannot be underestimated. Dozens of small nations Twisted into a rope, there may not be a battle with powerful nations. "

"Oh, I see! You are fishing for a long line of fish!" After Feng Qingbai finished speaking, Qian Wanjin excitedly stroked his hand, he said that Feng Qingbai was definitely not a kind man. If he was kind, he would definitely be another Some pictures.

"You are kind to Feng Yue, so that other small countries can see your attitude towards the dependent countries. With Feng Yue Kingdom as an example, compared with the harshness of Dongyue Beicang, after the small country wants to choose a tributary country, Nanling is definitely the first choice! With more and more small countries in Nanling, the national strength will inevitably continue to strengthen. At that time, Dongyue and Beicang will really only have to look to Nanling! "

Not the most insidious, only the more insidious.

All these years he was still alive and well under Feng Qingbai's hands, and he was able to jump around, all because of his wealth and good luck.

"Feng Qingbai, you are so insidious, I like it so much!"

"Second goods."

"Hey, I'll just brag you, don't kick your nose on your face!"

Feng Qingbai's long eyes opened a gap, and coldly swept towards the shouting man.

Mou immediately turned her head out the window and looked up.

Brother, he is older, so let brothers deserve it.

It's so distressing to have such a wayward brother.

Back to the house is already Xia, the whole house courtyard is bathed in the sun, warm and quiet.

The living room was empty, and the small garden next to it was empty.

Qian Wanjin dragged Feng Qingbai and walked directly to the guest house. "I'm sure I took my baby girl over there and walked away. She must be anxious to know the outcome of the negotiation!"

"Isn't you anxious to say?"

"Am I so unstable?"

"Shut up later." After earning a lot of money, the man rubbed his wrist.

"... Shut up and shut up, anyway, I'm also a little bit dry, and leave the good news to you."

Thirty years Hedong, thirty years Hexi, huh!

Far away, before the person entered the guest house, they heard the laughter from inside, intertwined with the baby and the woman yelling.

Unconsciously, the two men smiled together and walked inside.

Three more completed, good night goblins!

(End of this chapter)