Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 1398: Come, throw it out

Chapter 1398: Come, Throw It Out

At the door of the house, Bian Liang took a deep breath and led someone into the door.

This mansion was formerly the residence of the senior officials of Fengdu, but the housekeeper fell and the house was left vacant. It was eventually requisitioned by the court to entertain Fengyue's highest guest.

The existing servants in the house were all dialed down from the palace, and the rules were very good.

Three people from their side of the house appeared here, for fear that the front foot had just arrived, and the news of the rear foot had already passed into Fengyuewang's ears.

The way Bian Liang went in, there was some confusion in his mind, he couldn't understand his thoughts, and he couldn't calm down.

He is not afraid of King Fengyue. With his real power in his ten years of supervision, King Fengyue now has to shun him by four or five points. At the court, Thai officials need to look at his face and act.

It can be said that he has the strength to fight against the court of Fengyuewang.

However, he was afraid of King Nanling.

I do n’t want to admit it anymore, I have to admit it.

When he was a tiger without a tiger in the mountain, he was barely a monkey.

In the presence of King Nanling, what is this Fengyue Minister of State for?

If it really weighs, the king of Nanling dare to let out his mad words and raz him to the government?

He is strong, but he is weak.

Weak, can only bow his head.

So now he's standing here.

The hall was close in front of me, taking a deep breath again, and Bian Liang walked in. After seeing the people sitting in the hall, he saluted.

"Ben Liang, Minister of the State Council of Fengyue, and Bian Taichu, accompanied by his son, came to ask the prince and prince for reparations. Today, the family had a sorrow but no eyes. At the door of the house, people brought us here, and at the disposal of the royal prince and concubine, I have nothing to say to the state government! "

Bian Liang's crispness was somewhat surprising.

Liu Yusheng looked at him more specifically.

At the age of sixty, her hair was gray, a slightly square face looked serious, and there were deep grooves on the corners of her mouth.

The deepest was the eyes, deep.

Most of the officials in the high ranks seem to look like this.

Let ordinary people not see the depth.

Bian Taichu behind him looked more mediocre, and was immediately drowned when placed in a pile of people. There was no bright spot.

Bian Zhaohua looks like her mother.

Withdrawing his thoughts, Liu Yusheng looked at Feng Qingbai.

Others will come because of the deterrent power of Feng Qingbai. When Bian Liang came in, he opened his door and showed an unusually simple performance.

In order to change the attitude of Qingbai.

"Since Lord Bian has already punished him, the King is not irresponsible, but it is better if you don't want to be yin and yang," Feng Qingbai said with a faint smile on his face, but his eyes were completely different. It ’s cool, hiding sharpness, “My king ’s time in Fengyue will not be too long, and it does n’t mean that the sentence of the imprisonment of the border government will not be too long. Do n’t go this way, and the prison government will turn around and pick up people. Going back, my king hates being fooled. "

"My lord, my courtiers have paid tribute to the door, and everyone knows it. The lord is my Fengyue guest, and a benefactor who solves my problems for Fengyue. No matter how good Bian Liang is, he dare not avenge his benevolence and play tricks on him. No matter who it is If you are disrespectful to Wang Ye, it is disrespectful to your subordinates, and I am a sinner of Fengyue! The subordinates will not spare him! "

The smile on the corner of Feng Qingbai's mouth really cut off, "Since this is the case, the King of the Atonement has accepted it, and the Superintendent Guo Jian and the assistant minister will return first."

Around the house, there were countless people who lively gathered.

Watching his father and son walk into the house with their own eyes, and watching them coming out with their own eyes, it took only a quarter of an hour.

At such a time, many people hid in the corner and laughed. The superintendent of State Supervision paid tribute to King Nanling and the princess, for fear that he would not even drink a cup of tea for the guests.

Moreover, Bian Zhaohua, who had been carried up, was gone and wanted to stay in the house.

I have to say that Jian Guo adults really heartily.

Bian Zhaohua offended Prince Wang, and wanted to take the initiative to the small county. This time, the family personally offered to the Prince Wang to pay the guilt, but can he still get better? Bian Liang bought his own granddaughter in exchange for his future imperial government.

The news here was passed back to the mansions through the mouth of the surrounding spies in an instant.

In a short period of time, Jiangufu became the object of much discussion in the city and the object of everyone's ridicule.

After Bian Liang and his son left, the crowd outside the house did not completely disperse. Many people insisted on staying and wanted to wait and see what would happen. Bian Zhaohua fell into the hands of the couple and the king of Nanling. What happened.

"How do you say King Nanling and Princess will treat Bian Zhaohua?"

"Bian Zhaohua, Jian Guofu has issued a statement to expel her from the house, and it will have nothing to do with Jian Guofu in the future. Without the backing, Yibian Zhaohua has offended so many people in these years, even the king of Nanling did nothing Bian Zhaohua will not be better off in Fengdu. "

"We can't guess here, just wait and see. Anyway, Bian Zhaohua won't have a good end. She's upset, I don't know how many people are happy."

The people talking in the corner were gloating, their emotions were high, and laughter kept coming out.

In the house, watching Grandpa and Dad really throw themselves here, Bian Zhaohua was desperate for a while.

She offended King Nanling, but she was beaten like this, and she didn't even have the strength to speak. Isn't this end enough?

What else should I do to her?

Opening his eyes, he looked at the three men sitting in a seat with ease, and Bian Zhaohua was afraid and hated.

They were high above them, showing how embarrassing she was at this moment.

"Feng Qingbai, wouldn't you really plan to leave her in the house? That's it. I think she's not good enough to be a girl, let alone people can't move," Qian Wanjin calculated, "I told You say, if you want to cure her, you will be punished. I do n’t agree and waste money. Even if Fuyi is a doctor, that wo n’t work. Fuyi doctors are more expensive than outside doctors. It ’s not cost-effective. ”

Liu Yusheng pumped wildly from the corner of his mouth, and did not understand how Qian Wanjin came up with the strange idea.

Heal Bian Zhaohua? Revenge after healed? Do more.

Feng Qingbai did not speak. Take a sip of tea and lower the cup. The bottom of the cup falls on the table and makes a slight click. The sound is like a hammer hitting Bian Zhaohua's heart, and the fear is even worse.

"Come, throw it out."

A brief silence accumulated Bian Zhaohua's heart fear to the fullest, and then she heard the man speak, only saying these five words.

"No, no ... rao ... life!" After fighting hard, Bian Zhaohua asked for mercy.

Soon, someone came to hold her, carried her out, and threw it directly to the gate of the house.

It's like throwing garbage.

When the person tossing her left, she patted the dust that did not exist on her hand, as if she was poisonous.

Three more complete. Good night, little fairies, I'll write and save.

(End of this chapter)