Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 1401: It's a joke to get the axe

Chapter 1401 The Axe Of The Class Is Just A Joke

Liu Yusheng's words were to answer Croton, but also to tell the woman.

After the re-examination, he re-opened a conditioning prescription and handed it to the woman, "You take this prescription, and follow the prescription to take the medicine. You should have no problem walking out of bed after half a month, and you will be able to support yourself by then."

The woman took the prescription, and after listening to Liu Yusheng's words, she pinched the prescription and tightened with no trace. "Mrs. Afraid that I would not leave?"

Liu Yusheng glanced at her, with some surprises, "What is terrible? This house is not ours, we will leave in a few days. Then you just do not want to leave, I am afraid it will not work."

No matter how generous Feng Lin is, she will not be generous to let the people in the palace entertain the VIPs, staying to serve a wounded person, or a stranger.

"You're leaving? So fast?" The woman blurted out almost subconsciously.

"Unhappy, we stayed here for almost a month, things are done, and naturally it is time to leave." Packing the medicine box, Liu Yusheng said to the woman, "You can rest in peace for two days, by the way. Is there any place I can go to? If so, we will send someone to send you where you want to go before leaving. Pingshui meets, all that can be done. "

The words are a little offensive, but they are reasonable.

The woman was silent.

Seeing her like this, Liu Yusheng didn't continue to say anything, and picked up the medicine chest and left.

She is a doctor and has been used to life and death. She has learned to control emotions in treating patients.

Not cold, not too warm, just do what you should do.

Croton easily stole a bit of respite from his father's punishment. Naturally, he wouldn't go back with his mother, so quickly jump into the net. I talked to my mother, took Qiqi and Red Beans to wander around in the yard, and went for fun.

This yard, he likes to come, because there are pomegranate trees, as well as lush gardens and beautiful flowerbeds. Canna flowers planted in the flowerbeds are blooming at the most beautiful time, red and yellow, and the colors are extremely gorgeous. After picking the flower, **** it gently at the bottom of the stamen, and you can still **** out the sweet nectar.

He has been scourged a lot in these two days.

"You ca n’t pick too much at one time, and you ’ve finished all the flowers, and you do n’t have to eat tomorrow. No matter what we do, we have to keep flowing, do n’t you know?" The newly picked flowers were divided into the sister and the seven or seven hands. Here, Croton's old-fashioned Hengqiu education, "Three red beans, seven or two, my appetite is the best, still the boss, I have four. Well, eat it quickly, it's a pity that the nectar leaks out."

Suck the nectar, which is a matter of mouth. After seven or seven, pick up the flowers that were thrown on the ground, and walk towards the guest room.

"July, what are you doing?"

Looking back seven or seven, with a slight gesture in one hand.

"Hold these up again and insert the vase? There aren't even any branches. Put the vase in half a day at most ... forget it, you go, get back and hurry up, I'll take you to the alley next door."

Adzuki, "Brother, did you find someone fighting?"

Croton, "..."

After correcting the expression on his face, Croton explained to his sister, "Brother did n’t find someone to fight, brother just found someone to learn. Learn two or three hours of kung fu every day, you always have to see what level you have learned, can you make progress only through communication? Do you understand? Don't tell your parents! "

"I don't say it, Uncle Zi can also say it." Hongdou couldn't figure out why his brother was so stupid.

It's all about stealing the bell.

Croton gnawed on the flowerbed, out of breath.

This head went into the guest room seventy-seven, walked to the vase where he used to put the flowers in the past two days, and threw all the flowers in.

It's not the same as Croton's idea of ​​inserting a vase. This vase is a bit large, and the flowers fall into the bottle as soon as they are put on it.

Stimulated the parasites in the bottle, buzzed out of the bottle, and slowly flew back.

"These bugs seem to be afraid of you." On the bed, the woman sitting up against the bed, her voice was slightly hoarse.

Qiqi took a look at her and went out.

"You throw the flowers in, are you raising insects?" The woman did not intend to let him go, smiled, raised her hands, and slowly bulged a small bag with her fingers, quickly moving towards her fingertips, with a slight beep A black bug emerged from the body.

"Empty has a talent, but can't find a way to use it, it's violently violent." Turning his head, facing the quiet sight of Qiqi, the woman's smile widened.

Turning around, he walked towards the woman in seven or seven, and walked to the bed before stopping. At this height, he had to look up at the woman.

But the quiet look made him completely unaware of his downside.

The little palm stretched out flat and spread out in the air. The black bug that rushed out of the woman's finger, as if attracted by something, immediately jumped to his hand.

Seventy-seven fingers twisted lightly, flipped the palms, and the twisted insects fell to the ground.

The woman's face changed.

From beginning to end, Xiao Waer didn't say a word, but he used his actions to slap his face severely.

Like talking about the ones she did just now, it's not worth mentioning in his eyes.

It's a joke to get the axe.

After the shock, the woman's eyes quickly overflowed with ecstasy.

"You can drive worms, but I'm watching, but you're just a layman on worm farming," lowered her body, and the woman whispered, "I teach you how?"

With four eyes facing each other, Wa'er's expression still couldn't see any change, and I didn't know if she had heard her words in her ears.

But the woman believed that he could definitely understand.

This baby can never be a fool if she can hit her in a different way.

This time, without waiting for the baby to react, the corner of the woman's mouth moved slightly, and a string of slang uttered it.

After finishing, she slowly lay down on the bed. The woman stopped looking at Qiqi, turned her back to face the wall, and the dark light in her eyes was meaningful.

Qiqi stood there for a while, looked at the woman's back, and finally fell on her lap.


Croton still waiting at the flowerbed to yell at Red Bean, "Is that the voice of the woman? It's so bad, why?"

"Brother, shall we go and see?" Red Bean frowned.

"What to look at, I'll ask him soon after the seven or seven, and then there's someone in the yard. What's the matter, they will naturally tell my father and mother. Oh, why didn't the seven or seven come, I'll make an appointment with someone I can't see you down! "Croton waited a little impatiently.

In order to play well, during this time he turned around the alleys on the left and right, hiding his father and mother, and it was easy to find so few and a half big and small to let him try.

If it's late, they won't wait for him in situ!

"July, hurry up! Hurry up! Boss takes you to kill the Quartet! Later you don't move, optimistic about Red Beans, cheer for the boss next to you!" Seeing the appearance of Qi Qi in the distance, Croton can't wait to get involved Carrying red beans to greet him, then pull Qi Qiyi together, slipping back the door.

Three more, good night goblins. The writing has been a bit embarrassing. Do n’t miss me for the past two days ~

(End of this chapter)