Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 1410: Three heads of intelligence (8)

Chapter 1410 The IQ of Three Heads (8)

After facing the front line twice, Qian Wanjin did not dare to continue to provoke women and began to shift the topic.

"What about Feng Qingbai? Why didn't you see anyone? What were you busy with? Croton and Red Bean, Uncle Jin was injured, why didn't you come to see me, a group of little conscience. Also, Wei Chengwei Bai came back Are you alright?

"Wei Orange and Wei Bai are okay, Wei Zi and they are saving people in a timely manner, and people are safe. As for the baby girl, who is standing by Feng Qingbai, knowing that you are awake, I will come to see you later." Personally, when I got up, it was like I hadn't grown up.

The Liu family's courtyard is really, it's just a lot of money, others can't be so two.

"Keep the wind green cypress?" Qian Wanjin was caught by the two words and grabbed his attention. The weirdness before the drowsiness surfaced again, "What happened to the wind green cypress? He won't really get hurt. Right? "

"Well, there is a sword in the side waist." When referring to the man, Liu Yusheng's eyes flashed with distress and helplessness.

That sword, the whole left abdomen split a avenue.

Thanks to his ability to support him, Wei Zi and other people gave him a second medicine and made a simple bandage when he was ready to cope with it. Otherwise, the man might not be able to return well.

When she saw Wei Zi and her team lifting people back, her heart almost stopped, and Croton Red Bean was scared to cry.

That scene, she didn't want to think about it again.

I was so distressed that my breathing was painful.

After listening to her, Qian Wanjin took a moment to hold her back and lifted the quilt to get out of bed. "Where is he? I'll see him."

"Don't make a fool of yourself, you also have injuries. You have to wait until your injuries are better." Liu Yusheng was two heads large and wanted to drag people in. As a result, people were hurt, and he was faster than rabbits.

In desperation, I could only raise my voice to remind him, "Turn right to the last room in the corridor."

These two people, from small to large, have never seen each other's eyes pleasingly, and they have been pretending for 20 years, both of them are hypocritical.

Liu Yusheng didn't follow. At this time, she had to decoct the medicine separately. She had to go to the kitchen and watch.

Anyway, I followed her, and there was probably no room for her to intervene at half past one. Let the two talk to each other.

In the room at the right end of the corridor, three small heads brushed on the edge of the bed, eyes sticking to the man's face motionlessly, and he was careful not to make any noise, for fear of noisy people who were sleeping.

"Brother, when will Dad wake up? Dad can still hold red beans when he wakes up?" Red beans gently held the man's big hand next to him, tears in his eyes did not dare to fall, and his speech was full of thick nose.

"Shh," Croton said with a small mouth and a small face, "Daddy will definitely wake up, my mother said, my father's injury is okay, as long as you take good care of your injury, you will still be as healthy as before. Your mother is a divine doctor, said It ’s definitely true. When Dad gets better, he can play with red beans again. "

Looking at the man who was pale on the bed and even lost his blood on his lips, Croton felt uncomfortable, his heart seemed to be pinched by something, and it was stuffy and painful.

Looking at the big hand held by her younger sister's little hand, which she couldn't control, she also took her hand up, but did not get a strong response as before.

In his impression, Dad has always been a giant who can't beat and lose, but he now knows that the giant would also be injured. When the giant fell, it was the same as ordinary people.

Weak and pale.

He didn't like to see his father like this, he didn't like it very much.

He would rather dad wake up, even if he is always fierce, even if he hit his ass, he is happy.

Suddenly there was an imminent hope, Croton hoped that he would become stronger.

When he gets stronger, he wants no one to dare to bully his parents.

The sight fell on the man's hand again. His hand was still so small, he could only hold a man's finger.

Tighten the little hand, and Croton's eyes appear firm.

In the future, he would never be lazy when practicing.

Next, another thin little hand came over, and finally landed gently on the palm of the big hand, stunned slightly, with an unknown attachment.

Looking at the man seventy-seven, the dark eyes flashed light.

No one knows what he is thinking, but only from his movements, it can be seen that his dependence on men is close to him.

Croton and Red Bean both glanced at him, three heads nestled together, and continued to guard the person on the bed, waiting for him to wake up.

"Feng Qingbai, Xiao Ye sees you here! I guessed you were injured last night. You actually lied to me and waited, Ye told you to settle the bill!-"

A sudden snoring sound from outside, like a thunder on the ground, was loud enough to break the quietness in the room.

Three heads stared at the door of the room together.

Qian Wanjin just stepped into the room with one foot and felt full of murderousness. Later he realized that he seemed to have done something he should not do.

Apparently, someone was resting in the room without opening his eyes.

To the three little ones who glared at him, Qian Wanjin didn't dare to move, so he crossed the threshold half-heartedly, and he felt so guilty, "Well, Uncle Jin didn't mean it, I didn't expect your father to be so weak, and he lay all night He hasn't woken up yet. "

Qian Wanjin's heart burst into tears.

In fact, you can't blame him. He was misled by Fu Yi. Fu Yi only said that Feng Qingbai had hit a sword on his waist. He didn't say how badly he hurt, and didn't say that people hadn't woken up yet.

If he had reminded him earlier that he wouldn't say anything when he came over, he would take a quiet look.

Based on the pan, the man completely forgot that when he pulled out of the room, the speed couldn't even catch up with the rabbit, and he was not like a man with a hole in his chest.

The large, quiet hand on the bed moved manually, and then the lying person slowly opened his eyelids.

"Daddy, are you awake ?!" Feeling the man moving, the three little ones turned their heads immediately, both Croton and Red Bean were pleasantly surprised.

Qian Wanjin finally found a chance to step in the foot outside the door and restore his integrity again. "Look, thanks to me, come and take a look at it, otherwise your dad can't wake up at this time, you have to worry longer. Uncle Jin Jin is born with blessings, and your father is stained with Uncle Jin Blessing. "

"Don't be so shameless in front of the children, lest they learn everything." Feng Qingbai's voice was very weak, which weakened his arrogant momentum.

So a certain gold is not afraid, the dog is more guts, "You look at what you said, how about you? Shake the red beans and the seven or seven to learn the same thing, what I learned from me is some fur, all It ’s a little trick, and what they learn from you is the essence. We at the Liu Family Courtyard, who have n’t planted in your hands? Do n’t be humble, the worst is you! ”

He really didn't do anything wrong with Feng Qingbai. He added Xue Qinglian and Liu Zhiqiu together. The IQ of the three heads couldn't be met in Feng Qingbai's hands. So he taught Xiaowa's pot badly.

(End of this chapter)