Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 1416: King Nanling, old fox

Chapter 1416 Nanling King, Old Fox

A word in politics makes the flowing leisure in the small hall disappear, and it turns into a condensate.

At this time, the people sitting on both sides of the short legs were not Fengqing Cypress of Xinghua Village, nor Xiaoqi.

It's Nanling King and Dongyue Emperor.

"The emperor must know why this king came to Dongyue this time. Fengyue is a tributary of Nanling, and he paid tribute to Fengyue for so many years. Nanling will not turn a blind eye to the problem of Fengyue. The friendship between the two sides is good, and the king hopes that the emperor will withdraw the pressure on Feng Yue. "

"I didn't expect to get to the subject so soon," Yan Rongjin looked at Feng Qingbai, "I thought Wang Ye would use the gratitude of that year as an exchange condition.

Feng Qingbai said, "It is extremely rare for the emperor to owe a favor, and it will be gone when it is used up. The return of affection will naturally be used in the most valuable place, and it will not be used to kill chickens.

Yan Rongjin held the wine glass in his hand. Lord Wang's words implied that he was the chicken to be slaughtered?

It's not good to underestimate your opponents in the negotiations.

He didn't believe that a shrewd king like Nanling would make such a mistake. When Nanling negotiated with Xiliang at the beginning, he reminded himself when he was in his head.

To this man, he was absolutely afraid to carelessly.

"Both Lord Wang and Aunt Liu helped me, but they did n’t bring up the kindness, and they should have responded to Lord Wang. The matter of Fengyue was not a big deal, but it was a benefit, and there was no friendship with the two. Comparability. However, He is the emperor. In his position, he seeks his administration and involves the interests of the kingdom. He is not able to answer at will. "

Taking a sip of wine, Feng Qingbai didn't speak, waiting for the teenager's next dais.

"I do n’t know if the prince has heard outside rumors recently. Outside rumors, the Princess Nanling was called a divine doctor by the people of the world because she has a potion in her hand, which can give birth to life and death. The calabash jade has been loaded and it has been tested in person. If you can get a dose, it will be worth the benefit of Fengyue. "

The young man laughed with a breezy moonlight, but Feng Qingbai's eyes narrowed.

"Outside? Rumor?" Feng Qingbai's tone was very light, but there was a danger of tremor.

After thinking about it, Yan Rongjin's palm was flipped, and a calabash jade pendant appeared in the palm, exactly like the one worn on the neck of the Liu Family Courtyard.

"This was when I was in Liangzhou. Someone delivered it to me. I guess, at this time, Bei Canghuang and Xi Lianghuang may have gotten a copy. What is the purpose of the other party, Wang Yeying, should be able to Guess it. "

The potion that can give people an extra life, if present in the world, will inevitably lead to competition from all parties.

The other party sends the potion to the other three emperors, and then spreads rumors about the potion. Can the emperor hold back greed?

Who doesn't want an extra life? Especially the superiors, the more power they have, the more greedy they are and the more afraid they will die.

At that time, Nanling is afraid that there will be no Ningji, and Princess Nanling will be watched by all parties and live in danger at all times.

Feng Qingbai's eyes glanced at the light, quickly changed, and returned to peace in a breath.

Yan Rongjin took it all into his eyes, secretly shocked, startled by the man's ability to control emotions.

"The rumors are unbelievable. It is not strange that someone wants to release rumors against me. The rumors stop at the wise." When he looked up again, the man's eyes turned deep and unpredictable. I do n’t have a potion. But my princess is planning to set up Xinglin College to teach herself a medical skill. The king is in charge and will give the two apprentices in East Vietnam the position of emperor.

After all, the man leaned on the back of the chair and began to taste wine slowly.

In an instant, he took the initiative and placed Yan Rongjin in a passively chosen position.

As far as Yan Rongjin is concerned, it is indeed a multiple-choice question, but also a multiple-face question.

He said that when it comes to the interests of the DPRK, he can't do it alone.

He also said that if he could get a potion, he could make concessions on Feng Yue's affairs.

King Nanling immediately gave him two choices.

Should he insist on asking for a medicament to protect his own interests, or would he agree to his condition and send two apprentices to study medicine with Princess Nanling and benefit the millions of people in Dongyue with superb medical skills in the future.

In fact, this multiple-choice question does not allow him to choose, he can only choose the second one.

Jiangshan News Agency is people-oriented.

The benefits that the people can obtain are the greatest benefits.

It was only his Dongyue emperor who lost.

The wine cooked on the small stove had become warm, and the man opposite had already left for a long time.

Looking at the empty seat opposite, Yan Rongjin sighed and laughed.

"To the King of the South, Linguo really has no chance of winning."

He tempted with potions and was slammed back by the man.

Still willing to lose.

A bottle of medicine, for the well-being of millions of people, can you change it?

It is naturally changed.

"Uncle Peng, do you think you are right? As an emperor, you need to take care of the overall situation, right?"

The boy asked not to ask, but to give himself a face and find a reason, and find someone to reconcile.

Uncle Peng was silent for a moment before he said, "The king of Nanling is indeed the king of Nanling, and the emperor is indeed not an opponent."

"Aren't you comforting me?"

"The king of Nanling used his apprenticeship to defeat the emperor's desire to change the potion, but did the emperor forget that you should have carried Fengyue, not just a trivial little country, but a third of Fengyue's vein. . "

Compared to pharmaceuticals, gold mines can also bring great benefits to the entire country and even enhance national strength.

Compared to the number of two theologians, the weight is no less important than the benefit of Dongyue people through medicine.

Yan Rongjin's expression was empty, and he laughed a long time later.

King Nanling, old fox, seized the opportunity to get him in, and then ended the game before he could react.

The emperor promised nothing, no regrets.

Since he should, he has no chance to return.

However, he did not regret it.

Gold and silver can earn if they have the ability, but their lives cannot be saved if they are missed.

Princess Nanling's medical technique is best known for craniotomy and tumor removal. It saved lives with a small knife. Such medical techniques are unheard of in all four countries.

If you learn it, it will benefit not only one dynasty in East Vietnam, but the dynasties in the future.

worth it.

Feng Qingbai returned to the temporary residence courtyard, and the people in the hall were still waiting.

Liu Yusheng, Qian Wanjin, including three little dolls, were still around the stove, waiting for him.

"Daddy is back!" Croton's eyes were sharp, and his face flickered as soon as he saw the figure in the moonlight.

Since a scumbag was injured once and weakened for a time, Croton ’s hostility was washed away by the water and washed away.

Daddy Jade is happy about this.

There is another chapter that has not been revised. Oranges will pick up the children from school first, and then come back to fix it before sending it. First nine chapters.

(End of this chapter)