Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 1423: Backhand

Chapter 1423: Backhand

Yan Rongjin stood in place, his eyes faint and unpredictable.

Wherever he looked, the man stood upright and calmly.

As if in his eyes, there is nothing personal that can hinder him.

He always stood high and looked down at those bouncing people.

Like a mountain that can't see the top, the person standing under his feet can never cross it.

He didn't seem to eat the fireworks on earth, but he was covered with fireworks.

What he does is to protect everything he cares about.

His wife, his children, his friends, his home.

This protection is purely shameful, because it has nothing to do with ambition.

The man's treatment of the woman was only a short moment, but a few questions.

But it made the onlookers bloody.

The exquisiteness of his mind and the depth of his insights are also extremely shocking.

When the king of Nanling backhanded, he pulled Feng Yuejian's government house out of the shadows and found nothing. Raising the contradiction from the individual to the kingdom, this is the most powerful feedback to the government.

A small country official actually had the courage to assassinate King Nanling. The Emperor Nanling would not agree, and the people of Nanling would not agree. In order to show their friendship to the Emperor Nanling, other dynasties would also target the State Government. On the cusp of the wind, no one would be stupid enough to oppose Nanling, the head of the Big Four.

With pressure from all directions, Fengyue could not resist for long.

Next, there is no need for King Nanling to do anything anymore. The officials who Feng Yueguo still wants to survive will spontaneously start over to the Jianguo government, and will unite to give Fengyue Wang a reasonable reason to destroy the Jianguo government.

There is no longer a way to live in the country.

As for whether there is a black hand behind Jian Guofu, who will it be? Yan Rongjin believes that with the Nannan King's scheming, he must have done a good job planning, and only when the time comes will he let the other party reveal.

At this time, the famous doctors in the city sent by Ma Song had already arrived.

"Oh, that was Doctor Zheng from Beicang. His medical skills are the best in Liangzhou."

"Doctor Shan is here too. He used to be one of the best figures in the capital, and he is not bad at medicine."

"And Dr. Hong, although he didn't mention his origins, some people say it seems to be from Xiliangbian City ..."

Most of the onlookers are people who have lived in Liangzhou for decades. Many of them have lived in this place for many generations. They are not unfamiliar with famous doctors in the city. When they saw the people, Zhangkou counted the identity of these doctors. .

After saluting several doctors with Ma Song and Feng Qingbai Liu Yusheng, they approached Bian Zhaohua.

Liu Yusheng saw the medical ethics and style of the healer in them. The people even heard that Mrs. Bian Zhaozhong was probably a tapeworm in Zhaohua, so she immediately retreated, hoping she could stay away from Bian Zhaohua.

But these doctors, as if they didn't know anything, did not show a strange look to Bian Zhaohua, didn't disdain and dislike, but just did what a doctor should do.

"Go back to the prefecture, and go back to the royal prince, this girl has no signs of poisoning."

"The grassroots also did not detect the poison followed, but the girl had not been treated well before the injury. Now the fracture of the wrist and leg bones cannot be returned. I'm afraid I won't be able to stand up in the future and I won't be able to pick up the bowl and chopsticks."

"... These are not maggots, but maggots are things that live in the human body. They are not poisonous and are not easily noticed. This kind of thing looks like a pest called a pestilence. When it comes to life, the toxins they release do not cause much damage, but it can cause itching on the skin. When people cannot restrain the skin, the plague will crawl over and **** human blood from the wound, and then produce it under the wound skin. Eggs multiply until they are drained. "

The final explanation made people shudder. Even if they knew that Bian Zhaohua was not a roundworm, the people were still far away, even farther than before.

Are maggots as scary as worms that **** people up?

"People with wounds on their bodies must not approach, otherwise this plague will jump over in a **** scent, and they will not be able to rush away in the future." Out of the healer of the doctor, the doctor finally reminded him.

Feng Qingbai's eyes moved slightly, and her eyes seemed to inadvertently look into Yan Rongjin.

But the people around him couldn't do anything like him. When they heard the doctor's advice, they immediately broke away.

"This worm will jump on others? Isn't Miss Jialing staying in our Liangzhou harming my people in Liangzhou? Who knows when one of them accidentally made a small wound, will he be caught? The worm is entangled, but it is a poisonous insect that will continue to multiply on people! "

"Hurry to throw her out of the city! No wonder their doctor, Fengyue, said that the cure is not good. They dare to love the family but they dare not cure it. They are afraid of getting worms! As a result, we have come to Liangzhou. The evil heart! Treat this mother Female kicked out of town! "

Mrs. Bian was stunned before being questioned. At this time, she heard a voice shouting to throw them out of the city. Don't panic and rejoice. If you can leave the city and return to Fengyue safely, other things may still be there. Turning around is much better than being thrown into jail here.

However, before she could control her sexuality, she heard the Qingyue voice again.

Mrs. Bian fought a cold war. Before the man's words were finished, she had a very bad hunch.

Feeling cold all over.

"This doctor, since you recognize this kind of worm, I don't know if there is a way to drive the worm? After all, the healer's heart, the king does not want the princess to be stigmatized because he knows how to heal."

"Back to the Lord, Cao Min was only because he had been to Xiliang Border Town and had occasionally seen this kind of bug, but he did not know how to repel insects. At the time, some people had also contracted pestilence in the border town. Burn people. In this way, people in the city can be completely cut off. "

Madam Bian suddenly fell into the ice cave, and even Bian Zhaohua, who had been mourning and screaming, snored, her eyes full of fear.

Around, there was silence.

The people suddenly calmed down and did not continue to chatter, as if scared by the doctor's words, but more like trying to close their mouths to suppress the thoughts of their hearts.

"Ma Song." Wen Runsheng sounded, it seemed a bit abrupt in the quiet space, so the voice owner quickly caught the sight of the people.

The crowd discovered that beside the prefecture's Ma Song, there was still a boy wearing a white fox fur.

The eyebrow is like a distant mountain and the eyes are starry.

The teenager said, "Burn it up."

Short, faint three words, understatement.

The tenderness in his appearance was totally inconsistent, making him ruthless.

"Ahh! Ahhhh!" Someone screamed in horror.

The people didn't look, their eyes fluttered, their hearts were vague, and they breathed a sigh of relief.

It wasn't that they were going to burn Miss Bian to death. The young man was ordered.

All this has nothing to do with them.

When they think about it later, they can feel at ease.

This chapter has been written for a long time. When time is enough, I will write slowly and cough. Good night goblins.

(End of this chapter)