Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 1434: Goodbye Duan Ting

Chapter 1434: Goodbye Duan Ting

"I really left Xiao Jinjin alone in Xiliang? I always feel a little uneasy." On the carriage that went away, Liu Yusheng frowned slightly.

The man's slender fingers touched her brows, rubbing away the wrinkles there, with inexplicable helplessness, "Leave Wei Orange Weibai to follow. Sheng Sheng, you treat him as a child."

Croton nodded in agreement with his father. "My mother's expression just now is just like worrying that I will go into trouble."

Liu Yusheng was embarrassed. It wasn't that she regarded Qian Wanjin as a child. In fact, when the big guys were together, she had never seen Qian Wanjin as a stable man like a thirty-year-old man.

Even at this age, his temperament still seems to stay at the age of nine.

And I do n’t have a long IQ.

It's like not growing up yet.

"Don't worry too much, he just isn't smart in front of us. Let him go outside, and you see, he will never be a bully."

"It's an iron **** that can give business people a headache.

The father and son sang one by one, blocking Liu Yusheng mutely.

She seemed to have forgotten. When Fengdu shop was shopping, Qian Wanjin bargained and made the shopkeeper cry.

It's really unusual.

It was she who underestimated Erjin.

The way to Beicang was peaceful.

Too peaceful makes people feel a little embarrassed, I always feel that this should not be the case.

To this end, Liu Yusheng asked the men around him several times, and followed the black hands behind the scenes of the imprisonment in the prison. Is there really no movement during this time?

The man asked straight and laughed.

The man's explanation was very firm, no.

The other party showed up in Jianfu's government once, and it will certainly not appear in front of them easily until it is fully prepared again.

Because the other party was not sure, if there were any flaws, they would be touched by Nanling King Shun Teng, and they would go straight out of their nest.

The person who is opposite is Feng Qingbai, who dares to have a little bit of care?

"I still think something is hiding from me. Isn't it?" This was Liu Yusheng's instinct.

"If it is, it must be a trivial matter, I have forgotten it myself." The man answered with a smile.

If he didn't say anything, what else could she do? But when he wasn't hesitant, he put a few hands on him to let out air.

At the end of February, he reached the border of Beicang.

Before entering the border line, I saw the deceased outside the border.

She was dressed in white, with a nice smile on her face, pretending to be pretentious.

In a wheelchair below, people who can still be so windy, except Duan Ting, probably the world can't find a second one.

He was so scared that others called him disabled.

Turning in a wheelchair, Da La La stopped in front of the carriage, and Duan Ting smiled awkwardly. "How's that interesting? I received the news that you are coming to Beicang, and I have been waiting here for years."

"How long have you waited?" Feng Qingbai raised the curtain and asked the people outside.

"Soon, half a month."

"Come up."

After the man's invitation, Duan Ting laughed and patted the handrail of the wheelchair with two hands. The man flew to the carriage and sat steadily on the empty seat in the carriage. "Fu, long time no see. "

After saying hello to Liu Yusheng, Duan Ting was attracted by three little children.

Duan Ting was not surprised because he got the news early and knew that Feng Qingbai and Liu Yusheng had brought three little dolls during their trip.

However, the people who reported to him did not say that the three little dolls were so quiet and pleasing.

"Uncle Duan is good."

Liu Yusheng also smiled and greeted, "King Ting, long time no see."

More than six years apart.

Goodbye, Duan Ting's appearance has not changed much, except that the corners of his eyes and eyebrows have a little more wind and frost than before, and they are more restrained.

When he was joking before, he had a smile in his eyebrows.

Now, when laughing, the smile becomes less obvious.

The white horse has a gap, and people always change in time.

"I heard that you are staying in Xinghua Village most of the time now. You have time to plant medicine and farm, but you do n’t have time to come and see me. Anyway, look at your business? "

"The business is rich and the family takes care of it. I only take one share of the dividends, and the others don't have to worry about much." Liu Yusheng was a little guilty about the business of Beicang.

By comparison, she is really lazy.

Since Beicang confirmed the cooperative relationship with the Li family, she has never asked about the follow-up. Every year, Qian Wanjin took her dividends to her, and she didn't even ask how much money she made.

"While I'm here this time, until Beicang has the capital, I'll find time to ask Miss Li to come out and gather." Otherwise she was embarrassed and reached for her hand.

"Okay, at that time you can directly post to the Li family and invite you to gather in the city restaurant or Liyuan." Duan Ting answered naturally.

The smiles on the faces of Feng Qingbai and Liu Yusheng brought a little interest at the same time.

Because when Liu Yusheng mentioned Miss Li's words just now, Duan Ting moved like a reflective, running gesture.

Although he was quickly pressed down by him, he could not hide the eyes of the wise.

There are circumstances.

However, if nothing happened on Duan Ting's face, Liu Yusheng would not hesitate to ask non-stop, it is the private affairs of others.

Feng Qingbai is not just a gossip, but the topic of the three people jumped to other places in an instant.

"You are picking up like this with great fanfare. How does your father emperor account?" Feng Qingbai asked.

Kitakura may not be happy.

When his eighth son died, Feng Qingbai and Liu Yusheng happened to be in Beicang. Although it was later checked that the whole thing had nothing to do with Feng Qingbai, it did not mean that Bei Canghuang had no fear in his heart.

That's a person with less energy.

Duan Ting's mouth immediately laughed, "No need to explain, my father Huang used to do face work, I came to pick people up, and he can't make a mistake on the face. Besides, I don't want to come, he should not wait to see Still waiting. "

"In recent years, Beicang has not elected Chu Jun."

"Where is Chu Jun, who can choose? The somewhat capable Lord, all went to the guillotine. The rest is either stupid or obsessed, or it is a disability. That position, probably waiting for him a hundred years later, will be contested by all parties. The warehouse is bound to be **** and bloody. The eighth prince knows that his father has done this to avenge him, and he will probably laugh to ascend from the earth. "

Duan Ting's words were full of irony, and with a very subtle bitterness.

The royal family of Beicang, so many princes can't bear the death of the eighth prince. Both came from the emperor, two very different destinies.

The matter developed to the end, it was really unclear who was the joke.

Royal Missing, Liu Yusheng only listened, no socket. She didn't know much about the royal family, that is, she didn't want to blend in. Besides, she didn't have any share that she could blend in.

Feng Qingbai was silent for a moment. Then he said, "You've been dormant for so many years, isn't it enough?"

Third more. I'll take a shower first. Good night goblins. Buddhism, Buddhism, Buddhism ... Where am I going to watch today? The movie thief looks good, there are boring little fairies, I recommend you to brush, hahaha

(End of this chapter)