Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 1435: There will be friends who look back for

Chapter 1435: There Will Be Friends For You

Hearing this sentence, Liu Yusheng's heart jumped inexplicably.

Some couldn't believe it, but soon relaxed and relieved.

Feng Qingbai is the king of Nanling, and it is certain that the interests of Nanling will come first. Moreover, he has always liked to plan ahead, so it is not impossible to make arrangements early.

There is also Duan Ting, who is the grandfather of Bei Cang and the son and daughter of the North Cang Huang. If it is said that he has no idea about that position, it is impossible. In particular, Bei Cang's current situation may eventually force Duan Ting into a path that he has to go.

If the two had estimated this ending early, then it is likely that some kind of consensus was reached between the two years ago, and it is for this reason that Feng Qingbai would say that.

Liu Yusheng sighed silently. The little IQ she was once proud of was really not enough in front of Feng Qingbai.

"Oh-" The man chuckled Liu Yusheng from his thoughts with a chuckle, only to find that the two men in the carriage were looking at her together.

The chuckle just now was from her man, and there was a hidden smile in her long eyes. How is she stupid?

"Well, Feng Qingbai, don't you think your princess is a bit stupid, she can be dazed when we talk about such important things ..."

The smile on the opposite man's face had been put away, his eyes turned slightly, and he looked at him coldly.

Just because he said that his princess was a bit silly.

Duan Ting frowned, really enough to protect the calves!

There isn't enough one. There are three small men next to the man. Three pairs of eyes are staring straight at him. At this moment, he can't find the innocent cuteness he just saw when he just jumped on the carriage.

His eyes were so clear that if he dared to say one more word, three little beasts would be able to pounce on him and bite him.

Duan Ting, "Sorry, it's my mouth."

Feng Qingbai, "Fortunately, my hand is a little slower."

"Then I'm lucky."

"I hope you will have such good luck next time."

"..." Is he really wrong?

The next time he says that Fu Yi is not good, he will slap himself.

Cross the border checkpoint, cross the Beicang border city defense line, and officially enter the Beicang border.

But here is not far from Beicang City. Fortunately, the time has entered the end of February, the canal began to thaw, you can walk by water, and the speed will be much faster than riding a carriage.

Adults and children are scarce even riding a carriage for nearly two months.

Duan Ting drove directly to the wharf outside the city. There was a ship he had already scheduled, and he could set off as soon as they got on board.

When getting off the carriage, Duan Ting accompanied the maid to push the wheelchair over. Duan Ting was sitting closest to the carriage entrance and got off the bus first.

The car curtain flew out and fluttered in a graceful manner. The seat was steadily romantic, and the next moment, the wheelchair was torn apart.

A beautiful man in a wheelchair fell straight to the ground in a buttock pose.

Sitting in a wheelchair fragment, Duan Ting turned back and asked the man who was getting off the train gracefully, "You said your hands were slow, I thought you didn't regret this time."

"You misunderstood. I said that my hands were slow. It ’s okay, but it ’s okay to postpone." The man landed, turned around and hugged his princess with the three children, and turned to the gray-faced king. You're out of luck next time. "

"Uncle Duan, we can't help you, so we won't wait for you. Let's get on the boat first." The three little children passed by Duan Ting with a smile, and later, the couple of Nanling Wang.

All were ruthless, and none looked at him more.

Duan Ting had to accept the fact that he had been secretly rectified. He didn't even know when Feng Qingbai shot and broke his wheelchair.

"Purple wind, purple love, hard work for you, take your grandfather to the boat." Without a wheelchair, I can only work hard for two beautiful beauties.

"Grandpa is wronged." The two maids lifted people from left to right, and Ziqing was more uncomfortable for them, and said softly, "But just a joke, it ruined Wang's wheelchair. Isn't Wang angry? "

Duan Ting smiled softly, "What's mad? The two of you are pushing the wheelchair, and you don't know when the wheelchair was damaged. Even if the king is angry, you and the two will be able to breathe out. In order to spit out and make myself more angry, this kind of worthless thing is disdainful. "

Against the wind cypress? It wasn't hay in his head.

Nanling Wang's pet wife knows the whole continent. Although he is a joke, it is not as simple as a joke.

Is it true that Wang's wife can joke around?

He is Duan Ting, not Qian Wanjin, nor Xue Qinglian. He doesn't have such a heavy position in Feng Qingbai's heart, nor does he have that qualification. He was not accepted into the family's circle of calves.

For him, or for him, the most correct relationship between the two parties is the collaborator.

That's it.

Looking at the back of the family who was heading into the cabin, he then turned his eyes to the flowing canal, and Duan Ting pressed down the glimmer of envy.

He wanted to be part of that compound.

In this way, when you are alone, when you are in despair, there will be friends who will look after you for you.

Such as Xue Qinglian.

Such as money.

After boarding the ship, Duan Ting received the pitying gaze of the three little guys, and he felt quite satisfied with it.

Accustomed to entertaining himself, he automatically regarded the pity of the children as worship.

"July 7th, you don't need to humble yourself in the future, you just can't speak. Uncle Duan is much worse than you. He wouldn't be able to survive if no one was around him." Croton held the Qiseven hand and filled him with chicken soup. Uncle Duan is the most referenceable material.

"Juchi, you are great, really." Hongdou shook Qiqiao's other hand and praised him seriously.

Duan Ting couldn't comfort himself anymore. At the same time, he was a little bit envious of Xue Qinglian and Qian Wanjin, who can be part of the Liu Family Courtyard.

He felt that with these three little dolls there, in those two days, in fact, there was nowhere to relax.

I'm most afraid that there is a ghost in the house, or someone with a brain that can be embarrassing.

"Croton, red beans, seventy-seven, the names of the three of you are all very good. This time when you arrive in the capital, stay at Uncle Duan's house." Sitting on the cushion, Duan Ting approached the three little dolls and pleased them for the next paragraph. In the days, I can feel better.

"Really? But I am a laxative, and my dad was so disgusted that he gave me this name casually. Uncle Duan, haven't you eaten croton?" Croton's eyes widened, and Duan Ting looked at the expression of a fool .

Duan Ting turned his head and blamed Feng Qingbai expressionlessly. "Feng Qingbai, how can you bring such a small child together when doing business? It's too irresponsible to send them back?"

Feng Qingbai smiled and gave them two words with his eyes.


At four o'clock, the chapter owed the day before yesterday is up. Good night goblins, I'm going to bed. What?

(End of this chapter)