Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 1465: Dare you stand up

Chapter 1465 Do You Dare To Stand Up

"Mother-in-law?" Suspicious were Croton, Red Bean and Seven or Three Little Guys.

They looked up at the women one after another, but in addition to their doubts, their eyes were curious and had strong trust.

Liu Yusheng touched their little heads one by one, looked up and looked at the crowd, "Everyone knows that Liu Ling, the princess of Nanling, is a doctor and has a good reputation in Nanling. As a doctor, I usually like to develop drugs. Now I have There is a kind of medicine, which can make people's parts that have been impacted immediately show traces. It is similar to the way of the masterpiece, except that the masterpiece can only act on the dead, while the medicine in my hand is used for living People. "

After a pause, when the surrounding noises were slightly weaker, Liu Yusheng continued. "Everyone saw it just now. Cen Xiaozi's injured part was his thigh, his leg bone was broken, and there were extremely obvious marks on his thigh. As long as he can Examining who was present at the scene who had an impact on the leg that coincided with the kicked part of Cen Xiaoren, can prove who is the culprit who hurt the person. "

In another uproar, Liu Yusheng took a pill bottle out of the carry-on pouch and handed it to Mrs. Cen, "This is the medicine I made, and I'm sorry to ask Mrs. Cen to help, and wipe these liquids in the presence On the baby ’s leg. To prove that I did n’t falsify, I did n’t touch my hand when I applied the medicine. When I check the traces on the baby ’s leg, I can know who kicked Cen Xiaoren. ”

After watching Liu Yusheng for a while, Madam Cen took the medicine bottle and said, "The body is still in doubt. There is no possibility of a collision between the little boys. If multiple little boys are detected on the legs, they will be almost the same. How can the princess be able to tell who is really murderous? "

Liu Yusheng rolled his lips. "Even if the collision marks are similar, there is another difference between these little babies present, that is, their height is different. The broken bone of Cen Xiaoren, who can kick off the person in his position at the thigh, is tall It must be higher than him. At this point, my child can rule out a suspicion. "

Croton is less than five years old. Although tall and strong, Croton stands with Cen Louxuan, who also eats well and has the same pride, is still not as tall as Cen Louxuan.

Croton stood behind his mother and pouted, but unexpectedly one day, he could still give him some innocence.

He was not happy at all.

"Then if the injured person is the sole of the shoe, how can I check the impact marks?" Another asked, "Can it still be found on the sole of the foot?"

"It's not going to be worn with soles," Liu Yusheng said calmly. "Because there is no shoe print on Cen's legs."

Hearing that, Mrs. Cen immediately went to look at her children's pants and legs. Indeed, there were no footprints on the light-colored trouser legs and outer robes. In addition, because of a fight with Croton today, Cen Louxuan did not wear a cumbersome outer robe, but chose a corset.

After the leg was injured, he was still lying on the ground with his knees bent and holding the broken leg, so the injured leg was only covered with dust on the lower part of the waist, and the rest was still clean and easy to see.

Croton heard here, eyes glowing.

Without waiting for the reaction of the people around, the little guy jumped into the middle of the field and quickly smashed his outer pants, leaving only a pair of underpants with his hands on his hips. Let's see who is lying! Madam, please give me some medicine! "

During the fight just now, except for the first few fists on his back, he was not touched by anyone, and his legs were missed. His croton dare to guarantee his personality and wait for him. You can't see a little red mark on the white slippery legs!

Mrs. Cen settled down, she really applied some medicine to Croton's legs, and she waited for a while after applying the medicine. The baby's legs were still the original skin color, without any change.

"Ma'am, I have been using my fist just now, and I have blocked a lot of attacks. You can wipe my wounds and see if there are traces on my hands. My mother's medicine is very good, absolutely not Cheating! "

The baby's hand was also smeared with medicine, almost immediately. On the baby's knuckles and arms, red marks appeared staggered.

This is really able to detect traces!

"Where, where! Can I prove my innocence? I really didn't kick, Cen Louxuan's legs!" Croton came to life, holding his small belly, carrying a small hand and starting to walk around the little babies. "You guys just didn't really see who kicked them one by one, because I fought with you, you just talked to me! But Croton is not only a young son of Nanling King, but I naturally have a young son too I do n’t care about you this time, but whoever really hurt hurts and stuck his hat on my head. I certainly ca n’t spare it! My father and mother will not spare him! ”

By the way, Croton stopped right in front of Bao Jingtong, and his eyes turned sharp. "When I was just having a fight, only I was standing behind Cen Louxuan with you. I have proven myself innocent. You dare to stand up and wipe your legs. Medicine? "

Bao Jingtong was shocked by the look and took a small step back, and there was a moment of confusion in his eyes.

In the end, it's just an eight-year-old child, no matter how old he is, there is no way to cover his emotions perfectly. In the face of a group of people who have seen more battles, a few small flaws are enough for them to infer the answer to the whole thing.

At this time, the lady standing next to Bao Jingtong pulled Bao Jingtong's arm and turned to go outside. "My family Jingtong just came here to see the excitement. Why did things get on his head? I don't know what it means! walk home!"

Liu Yusheng looked at the woman, his eyes were quiet, he didn't speak.

At this time, there is no need for her to speak out, and some bitter masters find it.

"Mrs. Bao, slow!" On the side, Mrs. Cen said in a deep voice.

Mrs. Bao turned to look at her, her eyes squinted, "Why, Mrs. Cen, are you still screaming at me? On the rank status, my lady in the General's Mansion is no lower than your current wife in Shang Shufu! Your children are every day Come out to find me, what's the matter with my family Jingtong? I haven't blame him for pulling my family Jingtong out, so that he almost got into trouble! "

With a humming cry, Mrs. Bao took Bao Jingtong, and several family nursing homes she brought with her, and the crowd was about to leave.

"Mrs. Bao's big shelf, the child at home turned around and wanted to leave, so you shirk your responsibility, how can the king explain to the royal guests?" The wheelchair slowly emerged from the crowd, blocking Mrs. Bao's way.

Duan Ting was dressed in white and smiled in a wheelchair. The Wangfu guards lined up beside him, which just blocked Mrs. Bao's way.

This is Mu Meng's familiar formula, 2 + 1 mode, hiahiahia

(End of this chapter)