Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 1466: Are you still wronged?

Chapter 1466: Are You Still Aggrieved?

The role of Liu Yusheng in calling him over is here.

At this time, the name of Princess Nanling did not work as the name of King Beicangting.

Especially in the case of Mrs. Bao, there is not enough status to suppress, and the other party does not necessarily give face.

"Why does this mean?" Seeing Duan Ting, Mrs. Bao changed her face.

She can not give face to her fellow Mrs. Cen, even though the current Shang Shufu is actually better than the Generals who have retired for several years, she can still offend the last time and protect her son with brutality.

However, she did not dare to Duan Ting.

A few years ago, Duan Ting was the most beloved son of Emperor Bei Cang Ming. Even after the eighth prince's case, everyone knows that the emperor's most beloved is the eighth son, which caused Duan Ting's status to decline sharply. Duan Ting is still a Wang Ye is from the royal family of Beicang.

If she dared to run against Duan Ting, it would be tantamount to not giving the royal family face, which would affect the entire General House.

The General's Mansion, after all, could not offend the royal family.

"The king's forehead just entered the palace, and he was a guest in the imperial emperor's study room. On his hind foot, the princess and the young son of Nanling were bullied and bullied outside. If the king can't figure this out clearly, Mrs. Bao How do you tell the king to explain to the king of Nanling? How to explain to the father? The king of Nanling and his party came to Beicang, which is my guest in Beicang. Disrespect to the guest is disrespect to the emperor! The king entered the palace together and asked him to make a decision in front of his father? "

"Master Wang ...!" Mrs. Bao's complexion was pale and white, and the hand holding Bao Jing's arm was tightened secretly.

"No, don't! Lord Wang spared my life, I was wrong, I was wrong, I didn't intentionally whine!" Bao Jingtong seemed to be frightened, and suddenly burst into tears, "I really didn't mean it, I don't I know how to kick Cen Louxuan, I didn't mean it, I, I'm afraid of humming! Mother, I'm afraid! "

"You dead boy, are you the Cen family little boy you kicked? Why are you so reckless!" Mrs. Bao heard it, and immediately became full of anger. She raised her hand and split her face to cover Bao Jingtong, hitting and scolding, "Cen Xiao My son came to invite you to go out to play with my mother this morning and said no, so as not to cause anything. You have to listen or say that you are good friends with Cen Xiaoren, and you have to support your good friends! Now is it? A great disaster has come! Don't hurry to apologize to Cen Xiaoshi and Xiaoshizi! "

"Woohoo! Sorry, woohoo, I didn't mean it, don't blame me, I'm scared, I'm really too scared to say hoohoo--"

Liu Yusheng looked at the farce faintly in front of him, and even if Mrs. Bao pulled the child to come and laugh and apologize, she never said a forgiveness from beginning to end.

Some apologies can be forgiven, and some apologies do not need to be forgiven.

Bao's mother and son are the second type, and their apology is not sincere.

However, Liu Yusheng did not continue to pursue it. Croton returned her innocence, and when she got here, she held Mrs. Bao and Mr. Bao Jing to the same, but it didn't make much sense. What she wants to investigate is the person behind.

Beating the small shrimp, but letting go of the big fish hidden behind, was not what she wanted.

Her son was framed and became the victim of the other party's calculation style Qingbai and her, and she would not forgive it anyway.

Liu Yusheng glanced coldly.

That farce continued.

Bao Jingtong was crying with no image at all. Relying on being a baby, at the age of eight, even if adults care about it, they will not make things too serious.

After all, they are all official families, and family members who are officials of the same dynasty always give two points of affection to each other on the bright side.

In addition, Mrs. Bao changed her face instantly, and before she changed her arrogant style, it was both an injustice and an confession. Mrs. Cen took a breath and was released by the public, but she did not want to swallow that breath, her face was ugly.

"Come here, hug the little boy back to the house!" Shen sang, and Mrs. Cen looked at Liu Yusheng before leaving. "The previous misunderstanding also looked at Hailing Princess Haihan, who is also a mother. The Princess may be able to understand her feelings. He will personally go to the royal palace to repay the princess and Xiaoshizi! "

Liu Yusheng smiled and nodded. "It's not necessary to pay for the crime. Princess Chance hopes to have tea and chat with Madam Cen."

Mrs. Cen's eyes were a little deeper, and Fu left behind.

On the other hand, Mrs. Bao also took Bao Jing in silence.

After dispersing the onlookers, Liu Yusheng took his three children out, and Duan Ting turned around in a wheelchair.

"My dear, today I care. If I'm careful, that dysmenorrhea can't frame me at all!" Croton pouted his mouth and peeped at his mother's expression with a guilty conscience. Don't be mad ... my dear, why did you come out suddenly? How do you know I'm here? How do you know I'll be bullied? "

Listening to a series of questions from the little guy, Duan Ting nodded secretly, these are what he wanted to ask. Now he doesn't need to speak, he just listens to the answer.

Liu Yusheng looked down, and the detective pinched on Croton's cheering cheek. "What's the drum face? You're wronged? Isn't it you who ran away and chased the chicken and dog? Can you be caught? "

Caught by his mother, Croton didn't dare to talk back, but pitiful, "Mother, you haven't answered Croton yet ..."

"The next day when you came to Beicang, you beat a few young men in the official family. Do you know why no one came to see their father and mother at that time to ask for justice?"

Croton didn't understand, shook his head.

But Duan Ting understood, "It was Seventeen who pressed this down, but then he sued before his father. You mean, from then on, Seventeen has been step by step, thinking about how to count you. ? "

"Perhaps it's not just your emperor and the emperor who want to count the cypress green cypress," Liu Yusheng said indifferently. "Otherwise, it wouldn't be so hurried today. Feng cypress's front foot is called into the palace, and the back croton is framed. Green cypress is not there, and those people feel that it is easy to blame Croton for aggravating the anger of the Beicang courtiers. "

"Well, but they underestimated Princess Nanling. If you don't have the medicine, Croton is accused by a bunch of children, afraid that it will be impossible to argue. It will stir up the anger, and when Feng Qingbai returns, it will be too late to find a way to make a siege. .If Croton's charge is substantiated, there will be enough reasons for the seventeen and my father-in-law to crusade. At that time, any reaction of Feng Qingbai will likely trigger a **** storm between the two countries. "

Liu Yusheng turned his head and looked straight at Duan Ting, "Your father emperor hates wind and cypress."

"In the beginning, the eighth emperor Ziyuan was assassinated. In addition to doubting all other princes, my father also doubted Feng Qingbai. Because Feng Qingbai was also in Beicang at that time."

(End of this chapter)