Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 149: It hurts to eat him!

Chapter 149 It hurts to eat him!

Back in the guest room, Qian Wanjin pulled out a package from the bedside and took out a thick stack of silver tickets.

"These are all advance deposits for orders placed by others today,

And this one is the cooperation deed signed on the spot.

It's worth our three-month revenue.

This is the first day, and there are two days left. "

When it comes to making money, Qian Wanjin is very happy. He has no other hobbies in his life, except to eat, he is making money.

"The next year, there will be no need to worry about the operation of the distillery. By the end of the year, we can send a big red seal to everyone who works, hahaha, kill them!"

Listening to his description, Liu Yusheng felt happy, and his depressed mood improved a lot.

People who work in the distillery pay a lot of money each month, but when they are happiest, they actually spend the New Year and receive benefits from the distillery.

"It's such a big harvest today. Let's have a better night to celebrate! Rhubarb has also worked hard for a day and has toiled!"

"Then let's go to the restaurant and have a good meal? How many more signature dishes?"

"No! Eat in the small courtyard!" Liu Yusheng made an instant decision, "Let's go to the kitchen to order, and order the full Manhan table! Order some of the most expensive wines!"

It hurts to eat him!

Qian Wanjin, Rhubarb, "..." What the heck is a Manhan? Haven't heard it before, what does a kitchen do?

"No point?" Liu Yusheng looked at them squintingly.



In the inner court, Wei Bai made a small report again, "Man, girl Liu said, you have to eat full Han."

"Full seat in Manhan?"

Sitting at the desk, Feng Qingbai heard the words stunned. "Let the kitchen ask for the name of the dish. She can make everything she wants. The kitchen can't make it. Please ask the restaurant chef for foreign assistance."

Wei Bai twitched and said, "Girl Liu needs some of the most expensive wine in the world."

"The most expensive, go to the winery in the city to find two altar fruit wines, and ask Xinghua Village."


After Wei Bai left, Wei Hongmu, who was on the side, came over with his face, "Master, shouldn't you be humiliating to take the crime?"

"Okay." Feng Qingbo paused. "Take the things that King said as soon as possible, and let your things take hold."


Although the master asked her to mix in the Liu family, the master did not say that she should report her false name and make up a deceitful person, so she was still wrong and offended.

Although the sooner you ask for sin, the better, but the master's affairs should come first, and this should also be the case.

Wei Hong's departure was a bit tragic.

On the other side of the guest house, looking at Fu Bo who was dutifully inquiring, Liu Yusheng felt like he was rocking his own feet.

What dishes are available at the Manhan dinner?

If she remembers that she will report the dish name directly, she will still say that the full seat of Manhan?

All she knew was that there were 108 dishes in Manhan!

Big eyes stared at Fobo for a long time, and Qian Wanjin and Dahuang stared at them with four eyes staring, Liu Yusheng stumbled to report the name of the dish.

"Swallow's nest chicken soup ... fish belly with ham ... duck tongue ... hibiscus eggs ..."

She couldn't remember, and didn't want to be too cheap for that overly dick.

Speak up, now I ca n’t report the dish myself, isn't it a joke?

"One hundred and eight dishes in total, appetizers, soups, soups, side dishes, desserts, desserts, fruit, the best ones!"

Fauber thought about it, "Girl Liu, it's not too early now. You have to get these ready before dinner. I'm afraid the kitchen is too busy. You have to ask the restaurants in the city for help, and please be patient."

"So troublesome?" Liu Yusheng frowned. She just wanted to vent her anger, but it seemed that the only torment was the kitchen. The culprit was not guilty except for the money.

"Forget it, let the kitchen prepare a few dishes and come to the altar bar."

"Okay, I'll tell you." Fauber was relieved.

The name of the dish reported by the girl named Gangliu, except for bird's nest chicken soup and hibiscus eggs, he has never heard of.

Unprecedented dishes, the kitchen can not be made, Wang Ye was angry that everyone underneath had to suffer.

Fortunately, girl Liu is kind and reasonable.

"Fuhao, are you sick? Are you talking nonsense?"

Qian Wanjin looked up and down Liu Yusheng to see what was wrong with her.

"Is it obvious?"

"very obvious."

Obviously wrong, but in the eyes, it is clear that there is a kind of charm that usually does not exist.

Liu Yusheng was discouraged.

Looking at the little girl's frustrated expression, Qian Wanjin paused and reached out and rubbed her hair.

"If you want to eat, just order it, and we will pay more for it, but we ca n’t afford it. The kitchen is originally for people to cook. We pay for them to cook, and there is no burden on silver."

"How much more then?"

"A few more points!"

The dinner in the guest house was very pleasant.

In addition to the dishes they ordered, there were a dozen more from the kitchen, all of which are signatures in major restaurants.

In the end, Fauber also brought over two almond fruit wines.

Liu Yusheng ate so much, and finally collapsed on a chair and couldn't move.

Wei Hong, who was busy in the inner courtyard, listened to the lively voice in the guest courtyard, smelled faint vegetable fragrance, and swallowed frequently.

When the master's business is done, she must immediately acknowledge her mistake and return to the team.

Dinner was too supportive. Liu Yusheng ate some digestive ointment and walked in the yard for a while before bathing and going to bed.

Before going to bed, don't awkwardly listen to the wall behind the room for a while, and the outside is quiet, there is no sound at all.

It's easy to feel better, and I'm frustrated again.

That guy, I do n’t have any points in my heart?

Do something wrong, apologize, explain, understand? Will it?

Didn't he come without him?

If she did something wrong, she would apologize immediately, and she could fight for leniency.

Tossed and couldn't sleep.

Still angry, and an unexpected peace of mind.

Asiu ... not far from her.

Thinking about it, the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

Strangely, a strange noise was heard in his ears.

Liu Yusheng held his eyes open and saw a dark shadow in front of the bed.


"Well, it's me." Wei Hong.

"Aunt Red? What are you doing?" Is it late at night? Suddenly appeared in her room in the middle of the night, explaining? apologize?

Wei Hong silently, gritted his teeth, the strong man broke his wrist, "Well, offended!"

Pointed at Liu Yusheng's dumb hole, put on a coat and carried her out of the window.

Liu Yusheng, who was abducted inexplicably, just felt a flower in front of her, and for a moment, the room drifted away in front of her.

Then when she didn't respond, she was stuffed into a warm embrace, exuding her familiar atmosphere.

Liu Yusheng was suddenly stiff, his heart beats the beat.

"Man, here comes. Dismissal!"

A flash, fled, did not dare to look at Liu Yusheng.

When Hong Jing pleaded guilty, Wei Hong felt that she had to bring two wattles.

Seeing that Wei Hong slipped away, Liu Yusheng was busy breaking away from the man's arms and turned and glared at him.

He didn't want to let her breathe away, but he carried her over. What did he want to do!

(End of this chapter)