Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 1538: Did you know that Uncle Xia was pitted?

Chapter 1538 You Know That Uncle Xia Was Pricked

When I came to Fengyue Palace again, the three children were no strangers. Anyway, they had visited the place several times with their father and mother last time, and had a banquet here.

Even playing hide and seek outside the banquet hall.

The place of the banquet was still in the original place. Croton, red beans, and seven or seven came into the door and cooked. After eating and drinking, they automatically left the seat and ran to the door of the banquet to play.

"Red beans, seventy-seven, do you remember here?" Croton asked with a smile, pointing to the layered garden opposite.

"Of course I remember, I voted for myself." Red Bean remembered that his brother was waiting for him to vote for himself. Finally, his brother automatically voted for Qiqi. "Hahaha!"

When the little girl smiled, Croton knew what he was laughing. "What a smile, I'm letting the seven or seven, and you will never find me again this time."

"No, I'm too old to play hide and seek, these games are all these games, I'm tired of it." Red beans don't play, pulling Qiqi to enjoy the flowers. At that time, the scenery was not the same as now, and many flowers are now blooming. "

Seventy-seven smile, compared to three characters.

In March, spring flowers bloom.

"Little girls like these. What do the flowers look like? Our garden in Nanling Palace is also very large. I haven't seen any beautiful flowers." Croton poked his lips, unwilling to follow the two.

He doesn't like it or not, but he can't let the younger sister and the younger brother run away by themselves, in case they get lost.

In the end, it is not its own chassis, and the palace is the most hidden place. Who knows who will be met here?

But not everyone will give the face of the Nanling King's Mansion Xiaoshizi Xiaojun, especially the caring person.

He has to watch the two little guys, boss, he has to be responsible.

After several rounds of pushing the cup over the banquet, the baby boys were noisy, and Feng Moyu finally sat beside Liu Yusheng with his head scratched.

He should have been sitting next to Uncle Huang, but he was scared. He chose to sit next to Emperor Huang. When Uncle Huang was angry, the Emperor still had a block and could help her ask for a favor.

"Uncle Huang, Huang Huang, I came here for business, not for fun." With a smile, Feng Moyu was dying and struggling.

Liu Yusheng was so funny, he said, "It should be the first time you have walked out of the Nanling National Gate for so many years?"

"Yes, it's the first time to walk out of the Nanling boundary. Although I have followed many places with the uncle before, they are all in Nanling. It is indeed the first time that we actually walked out of Nanling." Feng Moyan nodded.

The emperor was still good to him. Such an atmosphere made the atmosphere more moderate. There was an emperor's concubine mixed in to talk, and when the uncle scolded him, he would not be too strong.

"Everything is one and two. It's like when you first ran out of the palace for the first time and stayed in Xinghua Village for several months. Less than a year after you returned, there was a second time immediately. This time is better than the last time. Still prestigious, straight out of Nanling. Should I brag about your growth? "Feng Qingbai raised his eyes, faintly juvenile.

The wind that Momo had just breathed for a moment suddenly stunned.

Dare not to say a word.

He can still tell the uncle that he really has made progress?

Because of his reasons, he can't change the fact that he wants to sneak out and play. Even if he can deceive himself, he can't lie to the uncle.

Due to the harshness that Huang has always treated him, this time he cannot die.

Liu Yusheng watched the atmosphere drop again, and tore down the sleeves of Qingbai.

Although Xiaofenger was wrong to run away like this, but he is the emperor of Nanling, and now at Fengyue's banquet, Xiaofenger's face should still be given. Otherwise, the people present were afraid to say anything, fearing that they would see Xiaofenger's status clearly.

Feng Qingbai shook the woman's hand and motioned her to be relieved.

The former godson. However, Feng Moyu is an adult and has a special position. He will not leave his face in front of others.

So he hasn't said anything serious so far. But he needs to let Feng Moyu clearly feel his attitude, otherwise this little **** will become more and more lawless and behavior-free like Croton.

"After going back this time, I will let go of Chaotang's affairs completely. At that time, Chaotang affairs will require you to stand by yourself. Fenger, you are already twenty years old, not a child who is not sensible. Before you do anything, you must think twice before you act. I don't scold you, you can reflect on yourself. "

There was no ruthless word, and it was not as vigorous as before, Feng Moyan wanted to cry instead.

Because of that wind.

This is the first time Uncle Huang has called him so close.

Like an elder who broke his heart, he has a long heart.

"Uncle Huang, I'll be back in two days."

Fill the two empty wine glasses in front of you, handed a cup to Feng Moyu, Feng Qingbai said, "Since all come, come and take a look. You know that Uncle Xia was pitted and he was pitted, he should It can be topped for a while. But with his nature, don't think about it when you go back. "

Feng Moyu, "..."

Liu Yusheng, "..." She wanted to sigh for her elder brother. On the nature of mind, who else can catch the wind? Cypress is worse and more revengeful?

He was only ashamed to say that.

My brother was uneasy. Under the table that was not noticed by outsiders, Liu Yusheng stabbed the man severely, but he was caught by the man and couldn't play by hand.

Feng Moyu was sitting on the side, naturally he could see the two moving.

However, at this time, you should see it as if you did not see it. He had just climbed out of the cliff of death, and he couldn't jump back inside.

Not for the emperor.

The glass of wine in your hand was filled with a little bit of taste, and the taste of the wind filled the mouth. The wind and ink filled the eyes, and inadvertently glanced over somewhere, just to the opposite person too late to look away.

Feng Mo raised his lips and raised his glass to pay tribute.

It seems that the picture reprimanded by Uncle Huang just now was watched by the second prince again.

Looking back, he asked him to drink a few glasses alone and knocked, lest the two princes' mouths were not strict, and he would spread his affairs to the outside.

Watching the other person also raised a glass at him, and then drank it. It was a heroic way of drinking. Feng Moyan inexplicably remembered the thinness under the fingers of the man who had patted a man's shoulder twice. incompatible.

It's weird to be tall and big, with deformed shoulders.

When the banquet was about to go, King Fengyue stood up and brought the second prince Feng Yi again to toast in person.

"This time Fengyue was able to get out of trouble, thanks to Wang Ye's help. All the words of thanks have already been said, and the King will not repeat it, and respect King Wang again! Also pay respect to Nanling King! Thank you!"

Thank you very much for expressing his sincere gratitude to Nanling.

Feng Qingbai stood up in return and said, "The emperor doesn't need to do this. I haven't found anything in Nanling. This time, I should say a win-win situation."

Win-win is a good statement. Fengyue is actually a loss, but it is now the best ending compared to being completely held by East Vietnam and North Warehouse.

Big oranges go to the bath first, good night goblins.

(End of this chapter)