Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 1542: Embroidered shoes men

Chapter 1542: Men With Embroidered Shoes

"Last night, I drank too much wine and got up late. I neglected the emperor and asked the emperor to forgive me." Sitting opposite Feng Moyu, Feng Yi looked at nothing.

"I was disturbed, did I have a lot of trouble for the second prince?" Feng Moyu raised his lips and picked up a pair of black boots from under the seat. He slowly put them in front of Feng Yi and successfully saw him calm His expression was cracked. "This was picked up last night when I was up and down. It looks exactly like the shoes that the second prince wore yesterday. Now ... the property belongs to the original owner."

Feng Yi clenched her fists under her long sleeves, trying to keep her expression steady, but to no avail.

Just the moment before, he was lucky, and the shoes that fell beside Tangchi might not have been found by Feng Moyu. After all, there was no lantern in Tangchi at that time, and the light was extremely dim. Who would pay special attention to whether there was anything on the ground.

"My king talks to the emperor, and everyone else retreats first."

The descendants of Wangfu immediately left according to the words, and saw that Momo also waved back the small board.

Feng Yi has something to talk to him. He also has many questions to find answers in Feng Yi.

"Now you and I are here. Should the two princes explain why there is a lot in your boots?" Said, Feng Moyu leaned out of those black brocade boots and found a pair that was significantly smaller than two. No. embroidered shoes, "Oh, there is also a strange thing. The roots of this pair of brocade boots seem to be specially made? A lot higher than ordinary boots."

His eyes looked at Feng Yi arbitrarily, and Feng Moyu stroked his palm and grinned, "Your quirk is amazing, man with embroidered shoes."

Feng Yi's face turned white and blue, and she turned red.

"Tell me what's going on. Although Fengyue is not a territories' territory, but now it is also a vassal of Nanling, he can cure you as a deceitful monarch. Should your emperor know about it? Do n’t report it, and deceive you with you Alas, sin plus one. "

"Emperor!" Feng Yi squeezed her lips tightly, her eyes angered, "It doesn't matter to my emperor! The emperor just wants to hear the truth, I say yes!"

"Say, listen." Feng Mochi narrowed his smile, and his eyes became cold. "Don't try to make up any funny words to fool you. Later, I will send someone to check. If you and your emperor have no other thoughts, then But if you want to think about my Nanling, I won't spare you! "

"The emperor rest assured, my emperor and I have never had any thoughts about Nanling! Fengyue has survived these years, and everything I got is paid for!" Feng Yi gritted his teeth fiercely, his eyes overflowed with anger, simply Exempted, "Feng Yi is just a daughter doing male things, one is not power, the other is not harmful to life! I don't think I have anything wrong!"

Except for the real gender who has hidden everyone, she has never done anything to shame the royal family, and now she does not want the brother to be misunderstood and humiliated by the emperor Nanling!

"Everything is my own way. Brother Huang ca n’t stop it. In order to protect me, I have to hide things. If the emperor must be held accountable, it is all my responsibility to punish Feng Yi!"

Leaving his seat and kneeling in front of Feng Moyu, Feng Yi bowed his head and waited for the man to pronounce his sentence.

After waiting for a long time, nothing happened, Feng Yizheng hesitated to look up, and finally heard the man open his mouth.

"Take your shoes away. Don't put embroidered shoes in your boots in the future. What a quirk? Even if the feet are smaller and the boots are not suitable, wrap a few pairs of socks. It's not that easy to reveal stuffing."

"Emperor?" Feng Yi looked up in surprise, seeing that the man had already stood up, walking with his hands on his back.

"It's all this time, I have to go back first. Overnight doesn't return, the uncle Huang is afraid that he is still angry than last night, alas." Feng Mozhen was really helpless.

He didn't want to spend the night here, how could he know he would get drunk like that in the end.

He seems a little too relieved Feng Yi?

"Mr. Why are you ..."

"Your brother is very lucky. There is a brother who thinks of him all the way. Just like the uncle." There is also an uncle who thinks of him everything.

He was grateful to the emperor, so he tolerated much for Feng Yi.

That's about it.

Anyway, he was not angry after being deceived.

The man slowly walked away with his personal waiter. When his back disappeared, Feng Yi reacted. This is her palace. The emperor has left and she has not prepared a carriage for him.

Is it impossible for the emperor to walk back?

Thinking of Feng Yi busy getting up and running outside, the man had disappeared in front of the gate of Wangfu, and the Wangfu carriage stopped under the shadow wall.

Feng Yi laughed. The emperor was much smarter than her. How could she walk back by herself.

Many things don't need her to do anything.

However, thinking of Feng Moyu's response after listening to her explanation, Feng Yi relaxed again.

Although the emperor's response was beyond her expectation, this was a pass. Moreover, the other party did not ask her about the specific details of her dressing as men's clothing. She wanted to know her identity and what she had done here. Because Fengyue's side has nothing to do with Nanling.

As long as there is no leak of this matter, she will still be the second prince of Fengyue after Feng Moyu returns to Nanling. Nothing will change.

In the carriage back to the big house, Feng Moyu leaned back against the carriage, tapped his fingers on his knees, tapped his eyes slightly, and looked deep at the thief.

The frightened Xiaobanzi was frightened, and constantly echoed whether he had done something wrong, which caused the emperor to be upset. The emperor was thinking how to punish him?

"Emperor, what are you thinking?" Carefully, Xiaoban wanted to explore the tone.

"Ask so much for what? Know that the more you die the faster you can."

Little board, "..." He just shut up?

After being quiet for a while, Xiaoban opened her mouth carefully. "Is the emperor worried that the night will not return, and will not be able to explain to the king after returning?"

Feng Moyu opened his eyes, looked at him, and did not speak, waiting for him to continue speaking.

"Although the prince is stricter, the starting point is all for the emperor. The emperor does not have to worry too much. The prince is here, and the lord will not hit you."

"Your comfort is just right." Feng Mo raised his lips, and his skin did not smile.

"It should be. The slave is the emperor's person. Naturally, the emperor is the leader of the horse, and he swears allegiance to his life."

"Then, when Uncle Huang is held accountable, you will explain it to you. You must not make Uncle Huang angry and punish you." Patting Xiaobanzi on the shoulder, Feng Moyan encouraged, "Be good at allegiance."

"..." Xiao Banzi swears that he is absolutely loyal to the emperor, but will loyalty start tomorrow?

Today, I'm afraid he can't stand it.

(End of this chapter)