Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 1549: Ask me three questions, how do you becom

Chapter 1549 Asking Three I Do n’t Know How Do You Be The Captain

Feng Qingbai didn't say a word, came forward and picked up the baby, and first fed a pill to suppress pain in his mouth.

"Don't be afraid," he said.

Two words made Qiqi bend his eyes.

The little hand clasped the man's sleeve, and he squeezed tightly, and the man took the man's arms with complete trust.

He nodded, he was not afraid.

"Close your eyes and sleep for a while, then wake up and you'll be fine." After soothing the baby, Feng Qingbai closed her eyes, opened them a moment later, and her eyes were cold.

"Uncle Huang?" Feng Mozhen asked again.

He guessed that Uncle Huang must have felt something. He had to ask clearly, and now he was confused and couldn't help if he wanted to help.

Although it is still uncertain whether Qiqi is his son, and he has no consciousness as a father, he still feels angry when watching Qiqi tortured like this.

This is a small baby, quiet and well-behaved, without disputes and harmless.

What kind of person is he who refuses to let go of Qiqi!

"Hold Qiqi back first, don't ask anything, and don't mention it to anyone, lest the grass and the snake be frightened, I will meet that person!" Slightly squinting his eyes, Feng Qingbai transferred Qiqi to Feng Moyu.

Feng Moyu wanted to take someone over, but the little baby seemed to recognize the embrace, even if he was half-conscious, his arm around the man's sleeve would not let go.

Can't get over.

Moreover, when she noticed Feng Qingbai's attempt to turn him out, Qiqi instead drilled into his arms, and closed his eyes and refused to move.

He completely rejected the suspected dad next to him.

If you want to be tough and tear off the little baby, the uncomfortable expression on the little baby's face immediately makes people dare not move him.

Feng Mo nibbled at the corner of his mouth, and he was so unsettled?

Feng Qingbai looked down and looked at the little baby half-pretending to be dead in his arms.

After saying that, he stretched out and rushed into the depths of the forest.

Feng Moyu almost couldn't respond to being left behind, and barely followed, because the uncle meant not to fight the grass and frighten the snake, so he didn't even dare to speak now, just because he wouldn't know where to hide if he spoke. Someone listened to it, the bad uncle planned.

Chuanying, "Uncle Huang, I'm going with you? Where are we going now? Someone is really killing Qiqi in the back? By what method? Uncle Huang, do you know where he hid? How do you know? Uncle Huang yours Kung Fu is simply peaking— "

"To shut up."

Two words made the words silent.

In the forest at night, it was dark everywhere, and the star lights in the distance couldn't penetrate.

The speed of the man's vertical flight is so fast that when the wind blows over his ears, it brings a sharp sound, and he can feel a slight pain when he scratches his skin.

But Qiqi was in the man's arms and was not affected at all. He was well protected.

In the darkness, the heavy eyelids were strongly opened, and only a slight outline of the man was visible in the field of vision, and the lines were cold.

Seventy-seven bent his eyes, feeling the warmth of hugging him, and secretly imprinted this scene in his heart.

At this moment, here is his safest harbor.

call out--

The sharp blade broke, hitting the rock in front, sparking out, and passing away.

The light in an instant was enough for Feng Qingbai to see the situation there.

Everything happened unexpectedly and the flute stopped.

A dark shadow rose from the shadows and fled.

"There is someone!" Feng Moyu took a step, watching the dark shadow flee, and disappeared in the dark, and gritted his teeth.

Feng Qingbai did not continue to chase, tacitly adopted the practice of Feng Moyu.

They are unfamiliar with the mountains here, and they hurriedly pursued in the dark, easily ambushing each other.

It's good to catch someone, but I'm afraid that someone wants to lead a snake out of a hole and catch it.

His identity as a wind mohan really relied on a momentary spirit to strike a stone with jade.

Holding her baby in her arms a little, Feng Qingbai lowered her head, "Don't worry."

Nodded seventy-seven.

He understands.

Uncle Feng said, take revenge in no hurry.

He was not in a hurry.

He is fine now.

The one who hurt him will one day show his tail and throw himself in the net.

The shadow guard of Feng Moyu got the order, and immediately issued a signal flare, ordering the mountain to be closed.

There was a sudden uproar over the camp, and officers and men soon arrived, listening to Feng Moyu's order to seal the mountain to help.

Feng Qingbai didn't care about the follow-up. The other party could hide the flute sounds here. He must be familiar with the terrain here, and take a step.

He didn't expect to be able to trap and catch people this time.

"Wei Zi, take the croton out."

"Wei Xuan, spreading hands at various intersections, and immediately seeing suspicious characters, cross-checking."

After ordering, Feng Qingbai held Qiqi back to the camp.

Feng Moyu immediately followed, "Uncle Huang, should we go there for Croton, Wei Zi may not be able to bring him out."

What disposition of that little devil? Wei Zi couldn't help it.

You have to go out with Huang Huang and Huang Yan in person.

The devil of the little devil is only the emperor.

"No, go back to the camp first. Your emperor and red beans should be awakened."

Feng Moyu lit a scent of croton in his heart.

Poor baby, it turns out that you have this weight in your father's heart. It's not as good as your mother and your sister's finger.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"-I sneezed two sneezes, followed the noisy troop to the Croton running towards the deep forest flares, and rubbed my nose twice, "Cousin said rumors behind me. Nothing, It's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years. "

When he turned back, he asked his cousin to sneeze ten times a day.

"Uncle Captain, you didn't even keep the entrance? What happened so urgently?" Leaping forward, Croton followed the little boss and inquired about him by the way.

"Xiaoshizi, please go back to the camp. If you ca n’t afford anything, can you let me go?" "I don't know what happened over there, but I was ordered to close the mountain."

"Seal the mountain? What about the people in the mine? Will they drive away?"

"I don't know."

"How to ask you what you don't know, one question and three wonders, how do you be the captain?"

The little boss didn't say a word, and rushed forward with full strength, vowing to stay away from the little devil.

How does he become the captain? What is the captain? he does not know!

Stimulating people, Croton slowed down instead.

Followed by the big troops, I was scared by such a big movement before reaching the place. What kind of excitement can be seen by then?

If you want to see the excitement, you have to come by yourself and quietly copy the trail.

Hey two times, Croton stepped back, turned to the side lane, and ran towards the place where the flare just came out.


"Oh! Who doesn't have long eyes! Do you know if you hit someone? What are you running with a black light?"

Keep working hard ... what can I do to save my eyes ...

(End of this chapter)