Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 1577: Willow buds may be calculated (Purple bu

Chapter 1577 Willow Buds Be Calculated (Purple Buddies Outside)

Silent for a moment, Wei Zidao, "It is a rule to be punished for making mistakes."

The rules of the Hidden Guard Camp have always been extremely severe, and anyone who commits an offence must not be spared.

Otherwise, the Yinwei camp will not make people scream.

The hermits fell silent.

The boss is right, hidden guard camps are not allowed to be smuggled.

Wei Zi turned her head, looking out of the boat, the hull was passing by, and the canal was gushing.

As in his heart, there are things left, and the marks are still there.

Before night, the boat docked at a nearby town pier.

This is already within Nanling. All major cities and towns have delivery channels for hidden guard camps. Wei Zi received the secret letter as soon as she landed.

It was handed out from the Liu Family Courtyard.

After finding the inn, Wei Zi turned in the secret letter.

Upon hearing a letter from Liu's compound, Liu Yusheng stuck to the man and refused to leave, including three little guys, and stretched his neck to wait for his father to read the letter.

"Dad, aren't they too grandparents and they miss us?"

"I will write a letter to my family and tell the grandfather, the grandfather and the grandmother, and we will be home soon."

Patting three little baby's heads, Feng Qingbai quickly read the letter. "It was written by Aunt Hong, grandparents, they asked us what's going on, everything is fine at home, and we'll wait for us to go home."

Liu Yusheng was unsatisfied with the three little babies, and took the letter to read it in person. At the end of the letter, he found a line of small characters that the man did not read.

"Well, Liu Ya returned to the Liu family farm, her sister is going to get married?" Was surprised, Liu Yusheng read out the last line, "I heard that the Chai family in the county originally loved Liu Bu, and then stepped back and asked for Willow leaves. With good intentions. "

After reading it, Liu Yusheng looked at Wei Zi who was standing by.

The man stood upright, his eyes were half-dropped, and there was no expression on his face.

"Feng Qingbai, you said that this is not good intentions. Is the Chai family still thinking of willow buds? Now that they have set up a willow leaf, how do they want to make an idea?"

Feng Qingbai raised her eyebrows, and her eyes were helpless, but her mouth was very cooperative. Even if Liuya ’s identity is only a slave, but this identity is already very high in the eyes of ordinary men. If you can catch up, the benefits will not be small. "

What kind of place the Liu Family Courtyard is is now known all over the world.

It was the Yue family of King Nanling, protected by the Emperor Nanling, and even had relations with the powers of various countries. He also lived in ghost doctors and other great figures.

No one dared to mess with the world.

Even if it was a little slave who came out of that place, the county magistrate bowed to his knees when he saw it.

If the wealthy household in a county in the Chai family can catch a willow bud, their status in the county and even the entire state will rise.

So even if the second best, the Chai family would like to have a relationship with the Liu family compound.

Now Liuya is back. If the other party's ambitions do not die, Liuya will only be counted.

"Master and princess, resign first in humble duty." Wei Zi bowed and retreated.

Liu Yusheng was dumbfounded, staring at the man's back, "I haven't finished talking yet."

"Wei Zi is not stupid, you sing double spring with me, do you think he can't see?" Feng Qingbai was funny.

"I don't mean anything else." She just said that.

How can outsiders get involved in such things as feelings.

Moreover, the twisted melon is not sweet.

If they are interested in each other, they are all happy. If one party has no intention, she is busy doing bad things with good intentions instead.

(End of this chapter)