Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 158: Fu Yuzheng

Chapter 158 Fu Yuzheng

"Zhengzheng was originally a character I fabricated out of thin air. I don't think they could find anything even if they actually went to Xuzhou for investigation.

What they can find is what I want them to find.

What I didn't expect was that I fabricated a character, and they could also fabricate a character and send it to me.

The little girl came to me then, and I was going to kill her as soon as possible.

She had her hands around her neck, but in the end I saved her life.

Not because I'm soft-hearted and sympathetic to her. In fact, she saved herself. "

Having said that, Feng Qingbai's mind emerged from the scene at that time.

At that time, the other person grabbed his hand, and her face became purple because of difficulty breathing, but she was not afraid in her eyes, but a different light.

Is a strong desire to survive.

She wants to be alive, and for this faith she can do everything.

Much like he used to be.

She was struggling to squeeze out her voice,

"I know I have only one end here, that is death, you will not let me go.

I want to talk to you about a condition.

As long as you promise, maybe I can help you. "

The other party was very clever, and she knew she couldn't keep it from being sent.

False is false. How could Nanling King not recognize his own salvation benefactor?

How could it not be known for what purpose she appeared beside him?

Those people sent her over to let her watch him and get what they wanted from King Nanling.

"She was the spy sent by those people?" Liu Yusheng asked curiously. "So she turned in sincerely with you?"

"She told me that as long as I left her life, what those people asked her to do, and every order she gave, she could tell me.

She can also help me to listen to news from there, making it easier for me to counter opponents in the game.

In this way, when I have to deal with political opponents, I can do more with less. And she can save her life.

In addition, she asked me to agree to a request.

Her name is Fu Yuzheng, the niece of a small family in Beijing.

Because her mother's family was in trouble, her mother and her were expelled by her family when she was a child, and abandoned by her father.

Someone brought her back this time, but she just used her to deal with me.

She asked me to help hold her family high, and when they were most proud of the spring breeze, they severely knocked them down the abyss and broke them.

I agreed and gave her the status of a maid to keep her in the house.

At that time, if she was not left, those people would continue to send me the second and third kites.

Instead of keeping this person directly, it can prevent a lot of unnecessary trouble, and I can do it myself.

In fact, she was a counter-attacked spy that was placed beside me.

On the surface, we are masters and servants, and have a kind relationship. There is nothing more than a relationship between each other on the ground.

That woman is very smart and cruel.

I went to the capital in the future and didn't need to contact her. Just know that she is my assistant like Wei Ziwei Lan. "

Liu Yusheng listened quietly, but did not expect that there was such a source.

At this point, some distress for the woman, but also some heartbreak.

A little girl went from the victim of power struggles to her own life.

You can even find a chance to avenge yourself and fight your own life in the most desperate situation.

Fu Yuzheng is a very capable person.

What kind of experience and courage did she experience?

"When I was a kid, she should have had a hard time." Liu Yusheng sighed.

"Do you sympathize with her?" Feng Qingbai was a little funny, raised the girl's jaw, and asked, "What about me?"

For some reason, Liu Yusheng now feels ashamed, uncomfortable, and his heartbeat is always out of order.

Pretending to be calm, he turned his face away from the imprisonment between his fingers. Liu Yusheng coughed, "What are you?"

"You sympathize with her, what about me? Sympathy, distress, or something else?" He asked again, asking in more detail, with narrow eyes and smiles.

This person is really, really stunned!

Is he really trying to hear something else? Liu Yusheng whispered, no, it was not as good as he liked it. Want to seduce her to confess? He hadn't said that word to her yet.

"I have sympathy and distress for you. I definitely can't be the same as anyone else. Who makes you my brother Asho?"

Feng Qingbai smirked, turned the girl's face again, pressed her forehead, and whispered,

"I don't want sympathy or distress for you. I want you to like me, okay?"

The dark and deep eyes condensed Liu Yusheng, and the gentleness flowing inside covered her whole body.

She couldn't make it, she couldn't escape, she could only indulge in it.

At a visible speed, Liu Yusheng's face was slowly stained with flushing and hot, almost burning her whole body.

But Liu Yusheng just refused to give in.

Why did he let her run away every time. She can also fight back!

Dead support, looking at the man, "Where do you want me to like you? Here, here, or here?"

She stretched out her fingers, and her white fingertips went down from his forehead, poking at him.

Then he grasped it before he became more confused.

The strength was so strong that she had pain in her wrist.

Liu Yusheng raised the corners of his lips, his eyes exuding pride.

Have n’t seen a pig run and eaten pork, does she really know nothing?

Makes you blush at every turn! Humph! Do you know what it's like to be counterattacked?

Liu Yusheng is not vegetarian!

The girl was proud of herself, her eyes brightened for a long while, and she inadvertently revealed the natural beauty.

Feng Qingbai's deep eyes were instantly darkened, "Sheng Sheng, do you know what is ignition and self-immolation?"

In her astonishment, he took her hand!

Liu Yusheng's eyes narrowed, and he watched as his hands approached him uncontrollably, yelling, pulling his hands back, and crawling out of the cabin.

"Wind cypress! You beast!"

Leave a roar. Behind it, the man laughed cheerfully.

Liu Yusheng fell down on the deck of the painting, and panting, his heart was about to jump out.

This person is about to become a demon!

How did she fight with him like this?

(End of this chapter)