Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 1589: But one cricket

Chapter 1589 But Nothing But A Puppet

Willow leaf flickered again, and people recoiled in fear.

However, the crowd behind him was crowded with no way out.

Turning his head to look around, everyone's eyes fell on her, extremely ridiculous.

These people were originally prepared for Liuya, but now she is supporting the joke in everyone's eyes.

Wicker was originally inexplicable, so when she saw her response at this time, as well as Wei Zi's conversation with Chai Gang, she had already reacted to what Liu Ye was calculating, and she was furious.

Things are going in an unexpected direction. In the end, the Chai family is also a person with a face and a face in the county. If they ca n’t do it, they will show their ugliness in front of the outside. , Willow leaves, willow buds and others have moved to the lobby.

All the children of the Chai family came out, and the female relatives sat down.

Standing in the middle is the willow leaf that looks pale and looks the same.

In addition, Wei Zi took Liu Buduan to the seat and looked at the battle in front of him.

No opening remarks, no polite words, Chai Gang's work was exceptionally clean, and the documents shook in his hands. "Marry a wife, marry a virtuous family, unfortunately, married a poisonous woman named Liu Ye, a calculated sister, and you will commit seven crimes as soon as you begin. My Chai family's wife is not allowed. Starting today, willow willows will be treated as cheap, sent to the Chai family's Xiaobeiyuan, and will not be righted for life! "

Low-grade crickets, those who are inferior to those in the government.

Liu Ye looked up, his eyes filled with scarlet, staring fiercely at Chai Gang, looking at the slightly smiling face, and finally laughing.

"Okay, okay, my willow leaves fall to today's field, hahaha, willow buds, you are satisfied!"

Liu Ya's mouth moved, trying to say something, his wrist was clasped by the man around him, and she was pulled up by the trend.

He said, "Take the blame for yourself, nothing special."

His timbre was very light, but he easily defeated the willow's color.

After that, he didn't go back with Liu Yatou.

"Master Wei! Do you like Liuya? What do you like about her? Such a useless person, why do you only see her in your eyes!" Behind her, the woman was hysterical.

No one answered.

Even Liu Ya, who wanted to turn back, kept refusing.

So, my sister started to give birth to her, and started to do many calculations for her, was it for Uncle Wei?

Like a person, how can you choose by condition?

Like is like, dislike is dislike. Depending on the conditions to like, it is not really like it.

Besides ... Uncle Wei didn't like her. Liu Bu has a sore nose, for himself, for the land he and his sister have made today, and for his dislike.

Wicker stood in the hall, watching the willow leaves still refusing to converge, and finally left without a word.

Don't say goodbye or plead for Willow Leaf.

If things really end like a willow's calculation, in the end, everyone will be affected by her and they will have to be buried for her.

Does she really not know?

Those who are blinded by jealousy are ignorant and awake.

The Chai family respectfully salute behind Wei Zi, even if the man does not look back, they dare not neglect.

When they disappeared, everyone was relieved.

"Climbing into the flames, and acting like a bunch of hypocritical hypocrites! Hahaha!" Liu Ye fell to the ground, laughing, and crying.

Chai Gang slowly untied his big red robe, threw it to the ground, and smiled against his lips, "Do you think you are noble? From beginning to end, but a bitch."

(End of this chapter)