Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 162: I will marry you!

Chapter 162 I Will Give You Marriage!

Inner courtyard study.

Feng Moyu sat in one corner with his hands on his cheeks, and from time to time he glanced at the face of the man who was focusing on his work behind the desk.

Cat scratching in my heart.

And did not dare to bother uncle Huang.

He's been watching for so long. Why doesn't Huang Huang ignore him?

Ask him, ask him!

"What do you want to say?" Huang Tian didn't bear the hard work. After calling for dozens of times in his heart, the person behind the desk finally spoke.

"Uncle Huang!" Feng Moyu immediately stood up and ran over, but did not dare to lean too close. He chose to stand opposite to the man, carefully, "Uncle Huang, will Aunt Liu be my emperor in the future?" "

Feng Qingbo paused, raised his eyes, "Do you have an opinion?"

"No, no!" Feng Moyu quickly waved his hands, joking, and have opinions? Is he dead? "I like Aunt Liu very much, really!"

Satisfied with his answer, the man looked back and continued to work.

"It's just, Uncle Huang, if you really want to be with Aunt Liu, can those who are immortal in the court agree? Aunt Liu's status will be used by them to make a fuss."

Uncle Huang holds power. In recent years, those people have thought about Faer sending women to Uncle Huang, but they have never succeeded.

In the end, those people gave up, and even in Beijing, it was said that Uncle Huang was not close to women, and there were hidden diseases. The most exaggerated people reported that he had the goodness of Longyang.

This cold trip to the palace once returned, there was an imperial concubine, still a small peasant girl from the village, those who are immortal must not be upset.

The thought of Feng Moyan frowning here, he had to help the uncle to plan and depend on each other. He would n’t worry about him if he didn't worry about the uncle.

"What do you think?" After the case, the man didn't look up and didn't scold him for talking, but asked again.

This is unprecedented!

Feng Moyan was so excited that his eyes went out.

Uncle Huang never asked him for advice before in the palace! Will not discuss with him! He can only follow orders and be punished!

"Uncle Huang!" Excited wind Mo Yan rushed to the table case, "I will marry you and Aunt Liu! I am the emperor, I cannot marry you, you can only become married! So you can follow Aunt Liu is together, and Aunt Liu will be able to be my imperial concubine! Those who are not dead can't find fault with you, at most they can put pressure on me. I'm not afraid! I will die anyway, let them come, I'll carry it for you! "

"You can carry it?" The man's tone was faint and he couldn't hear the ups and downs.

"The worst consequence of not being able to carry them is that they were successful in impeachment, can't they be emperors? At that time, you and Aunt Liu had done something. Pulling me out of office would not change this result, and they were furious!"

The more he said, the more excited he was, and the young man made up a scene of the ministers scratching his liver and watching the pictures of Huang Shuhuang's married couple in the hall of the church, and his mouth widened.

Did not see the man had looked up from the book case, his eyes looked at him complicatedly.

"Do you like your aunt Liu?"

"Like!" The boy nodded without hesitation. "Aunt Liu will accompany me and tell me stories. I never have to worry about speaking wrong or doing something with Aunt Liu."

Unlike in the palace, everyone around you must be on guard.

Fear of saying a word wrong in exchange for the other side turned sharply.

Not afraid to make mistakes, worrying that a little handle will cause Chaotang to subvert and bring great trouble to the uncle.

The boy gave the man a careful look, facing the man's deep eyes.

After hesitated, the young man beat some drums, "Uncle Huang?"

Did he say something wrong? Impossible, he always thinks about Uncle Huang!

So why look at him like this?

A moment later, a large palm covered the top of his head and left at the touch.

The boy froze completely, his eyes widened slowly, and his expression was wrong.

Uncle Huang just touched and touched his head?

Like he's seen before, does the dad of someone else rub the top of the baby?

Although it was just a stroke, he was sure, sure! Uncle Huang really touched his head!

Feng Moyu felt a little dizzy, and his heart was beating. He was so happy.

"These don't need you to worry, just go and rest."

"Oh." Ling Xing forbidden, and the boy turned back to the room.

Out of the study, back to the room, sitting on the bed for a long time, the boy suddenly woke up, and ran out and ran back and forth in the dark and hidden corners around the room, laughing and jumping and yelling, and the lowered voice could not hide He was excited.

"Uncle Wei! Uncle Wei! You know what? Uncle just touched my head!"

"Xiaobai! I told you, my uncle touched my head just now! Really, it's comfortable!"

"Wei Orange! Did you see that? In the study just now, my uncle touched me! Hey!"


The man in the study had stopped working, his gaze fell on the burning candlelight in front of him, half of his eyes were dark and dim, and I wondered what he was thinking.

He got up, walked out of the study, and drank coldly in a certain direction. "Feng Moyu, go to sleep!"

In the yard a long distance away, the noise was immediately gone and quiet.

The guest courtyard is also quiet.

There were no lights in each room. At this hour, most of them fell asleep.

Feng Qingbai slowly walked to the girl's bedroom, originally she just wanted to get closer to her, and looked at her again.

I never thought that I was approaching, I was caught by the scene.

The window was half open, and the Yi people leaned against it.

The girl leaned against the window bar and looked up at the moon.

The moonlight was dim and dim, and the moonlight falling on her face reflected her face extremely gently.

Under the moonlight, the gentle and quiet breath of her body was surrounded by light, making people feel comfortable looking.

By her side, no matter how much drumming, I seemed to be able to calm down as quickly as possible.

The beauty is quiet.

Such a picture is unbearable.

But he still passed by.

Rather than standing and watching her in the distance, he prefers to go to her and work with her to become the scene in the picture.

Willing to be her foil.

There was a sound of light footsteps in his ears, and Liu Yusheng rolled his eyes to see the man stepping on the moonlight.

颀 Long body, clear temperament, handsome and matchless.

The whole body is covered with a hazy halo.

Like being pulled down from the earth, the fairy who is contaminated with fireworks on the earth.

The corner of Liu Yusheng's mouth was raised slightly, and he smiled before he spoke.

"So late, why are you here?"

"I miss you, then come." He had come to her, staring at the girl across the window sill, his eyes were softer than the moonlight.

I don't know if this is the case for men and women in love.

Sometimes the other person only needs one sentence or even one expression and one eye to make you grow sweetness from your heart.

Then sweetness will climb to the corners of your eyes and eyebrows, making you unable to control yourself.

Liu Yusheng is like this. The smile at the corner of his mouth can't be closed at all.

"What about you?" He seemed to feel something, and his voice was unconscious and dull for a few moments.


"Do you want me?"

(End of this chapter)