Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 163: Cure me acacia

Chapter 163: Healing Me

"Thinking." Under the moonlight, the girl's eyes were moist, with a slight shame.

Even if she was extremely shy, she still looked at him boldly and told him that she missed him too.

Feng Qingbai felt that his chest was bulging.

Her eyes were full of her petite and shy face, and nothing else could be tolerated.

He wanted to get closer to her.

The window sill that hovered between the two made him very dissatisfied.

Feng Qingbai turned over and jumped in from the windowsill.


The woman's low exclaiming voice had not yet reached her mouth, and she was embraced by Feng Qingbai and leaned on the windowsill.

The four eyes are opposite, the breathing is chaotic, and in a quiet space, the heartbeat sounds extremely clear.

The temperature emanating from the other person through his clothes seemed to melt the air.

Liu Yusheng's hands were forced to reach the man's chest, his eyes fluttered nervously.

And he, with his deep eyes fixed on her, probed and closed the window behind her.

The moonlight was blocked by the windows, and the indoor light suddenly became dark.

In the dark, you can't see the other person's face or the other person's expression, you can only draw a vague outline.

The sound of each other's breathing is clearer in the enclosed space, intertwining with a sense of panic.

The air seemed to be getting stuffier and hotter.

With this heat, my heartbeat becomes faster and faster.

At this time, the five senses became extremely sharp.

The next moment, he kissed her lips.

After a long time, the windows of the guest room were pushed open again, the moonlight poured in, and the ground was gentle.

The man held the girl in his arms, leaned against the window sill, and looked up to see the missing moon in the sky.

The space is quiet, and there is warmth in the quiet.

Being in it makes people reluctant to withdraw.

The meniscus at this time, not perfect, fell in the eyes of the two, but they felt extremely beautiful.

Xu is a state of mind that affects the mood. Happy people feel good when they look at anything.

"There is only one day left in the chamber of commerce." Since then, she rushed against the young girl, Feng Qingbai lightly.

"Well." After the chamber of commerce, she should ... go home.

And his identity today is definitely not going back with her.

If he could return, he would not have been a full nine years. He would never pass a few words to Xinghua Village, nor would he dare to recognize her after meeting again.

They will soon be separated.

The thought of being separated again soon, Liu Yusheng's heart was full of perseverance, and sadness came out of his heart.

She wanted to speak to him and ask him to go back and take a look together.

But couldn't speak.

His scruples, she already knew, but could not bear him any more.

"How about you, are you finished with what you want to do in Xuzhou this time?" She asked under pressure.

"Not yet."

Feng Qingbai answered extremely restraint. He felt her sudden stiffness, and guessed what she was thinking at the moment.

Isn't he so?

He will soon be separated, and he recognizes her, but in a short period of time, he is no less than half her.

Reluctantly held her a little tighter, Feng Qingbai's eyes were dim.

Unable to see the look of the people behind her, Liu Yusheng knew nothing about the man's mind, but she suddenly remembered the first day of the meeting and asked, "Are you here to find Baicaogumen?"


"Have you found any information about him yet?"

"Nothing for now."

"What do you want him to do? Ask for medicine or cure the disease?" Liu Yusheng frowned and said, pulling up the man's wrist to cut his veins.

The first line of Baicaogu is called the hidden world divine doctor. He sought them. Besides these two, she could not think of any other reason.

Feng Qingbai did not stop, let the young girl move on his hands, enjoy her care and worry about him, and bring him the satisfaction.

It is good to stay for so many moments.

"No problem." Frowning, the girl muttered, her pulse was strong and strong, no hidden diseases and no dark injuries. He was very well.

"There is something wrong." He curled his lips and answered her.

"What's wrong?"

Liu Yusheng turned nervously and looked at him. She believed in her medical skills, but it was related to him, and she would have doubts about herself. Is there something really wrong and she didn't diagnose it?

"Here, you can feel upset if you can't see you. I always want to go to your side." He pulled her up and stuck it to his heart. "What's wrong, you say?"

Liu Yusheng had a fever on his cheek, but he still had his eyes widened. He was serious, "You are a sickness of acacia, and you are ill, you can cure your heart. Can you use your heart?"

The man muffled and laughed lowly.

"Then I packed up my sweetheart and took it with me. It is always feasible to treat me with love."

Liu Yusheng couldn't hold it.

Pushed the man out of the room and slammed the door, snapped the window with him, "I'm going to rest!"

Feng Qingbai smiled until he left the hospital and slowly put away.

Come to find the reason for Baicaomen, he didn't want her to know.

Once she knew it, she was definitely going to want to relieve him.

He knew she was healing well, but he never thought of asking her to heal Feng Moyu.

Because Feng Moyu's identity is Heavenly Son.

If he is fortunate enough to heal, he will naturally make a name for himself.

But if something goes wrong, the girl will be the target of criticism.

He refused.

Thinking of this, the man's eyes were dim, and he turned to the inner courtyard. In any case, he couldn't involve her.

Liu Yusheng didn't go to bed and rested the man who had stunned her into anger.

I always think about the man looking for Baicao Valley.

She knows that Feng Qingbai must not tell her the truth. If there is no need for healing, he will even go to find Baicao Valley in person.

Even if it wasn't for his illness, it must be that someone around him was sick and needed treatment.

But since he chose not to tell her, she did not force it.

Not that she can do nothing for him.

Thinking of here, Liu Yusheng took out the refining tools in the space and began to search for the remedies available in memory to prepare remedies.

She is going to make medicine for him.

This is the only thing she can do for him at the moment, and she will do her best.

Do his best to ensure that he can get more vitality through those medicines when he is in danger.

Hemostasis, trauma, heart protection, blood recovery ... Because it is for him, she discarded all the previously made.

In the re-refining process, she mixed undiluted spiritual spring water in the medicinal materials, in order to improve the efficacy of the medicine to the extreme.

That night passed in the refining medicine.

Until the sky was bright, looking at the various pills lying at hand, Liu Yusheng took out the medicine bottles and sorted them, and even used several medicine bottles to directly fill the spiritual spring water.

With this, he can have a lot more life-saving chips when he is in danger.

This was what she could do for him, and she didn't feel enough.

(End of this chapter)