Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 1700: Extra: Ome (40)

Chapter 1700 Fanfan: Green Plum (40)

In October, the climate of Dongyue Imperial City is colder than that of Nanling. The morning air is already freezing.

Fortunately, Croton practiced martial arts all year round. Even if he was wearing a single coat, he could carry it. In addition to the beauty of heaven, there was a warm sun hanging on his head, and he came up in the sun and lazily. past.

Woke up because I heard a crisp sound.

It was the sound of a copper plate thrown into a broken bowl.

Croton opened his eyes with excitement in one fell swoop, and sure enough, the bowl contained almost ten copper plates!

The copper plate reflects the copper-yellow luster under the sun. It looks so cute.

"Thank you Haguan for your reward! Hako is a good man, and a good man is safe all his life!" It doesn't seem to be who he is when his hands are crossed. Croton first told Shunzui the acknowledgment he learned recently.

The first begging in life came with a good start, ten copper plates, and three gimmicks can be bought in the capital.

"Thank you, I only have so much on me. Take it to buy some food." The soft voice line floated into Croton's ears from top to bottom. "I see that you are a little different from other beggars. Although the clothes are torn, but your hands are Your face is very clean. You should be a clean person. At this step, you have encountered some difficulties. I hope you can survive the difficulties. "

Croton's eyes slowly moved up.

From the white but clean embroidered shoes washed to the front, to the plain skirt, and later, the slender back left by the woman after turning, and long hair like a waterfall.

Crooked his head, he called, "Hey."

The girl paused and turned around, her eyes doubting.

Croton coagulated her and raised the small broken bowl. "Thank you."

The girl rolled her lips and smiled, politely nodded at him, and left again.

"Well, like what? Like ... Jasmine after the rain." She smiled.

quiet nice.

Pick up the copper plate in the bowl, look carefully at the sun, and finally put it in your arms.

I do not know why, but this time did not give birth to the copper plate in exchange for gimmicks.

"Still peeking? Come out." Croton suddenly spoke, and soon, a cowering figure moved up from the corner behind Croton.

"I didn't peek. I just had no land to rest there and I'll leave later!" It was the middle-aged beggar who had grabbed the land with Croton before.

"Have you been squatting here before?" Croton asked, raising an eyebrow.

After hearing what he said, middle-aged beggars answered faster, and Balabarat aggrieved, "We have a lot of camps in this city, each with its own place. This place has always been mine before, brother, you New here, it's really wrong to grab such a place, you ... "

"You just met the girl, you know?"

The beggar stumbled and said, "I know, Miss Yushifu! My last name is Min Mingzi. But I advise you, you have to be a little self-aware, even if they are in awe, they have a wealthy background Up……"

"Return the place, thank you."

In a blink of an eye, the boy disappeared, leaving only a broken bowl to stay in place, proving that the boy had stayed here.

For a long time, the middle-aged beggar murmured, "You can't listen to people when you talk to people? Interrupt people's words once or twice, no education!"

call out--

There was a slight sound, and the middle-aged beggar shuddered with his mouth.

He dared to bet with his head. The sneak attack on him must be the uncultivated kid!

No one can hear him anymore. The legendary tailwind ear is your mother!

Recently, I have doubled my monthly pass. The little fairies are more supportive. I will add more tomorrow depending on the situation.

(End of this chapter)