Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 1705: Extra: Ome (45)

Chapter 1705 Fanfan: Green Plum (45)

"Uncle Peng, I know." The person walking ahead suddenly said something almost silently.

The royal family always has the highest interests, and so does he.

He is the Emperor of Dongyue, and he will follow the ancestral system in accordance with the rules of the royal family, like every previous emperor, to stabilize the court and stabilize the Jiangshan community. For this reason, nothing cannot be exchanged and nothing can be given.

It's just that he doesn't want to give it yet.

He insisted that he couldn't carry on that day.

Croton was arranged to rest in the side hall of Linhua Temple. I don't know if it was because I suddenly knew the news of Qiqi's disappearance. I was too irritable.

When he came back to God again, Croton Fang found that he came to Min House without knowing it, and climbed up to the wall of the side courtyard of his house.

"Now that you are here, just look and go." Finding a reason for myself, Croton was lying on the roof of the other courtyard, watching the busy figure in the courtyard below, anxious and strange, slowly calm. Come down.

At this point, Min Zi had not been able to rest.

There are no people in the yard, she needs to be busy with everything, feed her mother the last medicine, give her a bath and wipe her body, and then clean up the yard. She can rest almost every day when she gets a son.

She has been used to this kind of work and rest.

After washing and changing the clothes and drying them, Minzi wiped the thin sweat from her forehead, and Fang dragged her tired body back to the room.

The dark room was lit with an oil lamp, and the dim light suddenly filled the room, making the entire room yellowish.

Because it was a woman's boudoir, Croton did not go peeking, lay on the roof, lay her hands behind her head, and looked at the cool moon above her head. Unconsciously, her eyelids began to come down.


The slight sound of things falling to the ground awakened Croton from the confusion, and ignored the others, immediately lifted the tiles and looked down, and saw that the girl who should have been resting long ago fell asleep on the dresser, and her feet were Overturned oil lamp.

The oil lamp was dumped, the lamp oil came out, and the fire spread very fast along the lamp oil, and it was about to burn on the girl's skirt.

At this time, the girl also woke up and found the situation in front of her. She was screamed in horror. She stepped on the lamp oil in a hurry, and instantly caught the flame.


After the ringing, the young girl stared at the black embroidered shoes with black paint, her face panicked, her eyes shocked and puzzled.

Before she did anything, the fire on her feet went out, and the fire on the ground went out.

After a long time, the girl slowly squatted down, lifted the dumped oil lamp, and buried her head in her hands.

There was a forbearing and fine sobbing, leaking from the gap between the girl's hands and floating into the roof teenager's ear.

He sat there, watching her thin shoulders shake from top to bottom, his eyes darkening.

Finally, looking away from her, she landed on the dressing table next to her.

The vanity on the dresser was mottled and very old.

On it was a bronze mirror and a wooden comb.

Behind the bronze mirror, next to the wall, there is a neat row of things.

Tea mug.

It's all tea pots.

The wipes are clean and the appearance is different. You can see from the color and luster, each one is old.

If Tai Gong is here, he will love it.

——When I go to the street with my father and mother in the future, if I see a tea pot you said, I will buy it for you too.

——Okay, you should keep it if you buy it. If I come to East Vietnam later, I will ask you for it!

As a child, it turned out that someone has always remembered and has been fulfilling his promises.

Addition of 500 ~

(End of this chapter)