Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 1752: Fanwai: Ten Wen Qian Fu (32)

Chapter 1752 Fanfan: Ten Wen Qian Fu (32)

The so-called banquet hall for flower viewing is located in the pavilion near the artificial lake in the Royal Garden. It is windy on all sides and full of floral fragrance. It is most pleasant to sit here and enjoy the flowers in June.

In a warm atmosphere, an old man walked outside the pavilion, looking hurriedly.

"Old slave meets Queen!"

"Well, what's the matter?" The queen asked.

The old man's eyes glanced past Min Zi, then approached the queen, and whispered a few words in her ears, and saw the queen's smile disappear.

The queen changed her face, and all of them stopped talking for a moment.

"Today's banquet is almost over. Let's temporarily disperse here." The queen stood up and nodded at the crowd. "I'll meet you and leave the palace. Miss Min, you come with this palace."

The banquet was temporarily suspended at half-time, so everyone naturally did not dare to ask the queen more and left one by one.

After leaving the queen's eyeliner, someone immediately raised a question, "Just now I saw the queen's maiden's face suddenly changed, and Min Zi was also called at the end. Do you say that the matter of Lao Bao Bao is related to Min Zi?"

"It's certain to be related to her. In my opinion, it is probably her little coward who has made a big deal, otherwise she won't alarm the queen."

"What husband, they are not married yet, and at best they can only call a fiancee."

For Min Zi's fiancée, it was only a small tadpole, who was ridiculed by every conceal, and his words were contemptuous.

Instead, they would rather not marry for life, rather than choose a lower-grade husband.

Suddenly, someone said, "Are you no one doubting the identity of that uncle? If it is just an ordinary person, no matter how big it is, it will not make the queen's face change. And this time, the queen also specially invited to be kicked out. Former Miss Qian Jin of Minfu, where does Min Zi ’s qualifications as a sullen noble girl kicked out? "

Unless her qualifications were brought to her by her fiance.

The air was quiet for a moment, and the golden men looked at each other. After a long time, they quietly boarded the carriage back to their homes and galloped.

Hurry back to inquire about the latest news.

In this compartment, Min Zi followed the queen, and all kinds of speculations appeared in her heart. Until she got on the carriage, she couldn't come up with a reason.

When the carriage started, she discovered that she was riding in the same car as the queen, and was walking outside the palace.

"Queen maiden, can you tell the daughter what happened? But in my house-" Min Zi's speech was interrupted and her pupils were slightly opened.

In her family, except for her mother-in-law and Mo Nan.

The mother-in-law has been lethargic for years, and it is impossible for the mother-in-law to make trouble. There is only one possibility, something happened to Mo Nan!

"Did I have an unmarried accident?" In a panic, Min Zi grabbed the queen's wrist without realizing it.

The queen stared at her shackles and patted her back to appease. "Don't panic. Something happened outside. As for what happened, this palace is temporarily unknown. But the problem should not be big."

A young man who can let the emperor run out of his house for him, even if he commits a big thing, is not a big thing.

The reason why she took Min Zi out of the house is to save her mind.

If it wasn't for the sudden report, she wouldn't have thought of anything else. Now connect things together, Fang finds that she thought in the wrong direction from the beginning.

The emperor attaches importance to Min Zi, not Min Zi, what really should be Min Zi's fiance, Xiao Nan Mo Nan.

"Ms. Min, you may truthfully answer this palace. Your husband, Mo Nan, is really just a little girl?"

(End of this chapter)