Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 1815: Fanwai: Whose boy (46)

Chapter 1815 Fanfan: Whose boy (46)

In the other compartment, Pan Ziyi and others took Xia Houzhu instead of returning to the igloo, but went directly to the carriage at the gate of Bingcheng and returned to the city overnight.

As soon as her mouth became free, Xia Houzhu became embarrassed and angry. "What are you doing to stop me? If you are afraid of them, I am not afraid! ..."

"Enough!" Pan Ziyi shouted, scaring Xia Houzhu. "Do you know the identity of the other party? If you don't even understand the details of the other person, you will make a fuss! You really think that you can do everything you want." You know how the Hengzhou Zhifu stepped down a while back? If you are not afraid of involving your father on the cusp of the wind, you will be troubled! "

After hearing from Pan Ziyi about Hengzhou prefecture, Xia Houzhu's face changed slightly, and finally stopped.

Since the emperor went to Hengzhou and passed on the investigations and investigations by the eunuchs of the prefecture of Hengzhou, everyone in the major state cities was at risk. No one dared to make mistakes at this juncture, so as not to be caught by accident.

However, touching the cheeks still hot, thinking of the humiliation she suffered, Xia Houzhu's heart was still resentful, her eyes lowered to cover her hatred.

"Ziyi, who do you say they are? I searched every face in the circle and couldn't figure out which one the girl was." Zhuo Cheng frowned.

"Will it come from the capital? If it is the capital of the capital, it can explain how she can be so energetic." Quan Zhengchu also said.

Pan Ziyi shook his head. "There is no such person in the capital's Qianjinli."

He didn't say that he knew all the people in the upper circle of the capital, but he was mostly familiar. He was sure that the girl was not a daughter of the family in the capital.

Listening to their words, Xiahouzhu's eyes flickered and became darker.

The carriage went into the city and returned Xiahouzhu to Xiahoufu. Pan Ziyi and his party kept away from the plague-like horse, and did not even enter the gate of Xiahoufu.

They also need to hurry up to investigate and see if they can find out the identity of the girl.

Xia Houzhu returned to the house, and did nothing else. She whipped up in front of her mother and croaked. She also exposed her face with red fingerprints in front of her mother.

"What's going on? Didn't you follow Ziyi to Bingcheng? Who dares to bully you with him ?!"

"Mother! Huh!" Xia Houzhu shook her head, crying but not talking.

The girl-in-law tried to shrink her body beside her, so as not to suffer from innocence. Such a scene, as a lady next to her, she is commonplace in the morning, and every time she is aggrieved, the lady will inevitably cry in front of the lady, and the lady will start for the lady when she feels bad.

However, the wife didn't know yet, where was the ice city where the lady followed Pan Gongzi, and it was clearly pursued.

"Miss doesn't say it, you! As a girl, you just watched the girl being bullied?" Mrs. Xiahou suddenly pointed her finger at the girl, scolding.

Her daughter was beaten, but the girl-in-law didn't do anything, that was, weak protection of the Lord and unfaithfulness to the Lord!

The girl was afraid and knelt down. "Madam, the girl who hit and missed was an eighteen-nine-year-old girl, and even Prince Pan was very frightened of her. I don't know what it was."

"Don't even scoff Pan?" Madam Xiahou's face changed, hesitating in tone.

Xia Houzhu gave a glance to the girl, and he twitched, "My daughter doesn't know why Zi Yi's brother is so careful. He said it was just an accident in Hengzhou, and he shouldn't be too pretentious. But Brother Yi also said I have never seen this person in the circle. It is neither a metropolis celebrity nor a family member. It is because of having two hands to bully her daughter a weak woman! "

(End of this chapter)