Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 1983: Fanwai: Good People (60)

Chapter 1983: Beyond: Good People (60)

Time passed quietly day by day, the autumn breeze was getting colder, and it was close to the cold winter.

After the husband and wife were busy, Liu Zhixia rushed back to Beijing.

Because Liu Zhiqiu had a good harvest on his farm, he took his daughter-in-law and rushed to various villages to check the accounts and distribute the received food.

As for the others in the compound, each has their own work to do.

Even Croton goes to his robe every day to take his new group of younger brothers up and down the river.

Only Tian Qi felt like he was doing nothing and became a wasteful existence in the compound.

He tried to help the old lady to sort out the vegetable garden and was kicked out. He suspected that he stepped on the winter vegetable seedlings she had just planted.

He wanted to accompany the old man to go fart under the big locust tree, and was blasted back because he was too young to get into the old age.

Wanting to play chess with Qin Lao to solve the boredom, Qin Lao directly carried a **** to the yard and the whole sapling went to the back of the mountain.

As for the ladies and queens who stayed at home, they were all seven or seven in the courtyard.

Sitting at the door of the hall and watching people coming and going, Qiqi strangely gave birth to a feeling that he was an abandoned stray dog.

He was isolated.

Nowhere to say yet.

This is not what makes him most aggrieved.

The most aggrieved is that after returning for a full half month, he could not speak to Red Bean in a word.

It's really not a word.

Uncle Feng's approach is really amazing.

When he chased Aunt Liu before, why didn't he think that he was also prying someone else's daughter and should be hit and isolated?

A fall wind blew and fell on Tian Qi, blowing a strand of hair hanging in front of his brain, fluttering.

So desolate.

In the inner courtyard, Feng Qingbai lay in a sun lounger placed beside a stone table, covered his face with an open book, and stretched his hands to hold his belly in front. His attitude was lazy and not casual.

The air is filled with shallow herbal scent, and the wind blows through the bamboo forest of the courtyard to make a rustling sound, the golden light is falling, and the years are quiet.

Liu Yusheng picked up the herbs in front of the bamboo sieve, and inadvertently, he looked up at the man who seemed to be asleep, and his eyes crossed the funny side.

"You've been treating seven or seven and a half months, isn't it enough?" With him as a stalk, except for dinner time in the compound, Qiqi and Hongdou had no chance to meet each other alone.

There was a man's voice under the opened book. Because it was covered by the book, Qingyue's voice seemed a little stuffy. "What's half a month? Don't you know what he's thinking, if you make him, your daughter will be him." . "

The man exposed the wind of the book and did not have a cold lip line, and he would not relax his alertness.

He knows the thoughts of Qiqi, and he knows the thoughts of his daughter. In this case, as long as the kid catches a little chance, the daughter cannot keep it.

Just like he had racked his brains to marry Sheng Sheng at the beginning.

"If you can prevent it for a while, you can prevent it from happening in one lifetime? You, even if you can control the seven or seven, can you control the daughter?" The woman's words are strong, but it is not wonderful to fall in the ears of Feng Qingbai.

Can't lie down.

Sit up and look at the woman, frowning tightly, "Can't hold red beans?"

Liu Yusheng endured and tolerated, leaning over to support his belly.

It turns out that this person also knows that his daughter has been choking.

There is no father in their family who can fight with his daughter. A man has only one half of his life, and it is time for him to taste the aggrieved taste.

"Wei Zi, where are the red beans?" Feng Qingbai was keenly aware, and immediately felt bad, and shouted.

Wei Zi appeared very quickly, and the words of Feng Bao made Feng Qingbai's face darker faster. "Man, the lord of the county just went to the front yard and took the seven or seven out."

(End of this chapter)