Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 1994: Not responsible for Fanwai: Liu Chengji

Chapter 1994 Irresponsible Fanfan: Liu Chengsi

Liu Chengsi stood by Qinghe and walked slowly.

Enjoying the scenery on both sides of the Qinghe River, facing the warm sun and the wind, smelling the unique fragrance of rice grass floating on both sides, the whole person is extremely relaxed.

This kind of leisure and relaxation is not available in Beijing.

Although he did not intend to go on official careers, his dad has now taken the position of the cabinet's first assistant in Chaotang, and it is the most trusted and trusted confidant in front of the emperor, which can be described as more than 10,000 people. There are countless people who want to connect with their family. He is low-key in Beijing, and he can't avoid all the entertainment.

He could not deal with everyone in order to avoid anything.

They have to tighten themselves from time to time, lest they make mistakes and fall into other people's traps, which will have a bad impact on Dad.

The capital is complicated.

Only when you go home can you enjoy this brief simplicity.

"Wife, look, do our crops grow best in this area?"

"Isn't it almost the same? I can see where it is the best. The crops on both sides of Qinghe are growing well."

"That is, otherwise those people outside can cut their brains every year in order to exchange Xinghuacun rice? Hahaha!"

The hearty and proud laughter was so familiar that Liu Chengsi turned his head and saw a pair of old men standing on the field in the distance.

The corner of his mouth unconsciously raised, Liu Chengsi called, "Too grandpa, too grandma!"

"Yo, edama, do you hold here?" The old man narrowed his eyes and saw the man standing by the river, busy, "You didn't play with Croton Pea?"

"These guys are too noisy. I want to be pure and walk around." Said, Liu Chengsi walked along the field to the two elders.

Didn't say Croton had just gotten newly married, and it didn't bother people to adjust the oil with their daughter-in-law.

Tian Qi and Hongdou needless to say, it is easy to get the elders of the family to relax, and he always finds the opportunity to take a piece alone. How can he go up to recruit people?

There are only a few pea money villages and Dabao Xiaobao of Uncle Qinglian's house. The age differs from him too much, and there is a generation gap.

Finally, Liu Chengsi came out by himself and stole some leisure for himself.

"Too grandpa, too grandma, why are you here? Tian Tian is very narrow. You should walk carefully." When speaking, Liu Cheng's face was calm and his heart was raised.

I was afraid that the two elders would be excited or something. There was an accident on Tian Xi. His father had to twist his head back when he went back.

The gentleman Liu Shoufu, who is gentle and elegant, is definitely not a gentleman when it concerns the elders in the family.

The old man was transparent with his wife, and watching the young man's eyes stared at them, he knew what the baby was worried about.

The old man Lang smiled, "What are you worried about, this boy? Grandpa Tian Tian has been away for decades, I ca n’t fall with my eyes closed!"

"Don't underestimate our two old guys on the field, it's you, be careful not to slip your feet." The wife smiled aloud.

As soon as the voice fell, Liu Chengsi's feet swelled. When a foot slipped and stepped into the paddy field beside Tianyao, and the feet were lifted, the mud was full of feet, "..."

"Hahaha! No, you are the junior of the crop farmer, how can you even go to the field? You will have more opportunities to come back later, Grandpa will take you to the ground to work!"

Mrs. Liu took a picture of the father's back with a palm of his hand, letting it go lightly, just listening, "What's the bullshit? I'm a scholar, take a pen, what do I have to do to come back to farm with you? Isn't there anything to say, to be a champion? Even if I do n’t test for the top prize, it would be great to be a teacher in the future. "

(End of this chapter)