Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 20: OK, he said

Chapter 20 OK, he said

It's Dabao's voice.

Liu Zhixia and Liu Zhiqiu stared at each other. "Zhiqiu, stay here with your uncle, and the others will follow me."

After all, I hurried to that direction with the others.

"Brother," and so on, Liu Yusheng yanked Liu Zhiqiu's sleeves. "Let's go and see?"

Little lunatics will hit people, she is a bit worried, can they cope with the big brother, after all, they are all a group of little farts around seven or eight years old.

"No, that lunatic will hit someone. The elder brother was worried about this and made me take you here. Hey, can't go." Liu Zhiqiu refused.

"Brother, go, go," shaking Liu Zhiqiu's arms, Liu Yusheng glared at him with a small face, his voice soft, "I'm worried about big brother, I'll take a look, brother ..."

... Liu Zhiqiu was defeated immediately.

The two were cats, sneaking close to the incident.

Hiding behind a sloping grass, look through the grass.

I saw Liu Zhixia and others in a semi-circle. Dabao and Gouwa were in the front. Dabao had a bamboo pole in his hands, his eyebrows were upright and he was trying to make a fierce look, yelling at the people squatting before them.

From the direction of Liu Yusheng, only the side of the person can be seen. It is estimated that he is seven or eight years old. He is very thin and thin, because he can even see the raised spine under the gray cloth and his hair tied into a child's jacket. His forehead fell into disarray, blocking his face.

"... You are not from our village, this place is our Xinghua Village, you are not allowed to come here, hurry up! Otherwise I really hit you!" Came the helper, Dabao dared to grow up, and his waist was straight. As a result, the posthumous momentum is more vivid.

"Little lunatic, don't hear me, hurry up! Don't run out scary in the future, otherwise we'll smash your broken house!" Gouwa raised her fist and waved vigorously.

The little lunatic never spoke, and even if they threatened to drink and curse, he didn't react like a puppet.

Liu Yusheng pursed his small mouth, his eyes glanced down inadvertently, and his pupil flinched.

That person is not unresponsive!

He placed his finger on the ground and scratched it back and forth, and with the sound of yelling and cursing, he became faster and more fickle!

She has seen a similar situation in previous lives, this is only a manifestation of mania!

The hand stopped suddenly and grabbed the stone at hand!

"Brother!" Liu Yusheng's heart tightened and he rushed out.


Liu Zhiqiu was too late to pull out, but he patted his forehead in annoyance and pulled his heel up.

No one noticed that when he heard the word 囡囡, all the actions of the little lunatic stopped.

At the other end, Liu Zhixia looked over with surprise, "Well?"

Then she sank, and pulled Liu Yusheng behind her backhand, glaring at Liu Zhiqiu, "Liu Zhiqiu, what do you think of you, take me back!"

Liu Zhiqiu grimaced. His elder brother called him by his first name, and he was really angry.

Alas, you pit brother!

"Well, go back with your elder brother first, the elder brother will come back in a while, and go quickly." While watching the little lunatic in front of him, Liu Zhixia coaxed his sister.

"Yes, don't you come here, this lunatic is fierce and will hit people!"

"I stepped back, be careful not to be hurt by him!"

Little friends, you can say a word to me, and you will be the enemy of the madman.

Liu Yusheng shook his head, turned out from behind Liu Zhixia, and looked at the squatting man.

The man even looked up, and his dark eyes stared at her tightly after the mess.

And he had grasped the stone's hand and relaxed a little.

Liu Yusheng observed carefully, and she didn't feel malicious from his eyes.

Taking a tentative step forward, Liu Zhixia and Liu Zhiqiu immediately stopped and said, "Well!"

I was about to reach out and pull people back, but when I saw my sister turned back and smiled at them, the smile seemed to be magical, so I asked them to hold out their hands.

Liu Yusheng looked at the squatting little boy again, and slowly walked forward two more steps. He softly whispered to him, "Do not hit people, will you?"

The big fist rolled out of the boy's feet.

Then a group of little farts found out that there were stones in the hands of the lunatic, and afterwards I felt a cold sweat.

If it weren't for Xiao Xiao rushing out, some of them would be scooped up here!

In front of the crowd, Liu Yusheng's small face burst into a smile, came to the little boy, crouched down, and faced him face to face.

Then he stretched out his small hand, and slowly grasped the hand that he dangled beside his feet and scratched the ground uneasily.

Hold it firmly, the hand is not moving, the stiff joints show his incredible and nervous.

"He's not a little lunatic." Liu Yusheng said to his stunned brother and companion behind him.

"Well, he ..."

"He's not a lunatic," she said again, earnestly, solemnly.

"Yes, but he can hit someone!" Dabao was terribly dissatisfied with his neck, how could he help a little madman, just now the little madman would give him a scoop!

Liu Yusheng crooked his head. "If someone scolds me and hurries me, I will be angry and beat people."

"... Well, you help him, don't help me!" Dabao was wronged and his eyes were red, and the rest of the little partners were at a loss.

Liu Zhixia Liu Zhiqiu can see that no one can say that his sister said, "Okay, Dabao, how old are you?"

"I usually hurt! I just helped the little madman when I saw him, and I'm not allowed to change it!" Da Baozhen.

"Brother Dabao, I like you too!" The soft and delicate voice of the girl's baby makes people continue to sigh with great anger, "Brother Dabao is good to you, to other little ones in the village." Yeah, buddies, everyone likes Brother Dabao, because you will take care of everyone, and you will talk about morality! "

Da Bao met for a while, and his ears climbed up to the crimson, "... really, really? I'm so good?"

"Of course it's true! So, don't you, the good brother Dabao, and everyone else, exclude him? He looks as big as us, and he is also a little baby. It's hard to be rejected and driven away. . "

Everyone blinked and looked at such a puppet, feeling soft in their hearts, a little warm, a little sour, and didn't understand what it was.

But without exception, everyone said nothing to her.

Liu Zhixia glanced at Xiaoyu, and then hit Dabao's arm.

Crashed Dabao out of the way.

"So, then he has to promise not to hit anyone again!" This was a compromise.

Liu Yusheng pouted and laughed.

"What's your name?" He asked, looking at the little boy who had been staring at her.

"... Ashu," he said.

The little friends took a breath, hiss! Thought this guy was dumb, how could he actually talk?

I'm so amazing!

"In the future, why don't you hit someone?"

Her smile was right in front of him, as bright as ever.

"Okay," he said.

(End of this chapter)