Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 2004: Fan: Money jar vs little aunt

Chapter 2004 Fan: Money Jar vs Little Aunt

"Master Qianfu fled again?"

"What's running away? You can't talk about it until you get a relationship. Master Daqian is just like his dad before. He didn't even show up when he was dating!"

"If you have a father, you have a son! Whose shame is this time?"

"Mrs. Gong's Historian Sun ..."

To say that in addition to the few happy events related to Nanling King's Mansion, the most popular chatroom chat room in Beijing in recent years is the First Emperor Shangqian Mansion.

No matter what time that family is, they can always make a joke for private comment.

Especially in the past two years, Qian Wanjin, the head of Qianfu's family, has almost reached the point where he will go to the devil, and it is equally outrageous that Master Qian's grandfather will flee if he gets married.

Some people counted, that is, in the past two years, Qian headed down and arranged thirty-six blind dates for his turtle son.

Master Qian also fled 36 times.

The longest run was three months, and the shortest was only half a day.

The father and the son have their own unique ways of fighting, and the people are eating blood.

"Master Qian Daqian is a well-known vice that flees every family. Who in the middle of Beijing and even the whole state of Nanling is still in the upper reaches? Who else doesn't know? There are still people who are rushing to find their faces?" It is not worth it for those noble ladies who have come to cover their faces.

Immediately people retorted, "You don't want to think about, what is the status of Qianfu? Although no one in the clan enters the office, it is only a royal merchant, but it is someone who even meets with cabinet ministers and snores. It ’s just a matter of throwing a face at Qianfu ’s wealth and background? Let ’s not say, what if it hits the Grand Canal? That ’s a good thing for one person to get to heaven! ”

The melon groaned and was jealous.

Isn't it?

What is Qianfu's status in Nanling now?

Has been the first Emperor of Nanling for decades!

Standing still, any cow, ghost, and zombie can't beat!


Because although they are just businessmen, there are at least two incredible backers behind them.

For so many years, there are countless people who are jealous of Qianfu behind them. Naturally, there are no fewer people who want to calculate secretly. In the end, Qianfu can't even hurt a little fur.

The backing is too strong.

Just aiming at the two "wind" prefixes will suffice.

At that time, the protagonist in the mouth of the people eating melon was once again arrested and returned to Qianfu, one hour less than the shortest half-day before he escaped.

In the lobby of Qianfu, the elders were full, and the first was an old man who was still handsome and handsome for more than forty. His face was as black as a pot of paint, staring at the turtle son sitting cross-legged in the middle of the hall.

"People say that they are not rich for three generations. You are like a ghost. Sooner or later, Laozi's family will be defeated in your hands. Why didn't I throw you into the ditch when you were born!"

Qian Zhuang's eyelids were very sincere, "Dad, you are the fourth generation of our family. The curse that is not rich enough for three generations has been broken, don't worry."

Qian Wanjin was so annoyed that he smoked, and pointed at Turtle's son, "You get out!"

"I'll get out of here!" Qian Zhuang climbed up and ran, "Dad, I'm gone, you're calming down, Ang!"

The man in the back seat was almost taken away, looking sadly at the middle-aged beautiful woman sitting next to him, "Stone-"

The wave of twists and turns ended, and Qian Zhuang, who was about to escape from the entrance of the hall, was scared and ran faster.

Today I edited and poked me and said that this award can't be broken for more than 10 days, I ... I was forced to open a business! Me even more! Xiaofan is a short junior, I am slowly more! At the end of the month, if it ca n’t survive, it may be the middle of the month ~

(End of this chapter)