Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 23: Sincere intentions should not be spoiled

Chapter 23 Sincerity, Should Not Be Spoiled

When the old lady was not sure, the old man finally reflected his family status.

A slight cough, "Well, do you really remember how this wine is made?"

I was playing at the time, and the whole family saw that she just threw grapes into the wine jar at random. There was no skill at all. So simple, can it really be brewed?

"I really remember!" Liu Yusheng was a bit sad. If he was older, he would be more persuasive. "I do n’t believe, I ’ll make it for grandpa when the grapes are ripe!"

"Okay, let's make grape fruit wine! Grapes are ready-made. Even if you lose money, you will lose some wine and kung fu!" The old man clapped. "Just give it to me!"

Liu Yusheng's mouth was a bit pumped.

Ye is not afraid to give her the wrong way.

"Okay, there are thirty-two silvers left in the house now, you can afford to buy alcohol! Brew!"

Grandma did the same.

"Dad, you divide the wine one more point. I think this grape fruit wine tastes suitable for all ages, men and women. Even if the masters do not drink it, they sell it to large family members. Someone may like it, mainly because this thing is rare. .

"Come here, try them all, there's not much left, a little bit for each!"

Reluctantly put together a small bowl, and the rest was pomace.

Everyone took a sip, and even Liu Zhixia and Liu Zhiqiu took a little sip and praised him.

The matter was settled, Liu Yusheng was relieved.

Too young, I was really afraid that my family thought she was fooling around and gave her thoughts.

As long as there is a good beginning, she believes that the result will be good.

Although the method of making wine is simple and rude, it is easy to be learned, she does not worry, the taste of fruit wine improved by Lingquan cannot be easily surpassed.

It was night, and the adults at home were a little hard to sleep, a little excited, a little scared, and more hope for the future.

It started with a childish phrase, but it seemed to open a whole new door for the whole family.

What is behind the gate, they know nothing, but everyone has a kind of expectation in their hearts.

On the second day, after finishing the work in the field, after lunch, Mr. Liu discussed to buy a batch of wine jars in advance to come back and prepare.

"I thought that since it was going to be brewed for trading, the quantity must not be too small, and the wine jars needed more. Simply go to Li and ask everyone to order a batch of them. The porcelain kiln in his house is not in good shape now. Find him to make it cheaper, and he can make more money and help each other. "

"Okay, let's go to where to order it. Usually we don't borrow his ox cart less often," Mrs. Liu wiped her hands on the apron. "I'll get you money."

Taking the money, Grandpa Liu put the **** on his neck, and the grandchildren went out.

When he got to the Li family, Li Da and his wife Yang were squatting in the yard, sighing as they looked at the porcelain piled up in the yard.

"Li Da, at home?" I yelled and pushed in to open the gate of the hospital. Liu Yusheng shouted, "Uncle, uncle!"

In fact, Mrs. and Mrs. Li are about forty years old, a few years younger than Father Liu, but both have gray hair and vicissitudes of life, and they seem to be about the same age as Father Liu.

Li Da turned around and was quite surprised to see the two of them, "Yo, how did Brother Liu come here with a little cock? Are you going to use an ox cart? I'll pull you!"

Yang's face was also busy, and he looked upset, and stood up with a smile. "Brother Liu, it's rare to bring Xiaozhao to my house. Let's sit in the advanced house!"

"Don't sit or sit, don't be busy. I came here to order wine jars with you. Thinking of your family's burning porcelain, by the way, burn a batch of me, a village is close, I save trouble." Liu old man busy Waving to stop them.

"You want to buy wine jars? Burn a batch?"

"Yes, order one ..." Before the hundred words were exported, he was grabbed by a crisp voice above his head, "a thousand!"

"!" If it wasn't for the fact that his own granddaughter was still around his neck, Father Liu would have almost no shyness.

One or a thousand? He was worried that he would not be sold out a hundred!

Who does the granddaughter follow, and why is her heart so big?

Does she know how many is a thousand?

Li dazed for a moment, only when the little baby was joking, pinching her face with a smile, looking at Father Liu, "Brother Liu, how much do you want to order? I will do it for you. After finishing this time, I will prepare to close the kiln. , No more porcelain. "

"Hmm? I won't burn it?" Father Liu was surprised. Everyone in Lee's porcelain business has been in a slump over the past two years. He knows how serious it is to close the kiln.

Li laughed bitterly. "It's not just my family who burns porcelain in the town. There are many goods and few people buy them. Even if they have good craftsmanship, it's useless. I've been making money in the past six months and I can't afford to lose them. I burned them for more than ten years Porcelain, in the end, even the two children in the family can't save the money to marry their daughter-in-law ... It's better to live in peace and security, and to support the family. "

Father Liu sighed and couldn't say anything comforting, only patted Li Da's shoulder.

Every family has a hard-to-read Scripture. Zhuanghu people are busy working inside and out for a lifetime, trying to get enough food and clothing.

If this road doesn't work, just go the other way, no big deal.

It is a pity to lose the ancestral craftsmanship of everyone.

There, Yang Yang took two little sister-in-laws in one hand, and came out of the stove with a bowl in the other hand.

Let grandpa Liu and his grandchildren sit down, then squat down and pass the bowl to Liu Yusheng. "There is nothing good at home, my uncle washed the bowl of sugar water, come and sip."

"Sugar is precious, thank you, uncle." White sugar is very expensive, and ordinary people are not willing to buy it. Father Liu is not very embarrassed, but did not say anything expensive, and gave his family good things, no matter how expensive Expenses.

Can he be too expensive?

But he remembered this feeling.

Liu Yusheng took the bowl with two little hands and said sweetly, "Thank you, uncle!"

"We're not happy, my uncle's mouth is sweet and sweet, my uncle likes to be a little uncle." Touching the baby's hair, Yang smiled.

With half a bowl of warm water, Liu Yusheng didn't like the smell of sugar.

Look at the woman's gray hair, then look at the kind smile on her face, lower her head and slowly drank a bowl of sugar water, finally pouting contented, "Sweet, drink!"

Father Liu will straighten the little tortoiseshell cat.

Yang's smile was more open, and a crow's feet lined up in the corner of his eyes. "I like it. When I come home, my uncle will give you a drink!"

"Good!" Liu Yusheng nodded, his eyes crooked.

Many things are precious and not worth their value.

Sincere intentions should not be spoiled.

This topic is back to the custom wine world.

Mr. Liu clapped the board. "To order a thousand, I'll pay the deposit first. When will it be ready to sip, I'll get it."

"Brother Liu, I really want to order so much?" Li Da was a little unsure. One thousand, if the porcelain was burned into dishes, he would not be able to sell it for three months.

(End of this chapter)