Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 236: Come to grab the bandits

Chapter 236

On the second day, the wind-green cypress appeared in the temple of Gande, and the young man crouched at the door with a pitiful expression.

"What are you doing?"

"Uncle Huang, I'm so hungry ..." I was so hungry all night and couldn't sleep!

I knew he had returned to dinner after having dinner at the palace!

Feng Qingbai rubbed his eyebrows, "Will you be hungry when you're hungry?"

"I'm afraid the old demon would be suspicious of Chuanchen." As soon as she got sick from her, she turned around to eat in her own dormitory. It wasn't clear to tell others that he had vomited, stubborn, and everything.

"Back to the sleeping hall for a short rest, my body has improved, and you are hungry and want to eat naturally. If you do n’t eat, she wo n’t doubt it?" Everything in the palace is well known, and the teenager is still immature.

Feng Moyan, "..." Uncle Huang was right, he was too hungry for this meal!

It was said that the meal came up, and almost all Feng Moyu rounded up.

Gobble the wind.

"Don't eat too much, it will be uncomfortable to hold on."

"It's okay, there is Aunt Liu's tea, and you won't be afraid to eat it!"

Feng Qingbai jumped at the frequency of the eyebrows again and went back to Xinghua Village. Feng Moyu almost changed his appearance, crooked one by one!

"Last night, the old demon was fake, and told me that she was a family, and she was all glorious and was damaged. I really wanted to scratch her face with a paw! She was so embarrassed to say! The Liu family is my mother? Standing Behind me? Alas! "The boy chattered and raised his teeth when he mentioned the Liu family." If it weren't for the Liu family, would I have been tortured for so many years! If it weren't for Aunt Liu, I would have to sleep underground for up to two years! "

"Careful words, be careful! This is in the palace!" Feng Qingbai also gritted his teeth.

"What are you afraid of? There is an uncle here, who can overhear!"

Feng Qingbai greeted the back of the young boy with one palm, and the young man buckled his face into the bowl, mourning, "Uncle Huang!"

Feng Qingbai looked at his palm, and his entire face was dark.

Returning from Xinghua Village, he learned the habits of grandparents when they were intolerable.


In October, a horse-drawn carriage with gold bells hanging on the four corners, and even the curtains of the car embroidered with gold threads, slowly entered the border of Beijing.

"You can enter the city in two hours. You can finally rest after a long journey." Seeing that she was about to arrive in Beijing, Qian Wanjin swept away the decadent decadence and came to the spirit.

He is going to take Fu Yan and Liu Zhixia to take a look at the house, and arrange for them to live next to him. Anyone who runs the wine shop in the future can call Fu Fu together!

Let her also look at his wineries and wineries in Beijing. The scale is larger than that of Xinghua Village Winery!

"I'll be in Beijing later. I'll go back to Qianfu and see Uncle Qian." Shi Xianju said.

"No, you can go straight home. For a few months away, your family should be very concerned about you."

"If I don't go, are you sure you can handle it?"

"... I took you away from Beijing. You should see my father first, lest he think I sold you."

Xue Qinglian immediately whispered, never seen counseling like this.

He has been fighting with such people all the way, and now he thinks it's off.

Liu Yusheng opened the curtain and watched the scenery sweeping back to the car window. His expectations were getting stronger and stronger, and he became more nervous.

He was in the city where she was about to arrive. Did he know she was here?

How would he react if he saw her?

The closer you are to the capital, the tighter the line that entangles your heart.

The thought of seeing him grew stronger and stronger.

"Well, I need to visit Lao Yang after I arrive in the capital. I may not be able to stay with you all the time. Are you with Xiao Jinjin or ..." Liu Zhixia was not assured.

The wind and green cypresses of the capital city will be treated the same as when they were in Xinghua Village?

He knew that there must be many involuntaries in his position, but since he used the plan to recruit the cricket to Beijing, he couldn't let her be wronged.

Otherwise, he won't let the uncle stay beside him.

"Brother, wait until Beijing has seen the situation before talking." Liu Yusheng did not dare to assert, came to be sealed, I do not know what the scene will be.

"I want to do so much. Since I came to Beijing, my site must be with me. Zhixia, rest assured, I must take good care of Fuyu!" Qian Wanjin patted his chest and he thought about it Bringing Fu Fu to eat in all directions.

Shi Xianrou glanced at him, "Fu You can go to live in my house, and as a woman, it won't be ridiculous, and things will be much more convenient."

What she didn't say was that they had a lively discussion here, and in the end they might not be useful.

no chance.

I didn't say it, I didn't want to hit the enthusiasm of a certain two fools.

At this time, a ten-mile pavilion on the outskirts of Beijing was the only way to enter Beijing, and a low-key carriage quietly stopped by the road.

On both sides of the official road, there are red maples in the mountains. Occasionally, the mountain wind blows, the red leaves fall, and they fall from a height, laying a layer of gorgeous red on the ground.

"Uncle Huang, Aunt Liu really entered Beijing today? Waiting for so long, why haven't you seen anyone yet?" Feng Moyu poked his head out of the window of the car 189 times and looked at the end of the road.

The grand official road was empty, except for them, not even a ghost.

Feng Qingbai's eyes narrowed, leaning on the wall of the car to close his eyes.

Since leaving the city, the boy's mouth hasn't stopped and has been noisy until now.

No need to bother.

In order to squeeze out his spare time to the maximum during this time, he could only sleep for two hours every day.

The body was exhausted to a tipping point.

He just wanted to adjust himself to the best mental state, to greet his little girl and come to him.

"Uncle Huang, how long will Aunt Liu be ..."

"Feng Moyu, shut up, otherwise I won't be able to talk to you today."


Da da ... da da ...

If the sound of horseshoes galloping in the air seems to come.

Feng Qingbai opened her eyes openly, and looked through the curtain to the direction.

Feng Moyu didn't hear anything, but when she saw the uncle suddenly became nervous, she was overjoyed, it was Aunt Liu!

It must be Aunt Liu!

"Driver, hurry! Go forward!" The boy immediately urged the driver to move forward without being stopped by the man. His heart was more determined and his eyes were shining.

Aunt Liu is here, his hard days are over!

For a while, in the empty official way, there were echoes of horseshoes.

Two carriages, one left and one right, finally met in the middle of the official road.

The carriage in front suddenly ran across the official road. Qian Wanjin was forced to stop. Before he opened the curtain and scolded him, someone had jumped out of the carriage. The curse to be exited was stuck in the throat, and finally turned into a sentence, "Your uncle! Wind green cypress ?!"

The man strode over without looking at him. He took a long arm and took a look. He pulled the girl who was still in the car to hug him horizontally and turned back to his carriage. There was no extra movement from beginning to end!

It looks like a bandit!

(End of this chapter)