Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 273: Pain and tears, taste it by yourself

Chapter 273: Pain and Tears, Taste It Yourself

After she breathed in a big breath, she wiped her face again with a damp cloth.

The penalty continues.


Every time, she thought she would die.

The pain of being unable to breathe makes people crazy.


Once again conscious, she was already lying outside the side door of the palace, losing her coat on her body.

There was no force to bounce, trying to raise his eyelids, and the vision was endless darkness.

The side door alley, like a huge grave, buried her all in it.

The whole world seems to be alone.

No reliance, no reliance.

There is pain and tears, taste it yourself.

No matter how much torture I suffer.

No one would sigh for her.

No one will give her a little pity.

Fu Yuzheng didn't know how long she had been lying before trying to move her blood stained fingers.

Slowly pull over the outer shirt on your body, wrap yourself tightly, climb up, stumble, and move towards the direction of the palace.

Where the carriage could go for a quarter of an hour in the past, she didn't know how long she had gone.

I just feel that the exhaled breath can bring out a strong pain in the body, and the whole world in front of me is dizzy and shaking.

Until the palace lantern of the Nanling King's Palace appeared in front of him, with a last breath, he walked to a corner where no one could perceive the corner, leaning against the wall, Fu Yuzheng smiled and fell slowly.

Good, at least she still has a place to go after being tortured.

Liu Zhixia returned late today.

When he first entered the country, his teaching was quite different from the previous colleges, and his academic insights were also more unique.

In order to keep up with the schoolwork as soon as possible, he stayed in the schoolhouse to discuss the lesson with the master, only to find out that it was so late when he left the prison.

The entire avenue of the Imperial Court to the Nanling King's Palace was empty. Only the moon and stars in the sky were sparse and shimmering.

In October, the temperature on the autumn night has begun to drop. There is a lot of coldness, and the night dew has risen.

The Wangfu carriage was still waiting outside, got on the carriage, and went straight to Wangfu.

During this period of time in the Guozi prison, it was fairly calm.

Xu was aware of his relationship with the Nanling King's Mansion and touched the light of the King's Mansion. Masters were quite kind to him, but he answered all questions with all his heart.

Other students in the class look down on Hanmen students, and they will not reveal too much in front of him. As for some people who hide and hide, they can still cope.

In this way, because of the royal palace, he did get a lot of convenience and save a lot of trouble.

At least compared to other scholars.

He had seen firsthand how the aristocratic children bullied Hanmen in the Guozi prison, and he had not suffered the humiliation.

Somehow I thought of what Fu Yuzheng had told him, and it turned out that she was right.

At that time, she said, if she is him, she can use the power of the palace to ask for it, so that she can get better treatment, get more resources, and make herself reach her goal faster.

Now he could clearly see in her mind what she said when she said these words, her cold face, her candid eyes, and the attitude taken for granted was dazzling.

"Prince Liu, the palace is here."

The coachman's reminder pulled back Liu Zhixia's thoughts.

He got into the carriage and thanked him. He was about to walk into the palace, and glanced at the dark corner with a pair of embroidered shoes.

Gaze stretched up and was blocked by the corner of the wall, but it was still speculated that someone had fallen there.

Liu Zhixia frowned, turned and walked in that direction.

When I approached, a smell of rust could immediately smell in the air.

is blood!

Liu Zhixia speeded up her steps again. When she could not see her eyes, she could see clearly that a person, a woman, was lying on the corner on the ground, her upper body fell in the shadow, her hair was messy and her face was invisible.

However, in the dim light, the blood stain was shocking!

Then, when her gaze fell on the women's outer shirt, Liu Zhixia's faint sense of familiarity shrank her eyelids, and no longer considered others, she quickly lifted up.

She turned away the messy hair that was covering her face.

Fu Yuzheng! It really is her!

How could it be her!

This wound, a wolf howling, a blood ...

With his eyes narrowed, he picked up the woman and hurried toward the palace.

When Liu Zhixia broke into Sheng Xiaoyuan with a person in his arms, Liu Yusheng was conceiving his own proposal on the desk and followed the trend of Qingbai to occupy a corner of the desk.

Because I was too focused, I went to bed without knowing it.

"Well, come and see, Girl Fu is seriously injured!"

At this time, I didn't care about breaking into my sister's boudoir at night, let alone why Feng Qingbai was still in the sister's room at this time. The woman's breathing in her arms was already very weak, and she could not delay.

Liu Yusheng saw the **** man in his brother's arms at first glance, he threw down the writing brush and stood up.

"Brother, put her on my bed. The two of you go out first, and by the way ask someone to get hot water."

He drove the two big men out of the room, closed the door, and Liu Yusheng returned to the bed, looking at the woman on the bed with dark eyes.

There was no way to imagine that the blood man in front of him would be the one who was still joking with her on the carriage in the morning.

The freshness was still in sight, but the next moment, she became like this.

Starting to cut off and peel off the women's outer clothing together with the lining, Liu Yusheng took a breath.

The skin of the woman's back was fleshy, and the flesh was blurred, without a perfect skin! It's all scars blew up with a whip!

White bones are visible deep!

And her right phalanx was also stepped into a fracture, and the traces of the skin on the soles of the shoes were still there!

These are all visible to the naked eye, she doesn't know yet.

What kind of torture Fu Yuzheng had when they didn't know!

Dip some cleansing liquid into a cotton swab and squeeze it into the woman's lips to protect her breath.

After the hot water came up, help her clean the blood clots on her back, and Liu Yusheng set out to deal with those wounds.

No regrets, diluted half of the Lingquan fluid directly.

Otherwise, there will be scars on her.

After doing this, he pulled down the curtain of the carved wooden bed and determined that no one could spy inside, and Liu Yusheng walked out of the room.

Liu Zhixia followed the green cypress, and was at the door.

Feng Qingbai's face did not look pale, but Liu Zhixia frowned, her body filled with anger and worry.

As soon as Liu Yusheng stepped out, Liu Zhixia immediately greeted him, "Well, how is her injury?"

"It's been dealt with. She's still in a coma. Let her rest here tonight. Wait until she wakes up to talk about anything." After a pause, Liu Yusheng said, "You go back to your room to rest first. I'm watching here. Just fine, there should be no major issues. "

If it is an ordinary doctor, when dealing with such a large wound, the most feared is the fever and wound infection.

But she won't have that kind of problem, so I just wait for Fu Yuzheng to wake up.

Gaze at Feng Qingbai, in fact, without Fu Yuzheng, she could also faintly guess why she was injured.

(End of this chapter)