Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 293: Likes, may not come together

Chapter 293: Like, May Not Come Together

"Those things you do for me, I won't let you fight alone.

Shengsheng, everything is mine, including me.

As long as it is in your favor, you can make the most of it without worrying too much. "

After spending a little time in Qian's house, he already saw the thoughts of Qian's two family members.

Businessmen, while stressing profitability, also need to be safe, and they will be very careful and consider a lot of things that are too risky.

The maintenance of a family is not easy. To make them nodded happily, they must add weight.

Let go of your hand, your head twitching between the neck of the man, Liu Yusheng laughed,

"I know that if there is something useful for you, I will definitely pull you out, but I have made a decision privately, so don't blame me for it."

"What is it?" The man raised an eyebrow.

"About Fu Yuzheng," Liu Yusheng said after a pause,

"She can't go back there anymore, or she won't end well.

Feng Qingbai, I want her to do something else, help you in another way, and help herself. "

"tell me the story."

"If the cooperation with Qian's family is confirmed this time, I want to give a camp to her and let her run the business."

"Related to fabric?"

Liu Yusheng was silent, he could not be so clever, so that she had no desire to continue talking.

As if he knew what she wanted to do, what else could be said.

"Fu Yuzheng was able to surrender the technical secrets of dyeing cloth at first, and he must be involved in dyeing cloth."

"So you're going to let her take charge of this, pull the Fu family from a high place by yourself, and get revenge?"

"Feng Qingbai, what else can you guess?" Liu Yusheng frustrated.

"Yes, I don't know when you will become Princess Nanling."


Laughing on the little girl's face with a smile, "You didn't plan for her, and I didn't plan to let her continue the previous thing. Your brother came to me to plead for me a few days ago."

"My brother?" Liu Yusheng was surprised, and then sighed, "My brother is not a nosy person, it seems that next time I go back, I can tell grandparents to prepare a gift."

"So anxious?"

"Don't worry, my brother is in his twenties. The family doesn't say it, and they get angry in private.

Besides, my brother was really fond of Fu Yuzheng. On the night of Mid-Autumn Festival, he quietly gave away a lotus lamp! "

"How do you know he sent it?" Feng Qingbai teased. When the little girl wentssip, her eyes were brighter than usual, and her eyes were tighter.

"How can you not know? The palace is heavily guarded and outsiders cannot easily enter the palace.

The person who can deliver the lotus lamp to Fu Fu's hands is only the person who lives in the palace. The next person can rule it out. Fu Fu looks down on her.

Then only my brother and Xue Qinglian are left. Do you think that Xue Qinglian, a lunatic who is only interested in pharmaceuticals, can have time to give women gifts with her heart? "

No one but brother.

When she saw the lotus lamp in Fu Yuzheng's room, she had already guessed it.

Feng Qingbai stroked the girl's hair scattered on her back, and then spoke again later.

"In the future, knowing that Xia Shi will have to set foot in the chapel, not to mention which step he will take, it is the most basic, and he can climb to the fourth grade, and work in front of the emperor in the future.

There will be no shortage of wealthy people who want him to be a dragon rider.

Fu Yuzheng's status today is too low. "

"Why low, my family still comes from mud legs."

Liu Yusheng didn't take it seriously, "This kind of thing depends on my brother's mind. As long as he likes it, no other problem is a problem.

Besides, it is still too early to say these things, and sometimes we like them, but they may not come together in the end. "

"I like it and will come together in the end." Feng Qingbai was very serious, condensing her.

Likes may not come together, but because they do not love to the extreme, and finally tend to compromise with fate.

They didn't have the courage and courage to work together for another person.

But he wouldn't, no one, anything could prevent him from being with her.

Even if she is the same!


Qian's reply came very quickly. The next day after returning from Qianfu, Qianfu went to the house and handed out an invitation, asking Liu Yusheng to go to the house again.

This time, Liu Yusheng brought Fu Yuzheng.

When being taken out, Fu Yuzheng was still wondering why Liu Yusheng would bring her.

Fortunately, the injury on her back was already great, and she went out too.

Because this time I invited people over, Qian's family was prepared and the hospitality was more thoughtful and detailed than yesterday.

At that time, Shi Xianrou did not come, everyone else was the same as yesterday.

After tasting a round of tea, Mr. Qian rejected other people, leaving only Qian Baihao to accompany Qian Wanjin.

Wang Shi wanted to keep his son together, and was stunned by Qian Baihao. He didn't dare to say anything, and he was so busy taking people back.

Go back to your courtyard, close the door, and immediately smile with a smile on your face.

"Also a son, because there is a difference between you and you, the difference is so great!

What's your difference?

On the wrist of mind theory and interpersonal theory, everything is better than him!

Your dad is really confused, if the Qian family really pays Qian Wanjin in the future, he will sooner or later fail!

Then it is not a material for business! "

Qian Kaiyin sat down and poured a cup of tea for Wang's mother.

Dad and grandfather at home have always been partial to big brother, don't you know that?

No matter how capable I am, I'm just a bitch. "

"Qian Wanjin just took a bit of luck! If it hadn't been discovered ..."

"Mother! It must never be mentioned again!

If it wasn't for the eldest brother who finally took the risk, you think we can still stay in Qian's house and eat hot and spicy!

If I had not been struggling for three days, now you still can't come out in the broken courtyard of Beiyuan!

If your father finds out anything else, my father and I will be swept out of the house!

It's still light! Maybe I can't even save my life! "

He slammed Wang's sharply, Qian Kaiyin's eyes were extremely dim, in fact, it was a pity!

If it hadn't been discovered, Qian Wanjin would have been violent before he was fifteen!

Now the entire Qian family is his, where is the money!

In the end, the woman's opinion is short-sighted. Since it is going to be started, it should be cleaned once!

After getting into trouble now, their mother and son are even more difficult!

Now Qian Wanjin and Shi Xianrou have made a relationship, not to mention the General's Mansion, but also to a great Buddha like Nanling King.

In the future, in front of Qian Wanjin, he will have to be a low-key man, and there will never be a day of success!

The mother and son were in a sullen mood in the other courtyard, while there was peace in the living room.

"Fuji, did you write that plan?

I didn't expect that you still have such talents. If you give me that plan earlier, Yiyingsheng will start operation now!

Where do I still need to talk to my grandfather and my dad! "

Last night, the father showed him the copy.

After reading it, he was so excited that he wanted to go to Wangfu to find Fuyu!

(End of this chapter)