Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 309: Counterattack

Chapter 309: Counterattack

There was a lot of discussion outside the hall.

In the hall, Liu Yusheng was not impatient and impatient. After mixing the poison into the wine, he did not move immediately, but waited for a quarter of an hour.

Throughout the process, everyone was holding her tightly, her eyes did not dare to blink more, and she was afraid to miss important pictures.

Compared with other people's wait-and-see attitude, Qian Wanjin was the most nervous. He looked calm and calm in his face. His hands were already sweating.

Fu Yan either does n’t play, he plays so big at the first play, what if the play collapses?

Not so good!

No, he has to believe in Blessing, but she never missed anything she did!

Big consequences he was carrying! If he can't, let Feng Qingbai carry it!

And he knew in his heart that this was for the distillery, and that it was for the Qian family.

Otherwise, even if the lawsuit is won today, the distillery will still be greatly affected, and it is likely that it will fail.

Without seeing the attitude expressed by Fu Yin, there is a suspicion of deliberately smearing Xinghua Village Wine!

The crowd was very lively and the buzz was endless.

A quarter of an hour later, Liu Yusheng took action again.

Ask Qian Wanjin to help divide the six rabbits in the cage into three groups, two by two, separated by things, and then fill three bowls of wine.

The crowd calmed down instantly, their eyes fell on the rabbits, and they unknowingly held their breath and waited to see the results.

The more you wait, the bigger your eyes open, the incredible look appears on everyone's face!

In their opinion, the two rabbits who poured arsenic and drunk dragon grass would soon fall to the ground, but not!

They waited at least another quarter of an hour, and even time continued to extend, and the rabbit that was supposed to die was still breathing!

As we all know, after a certain amount of poison such as arsenic, if you drink it in your stomach, it will soon bleed and die!

But the rabbit who drank the arsenic, after struggling with the initial convulsions, stood up softly again.

Even if you are weak, you are alive!

And there are signs of slow recovery!

There are two who drink drunk dragon grass!

At first, he walked and wobbled in the same shape as a drunk.

When everyone thought it was time to be poisoned, people unexpectedly stood up again!

It took half an hour!

In the end, there was no scene that everyone did!

Even though the two rabbits who drank the poison looked weak, they were still alive!

And the other rabbit that drank pure wine had a small change, and became alive and well, with shiny fur and looks extremely spirited!

"There is still a little wine left in these three bowls. I have to ask Xue Gongzi to do me a favor and check the poison inside."

Xue Qinglian moved fast, and she could almost describe it as if she could not wait.

Immediately remove the clean silver needle, and dip the wine in the two poisonous bowls with silver needle.

It can be seen that black appears quickly on the silver needle, but that black is very light and leans towards gray.

And if you look a little longer, you can see that the color has a tendency to fade gradually!

"Strange! The toxins in the wine are slowly decreasing!"

Xue Qinglian's exclaimed exclaiming made the onlookers believe that what she had just seen was not dazzling.

The silver needle color is really dimming!

Liu Yusheng raised his wine jar and displayed it outside the hall.

"This altar is our health wine from Xinghua Village.

Everyone must be curious as to why the rabbit drinking poisonous wine did not die.

Now I will explain to you that it is because there is Chinese medicine for toxin detoxification in the health wine! "

After a pause, he made a quiet gesture towards the crowd.

"The key to health wine is the word health.

When people eat grains and grains, they accumulate over time, and there will be slight toxin deposition in the body.

People don't feel it, but the effects on their bodies are visible. For example, the older they are, the more pain they cause.

The health wine of Xinghua Village can dissolve and discharge toxins deposited in the body.

It also nourishes the lungs while detoxifying, so that people can change their looks and have the effect of prolonging life.

There should be many people who have been drinking Xinghuacun health wine for a long time. The changes in your body are the most clear to you.

Xinghua Village wine is good or bad, no one is more convincing than you. "

Qian Wanjin seized the opportunity to speak up,

"Combined with highly toxic health wine, poison a rabbit will not die! You can see the preciousness of this wine!

Throughout the Nanling Kingdom, have you seen medicinal liquors that can dissolve highly toxic substances? And it dissolves so quickly!

Are you afraid that drinking this wine will cause damage to your body? "

This scene is simply too shocking!

Someone in the crowd marveled, "This is not just health wine, it can be used as an antidote!"

"I drank this wine for several years. I only knew that the longer I drank it, the stronger my bones became, and the better my spirit. I didn't expect that there was such a way in it, and it was able to expel the poison from the body!

"Such a peculiar wine is more expensive, and the silver is worth it!"

"Qian Shijiu's decades-old merchants have always done business with integrity, and I said how they might sell harmful wine.

Now it seems that I am afraid that someone is jealous of the good business of Qian's Distillery, and he is not capable of producing the same good wine. "

"Sir, Qian's Distillery has been vilified by villains, and adults have to be aware of this!

Return an innocence to Qian's Winery, and an innocence to Huancun Huacun Wine!

Such a good wine cannot be ruined by rumors! "

At this point, the people's wind direction has changed again, and the other party is already powerless.

The troublesome people were completely labeled as slanderous, framed, or even murdered.

Although the incident started as an obituary, but the person did die, then how this person died still needs to be verified.

However, it is no longer a matter of Qian's family, Liu Yusheng and others. They can leave at any time.

However, being so falsely accused, Qian Wanjin did not intend to make those people better, even if it was just a few pieces.

"Sir, it is now clear that the accusation against Qian's Distillery is clear.

These people dare to make a life to frame my money family, there must be an unspeakable darkness behind!

Adults are also asked to find out the truth, and they must not condone or condone the wicked! "

"If you accuse others of not being severely punished, everyone will follow this path in the future when there is competition. Where can there be peace and fairness in Nanling's business!

The adult is a parent official of Kyoto, and he is doing justice for the people. Now, on behalf of Xinghua Village Winery, I would like to sue these evil people.

Accused them of ignoring their lives, maliciously creating rumors, and trying to suppress Xinghuacun Wine Industry!

Please be fair! "

Liu Yusheng also understood that this matter could not be checked in the end, the most, that is, the end of these people into abandoned children.

But even if there is no way to pick out the people behind, you can still give the other party a blow!

Besides, she didn't check. She and Qian Wanjin knew exactly who the black hand was behind.

(End of this chapter)