Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 317: Can't do anything

Chapter 317

"Aunt cousin, you also said that she has a grandfather behind her back, and we can't afford to offend the Dingfu." The girl smiled and smiled. "I heard that Miss Zuo is not a good-natured person. She was accustomed to Xiangfu and married. Ding Fu is also afraid to serve, so we will be offering her at that time. "

"Give it! Of course you have to give it!" Mrs. Ding sneered. "That's the Great Buddha! When she comes in, my mother-in-law must look at her in front of her! But I'm both a mother-in-law and a mother-in-law, right! For myself Carrying one or two people in her son's room, she is not qualified to say no! "

"Aunt cousin, she just entered the house, you still don't have to face her up. Uncle cousin is the official, there are still many places to rely on the grandfather. If she is not good, we will let her be . "

"In this case, Auntie has her own right, but she will be wronged and wait for a while. After this time, Auntie will take you as a prince. If you and Wenlin are young, you will be in the same house. You are now your aunt and daughter-in-law. "

"I don't feel wronged, as long as I can be with Wenlin's cousin, I can wait as long as possible."

This rampant conversation is unknown.

Xijiao made a circle around the city. When he passed by the Wangfu, he turned left and opened the red hijab in the sedan chair, looking through the curtain to that direction.

The left leg was faintly painful and hateful in his eyes.

Her whole life was destroyed by the wind and cypress!

Someday, she will ask for it in person!

In the Wangfu House, the hustle and bustle outside was also faintly heard. At that time, Liu Yusheng was packing her bags, and in a few days, she would set off to return to Xinghua Village.

The clothes in the cabinet were n’t known when they were n’t packed, and they found out when they packed up that, unconsciously, Feng Qingbai had bought so many new clothes for her.

He treats her almost everything, even if it is strong together, he still uses his way to quietly do more for her in the back.

Love has never abated.

Liu Yusheng's mouth climbed into a smile.

There is a person in this world who reminds you that your heart becomes soft without being aware of it, which is a very happy thing.

At noon, Feng Qingbai returned, followed by a burly man, more than forty years old, with a strong and sturdy look and sharp eyes.

Liu Yusheng thought of soldiers.

"This is General Shi." Feng Qingbai introduced.

Shi Xianrou's father.

Liu Yusheng was busy seeing the ceremony, and the man waved his hand. "The Lord of Ruyi County, Liu Yusheng, the girl Liu, the young girl often mentioned you at home. You don't need to be polite in front of me, and you should call my uncle."

"Uncle." Liu Yusheng was as good as good.

This kind of simple temperament made Shi Ke very happy, and Lang laughed out loud, "This is the best. My biggest annoyance is that the woman twists and twists. No wonder you and Slender can become friends. The family in Jingzhong is like you. not much."

Liu Yusheng smiled, "There are not many people in the North who speak so upright like General Shi."

Shi Kewei froze and laughed, "It's really not much, and I don't like to listen to many people."

The three of them laughed and took their seats in the lobby.

Liu Yusheng was curious about Shi Kewei's arrival.

The Chinese and military generals of the DPRK and Chinese are clearly distinguished, Shi Kewei belongs to the ranks of generals, and usually speaking from Shi Xianrou's words, Shi Kewei does not seem to be involved in the party disputes in the court, and is a pure military officer.

This time I will come back with Feng Qingbai, I don't know what happened.

"General Shi came to Xue Qinglian, is he still in retreat?" Feng Qingbai sat next to her, and when he asked this, Liu Yusheng's confusion rose, but he didn't show it.

Xue Qinglian was not retreating. Feng Qingbai couldn't help wondering why he asked this.

Then he nodded, "He likes to do some research on the ancient eight strange monsters, as long as Liu Yunge is not out, he is no doubt in retreat."

"Here, I don't know how long it takes Xue Shenyi to retreat. He may be called out?" After hearing the conversation between them, Shi Ke frowned, and his voice was anxious.

"General Shi wants to see Xue Qinglian. Is there someone in the family who wants to seek medical treatment?" Xue Qinglian, who was so anxious, was looking for Liu Yusheng, but he couldn't think of anything else.

"Exactly, but not in my family. It was me. I was dedicated to the barracks all my life for decades in the army, and then withdrew from the army for physical reasons.

I had never known how serious his physical illness was, and I heard the news of other robes accidentally a few days ago. He is a tough guy, carrying everything on his own, having an extremely difficult life, and never asking for help.

I went to see him after knowing what he was doing, and then I knew what he was like. I immediately asked the Royal Doctor for treatment, but the Royal Doctor had no way to treat his illness. The little girl suggested that I come to see Dr. Xue. "

Mentioning that friend, Shi Ke frowned even tighter, and was helpless to that persistent temperament.

"That was the case. I went to Liu Yunge and called Xue Qinglian."

Feng Qingbai nodded, "OK."

Although he intends to win over, he sincerely hopes to heal people.

Any veteran who has been fighting for decades in a military barracks deserves admiration.

Time passed while waiting.

Shi Kewei frowned all the time, frequently looking at the door, some of them were restless.

Feng Qingbai did not take advantage of this opportunity to speak, with one hand to support his jaw, his eyes narrowed.

Like him, the atmosphere of oppression in the hall disappeared.

Too eager, it is easy to be offensive.

Everything has a degree, and you need to master a good sense of rhythm.

Soon, Liu Yusheng brought people.

The warning sign at the door of Xue Qinglian's room did not exist for Liu Yusheng.

No matter how much poison he sprayed at the door, it would not help her.

Xue Qinglian was still resentful because she was forcibly interrupted by the research.

I noticed that Feng Qingbai's gaze was barely converging, but his tone was still not good. "If I can't save anybody, what kind of illness, if I can't attract my interest, I won't be medical, and no one asks me."

He can't die without medical treatment.

It's not something he's interested in, he never shoots.

Otherwise, wouldn't it be to smash your own signboard.

"This is Dr. Xue Shenyi? I have heard of your medical conditions. This time, the result of the diagnosis and treatment by the Royal Medical Doctor is that the blood flow is blocked, causing physical paralysis, and more are gone. He On weekdays, I often have headaches, and in severe cases, I will suddenly comatose. Now I have half of my body unable to move. I can't speak. Is this condition interesting to the therapist? "

Apparently, Shi Kewei had inquired about Xue Qinglian beforehand. Although he was a military commander, he acted not only with impulse, but also very strategic.

Success aroused Xue Qinglian's interest.

This kind of illness has never been seen before. Xue Qinglian touched her chin. "I've seen it before, and said, Fu You, go with me."

(End of this chapter)