Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 318: Buy people's hearts

Chapter 318: Buying People

"Feng Qingbai, that's your court. If I decide to seek medical treatment after seeing it, you have to treat me better."

Before leaving, Xue Qinglian suddenly came to such a sentence.

Feng Qingbai raised an eyebrow. "If you can heal people, how long will the Nanling Palace stay with you."

"That's what you said!"


"If my robe is able to heal, I will definitely remember the favor of Wang Ye!" Shi Kewei was slightly grateful in his words.

Liu Yusheng finally understood that Feng Qingbai deliberately asked whether the sentence was still in retreat.

Never forget to be careful, let people remember taking human favor from him, and it is still the kind of moisturizing sound that makes people feel no intentional traces.

Feel good, buy it. This is it.

I don't know when this kind of tacit understanding between Xue Qinglian and Feng Qingbai came into being. The two were often opposed to each other frequently, but when things happened, they could always make the other side's desired attitude.

The four-person royal palace was guided by Shi Ke. The carriage passed the street and walked around to a narrow alley. Finally, it stopped at one of the old houses.

At the door were two wooden doors that had fallen out of paint, hidden in a gap.

There was a faint voice from inside.

Pushing in the door, it is a small yard, a clear living room, east-west box room, and a kitchen built on the right. In addition to this, the whole yard has nothing more than a plum tree planted in the corner.

Shi Xianrou came out of the living room, and it was no surprise to see several people coming.

"Xianrou, are you here?" Liu Yusheng was surprised.

At this time, in the past she should have teased money in Qianfu.

"Come on first," Shi Xianrou nodded at her, "I've been here to help take care of Mother-in-law for the past few days."

When approaching the living room, Liu Yusheng heard the cry in the room and was very depressed.

Others whispered in the living room.

At first glance, they are all dressed up, but they have the same momentum as Shi Kewei, the unique breath of the people coming down from the sand.

These people have also been to barracks.

"In the room is Mother-in-law Chang. The first few daily uncles were suddenly unconscious. After waking up, they couldn't move and couldn't speak, and Mother-in-law kept crying, and her eyes almost didn't cry." Shi Xianrou whispered briefly to a few people, "These in the living room are old friends of Uncle Chang, who used to be in a military camp."

The light in the room is not enough, and the furnishings are very simple. Old wooden tables and chairs, and a wooden couch lined with mattresses. Nothing extra.

It can be seen that the environment in this home is not very good.

The people Shi Shirou said were sitting on chairs and couches, frowning, but not smiling.

When they entered the room, the people inside also looked up at them. After seeing the purple robe man walking beside Shi Kewei, they all stood up suddenly, very surprised, "Master Wang! General Shi, You invited Wang Ye, has Chang been saved? "

Shi Kewei glanced at a few people. "What's your name? I saw Wang Ye first. I left the barracks for a few years and forgot the rules?"

Several people were busy saluting Feng Qingbai again, "I've waited to see Wang Ye! I was too excited just now, I forgot the courtesy, Wang Ye can't blame me!"

"No need to be courteous. The friendship of several robes makes the king admire it." Feng Qingbai said indifferently, although there was no expression, the expression and the words did not mean anything strange.

Let a few people breathe a sigh of relief, at the same time, looked at Feng Qingbai more secretly.

Feng Qingbai stood indifferently and didn't care about their eyes.

"General Shi, General Shi! But the divine doctor is here? Is Kaier saved?" A woman's voice came from the room near the door.

When Liu Yusheng looked there, he saw an old woman in a coarse gray shirt, trembling from the inside, and when he left, he fumbled forward.

This should be Mother-in-law Chang.

Shi Xianrou stepped forward to hold the old woman. "Mother Chang, don't worry, my father invited the doctor, and after seeing the doctor, Uncle Chang will be fine."

"Really, can you really get better?" The woman asked eagerly, with a strong nasal voice in her voice.


Liu Yusheng only found out that the old woman's eyes didn't seem to be clear. Shi Xianrou said that the old woman almost cried and was blind, without exaggeration.

Xue Qinglian was impatient with this kind of remarks, and said, "Where is the man? Take me there first."

"It's in the innermost room!" The three of them in the hall led the way, taking Xue Qinglian almost as a big Buddha.

Needless to say, this must be a **** doctor. As long as you can cure people, you can make him a Buddha!

"Fujian, come quickly!"

Helping Liu Yusheng, Tongfeng Qingbo said, "You sit with General Shi first, I'll see the situation."

"OK." The man nodded.

The innermost room is darker than the living room.

Not a big room. A small window was opened on the north wall. Due to the cold weather, the window was closed, making the whole room very dark.

There was a strong smell of medicine and moisture in the room, which did not smell good together.

Lying on the bed against the wall, there was a person lying in his forties and forties with very bad looks. He moved his eyes to look at them, but he couldn't move, and couldn't even turn his head.

His mouth moved and there was no sound.

"Chang brother, don't talk, don't worry!" Some of the people who led the way stepped forward and sat beside the bed to explain to the person on the bed. "This is a psychiatrist invited by General Shi. His medical skills are better than the royal doctor. Good! This time will definitely heal you! "

"Yes, Chang Brother, it can be cured! When it is cured, you will filially honor Chang Chang yourself!"

They were all seven-foot men with unusually loud voices. At first glance they seemed to quarrel with others, but their voices were choked.

"Open the window half a door and light up." Xue Qinglian ordered and stepped forward. The person sitting next to the bed immediately gave way to Xue Qinglian's medical examination.

This is the first time that Liu Yusheng has seen Xue Qinglian's Zhenger Bajing see a doctor for a doctor. There is no doctor, but she looks like a doctor.

While Xue Qinglian was cutting her pulse, she walked lightly to the bed and observed the people on the bed together.

The others did not stop seeing the situation.

Although I do n’t know what the little girl ’s identity is, since the miracle doctor told her to keep up, she may not be a miracle apprentice.

There was a moment of silence in the room.

The room wasn't large at first, and several people crowded in it. It suddenly became frightened. With the addition of three big men, all of them were sticking together, the atmosphere was inexplicably tense and serious.

The kind of tension and seriousness came from the three.

They are nervous.

Gaze fell on Xue Qinglian tightly, without blinking.

"Doctor Xue, how is it?" Xue Qinglian had finished her veins, and it had been a long time. Seeing him withdrawing his hands, his brows tightened tightly, the three asked immediately.

(End of this chapter)