Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 364: Can't find a second person

Chapter 364: Can't Find A Second Person

While there was some movement over the capital, Liu Yusheng and Kang Shiming had already visited the entire Cangwu town.

The situation in Shilibaxiang was all in her heart.

The impact of the disaster varies across villages.

Light and heavy, the most thankful thing is probably that no one was killed or injured.

Even so, it made her feel a lot.

For nearly half a month, every day, she will see the living conditions of the poor people at the bottom.

Dilapidated houses, worn-out clothes, vicissitudes of faces, weather-beaten eyes, and the sorrow of everyone.

Through their eyes, they can see the deep humility inside.

Sometimes when she is busy, she needs to eat in various villages. The best meal she has ever had is a few white noodles on the table.

At this point, the village chief's family gritted their teeth in order not to neglect the guests.

These are completely invisible in Xinghua Village.

When leaving from the last village, Kang Shiming invited her to the carriage of the house and told her something.

"Girl Liu, it's been a hard time. As I walked around, and I always gave your best, the people in the villages received your favor."

During the period of rescue and treatment, Liu Yusheng didn't collect the consultation money from the people. Even the medicine money, a lot of it was recorded.

Equal to this time she was doing everything for free.

Although Kang Shiming also forcibly collected medicinal materials from the pharmacies of various hospitals, it had little effect, and its efficacy was not comparable to that of her flamingo, so it was hardly useful.

It's not that she cares about the cost of the medicine, but there are some precedents that cannot be set.

The healer of the healer is ultimately subject to worldly restrictions.

If she is totally unpaid, and everyone will come to her to buy medicines in the future, the medical pharmacy in Xiangshan County will be ineffective, which means breaking her life.

If she were alone, she could not cure the whole world.

Then good things become bad things.

"Master Kang wants to say something to me, it is better to open the door and see the mountains." Liu Yusheng sighed.

The doorways of the officialdom are not applicable to her here, and she really is not a person who likes to circle people.

Kang Shiming stunned and smiled, "It's Kang or not, I've been in the officialdom for a long time, and I'm thinking about everything, and I always want to be smooth. Since Girl Liu is so simple, I don't go in circles and visit ten miles and eight miles Township, Miss Liu also felt the current situation of the people's life today.

"Yes," Liu Yusheng nodded. "Xinghua Village is an example in Shilibaxiang. In these years, the whole Cangwu Town or the entire Xiangshan County, except for Xinghua Village, people's lives are still the same, poor, hard, and struggling at the bottom."

"Ten years ago, Xinghua Village was famous for being poor in Shili and Baxiang. I checked the files and it was recorded that the villagers of Xinghua Village at that time only knew how to feed on the sky, and the fields were reducing production year by year. They worked hard all year round and paid food taxes. After that, the rest of the food could not fill the stomach, and it was necessary to rely on wild vegetables to reluctantly endure the next year. "Kang Shiming said here, his face was touched, and his tone began to gradually accelerate.

"The change in Xinghua Village came from the girl Liu. I heard that you had a nickname in the village since you were young. It ’s very blessed. As long as you are around you, you will get blessings. A distillery was built, a small distillery with only a few hundred workers, fed the entire village, and its reputation spread throughout Nanling. "

Liu Yusheng didn't interrupt, and listened quietly. In order to understand Xinghua Village, Kang Shiming looked through the files recorded by the Yemen, and he had already decided how to convince her.

"The ability of Girl Liu is obvious to the whole Cangwu Town. It is in the upper circle of Xiangshan County. There are often mentions of Girl Liu. Many people want to do business with you, and they are not allowed to enter.

"I work with the Qian family. The business is the Qian family. I do n’t need to manage things in the distillery. I said that I do n’t have any ability. I just gave the diner some recipes. Today's situation is the result of villagers' efforts. "

What Liu Yusheng likes is not only because they work hard and earnestly, but also because of their character.

People in Xinghua Village are in one heart.

The distillery is getting better and better, and there are not a few jealous people. Many people have the idea to formulate the recipe, and they want to dig the wall without the recipe. They dig the villagers into their distillery to work for them, so as to learn the villagers' skills.

In the end all came back.

If, according to modern parlance, Xinghua Village is not a village, it is better to say that they are an inseparable team with strong centripetal force.

Kang Shiming naturally knows the small movements that the distillery has encountered in these years, and also knows Liu Yusheng's concerns.

To put it plainly, Liu Yusheng was afraid of trouble.

Most importantly, she has no ambitions.

Stood a moment, doing only what you want to do.

She has a sense of life and an indifferent life.

She only tried her best for the people she cared about.

"Girl Liu," Kang Shiming sighed, "I really want to persuade you, but obviously, you are not a person who will be easily controlled by others. I hope you don't blame me for having an idea on you. I am the parent officer in Xiangshan County As a parent official, I need to do practical things for the people I govern. And you are the only one who can lead people out of difficulties and lead them to prosperity without exploiting them. "

Without exploiting the people, apart from Liu Yusheng in the entire Nanling State, he could not find a second person.

Everyone who does business is savvy, purely for the benefit of one's own words, and will only pull the benefits to himself, and will never share his own interests with the people who do things for himself.

Doing business is not charity.

Only Liu Yusheng combined the two to complement each other.

Therefore, she won the hearts of the villagers of Xinghua Village. That small village is in the eyes of outsiders.

"Master Kang, what I want to do is that if you don't step in and persuade, I will do it." Liu Yusheng answered with a smile.

This remark made Kang Shiming startled again, and then rejoiced, "Girl Liu? You mean ..."

"When my partner comes over, I will discuss with him to set up a distillery in the surrounding villages to recruit workers from the surrounding villages. As for what step you can take and how far you can go, you need to see the people themselves. I Don't dare to assert. "

"Okay, good! As long as the girl Liu is interested, even if the other villages can't reach the level of Xinghua Village, at least it will save them from worrying about their lives all day. A big problem! "

Kang Shiming laughed, he almost thought that he had returned to nothing.

Although the girl is only sixteen years old, she is definitely not a role that can be left to others. She does not want to do anything. He just thinks more and talks more about it. She will smile at you at most. .

(End of this chapter)