Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 384: Cut red silk and open

Chapter 384 Cut Red Silk, Open

This was a polite entertainment, because Qian Wanjin talked about a big pie that he threw out and made the scene very warm.

The Liu family sat in a corner and looked at it with astonishment.

Xiao Jinjin whispered as if he hadn't grown up.

At least in front of the scene, any one of them would not do this.

Born to be a business person.

In the astounding eyes of the Liu family, Qian Wanjin walked back to sit down, and even enjoyed the kind of eye-catching look.

"How is it, Grandpa is doing well?" As soon as he sat down, he immediately invited Liu Yusheng for credit.

"Have a note for you, when you look back at Grandma's fried spring rolls, I'll leave you more." Liu Yusheng laughed.

"That's it?"

"Hmm? Grandma's fried spring rolls, you still hate it?" Madam Liu stared.

"Grandma, you're always wrong with me! Every time I return to Beijing, I hurriedly rushed back, why? Why don't you fried spring rolls!"

A table of people laughed.

"Dining first, I will have to go to various wineries to cut the red silk to open later, I'm afraid it will take an afternoon."

"Come here, these two dishes are specially ordered for your second oldest. This dish is Liu Yan's favorite, and this one, Er Yan's favorite taste, you will take care of yourself, anyway, what are you? They all love to eat. "

For two more people at the table, Qian Wanjin only glanced at him and didn't ask much.

Grandma didn't say that they agreed to let people sit down, and he couldn't afford to talk to rush people to make the elderly unhappy.

The two girls did not look at Qian Wanjin more, and lowered their heads together in peace.

Except for Liu Zhiqiu, who was disgusted from time to time, the atmosphere was harmonious.

After dinner, a group of dozens of carriages started to drive to the village where Xinjiufang was located.

Now that the snow on the road has begun to melt away, it ’s better to go a lot, and the carriage is speeding up, and it ’s only about a quarter of an hour to reach the nearest village to the county seat.

Luxi Village, on both sides near Broken Bridge Village and Yunxi Village, are located exactly in the middle of the two villages, not far from each other.

The distillery is built here, and people from all three villages can come to work.

After receiving the news, the red silk began to be cut and opened today. The villagers were waiting in front of the distillery early. The village chief took the lead and saw a row of carriages coming up. The place.

The villagers' faces were full of excitement and excitement.

After opening, they can start to work to earn money, and next month they can get paid for the wine shop.

It is a well-known thing that Xinghua Village Winery has a high salary, and the monthly money is never in arrears.

Now they can be part of the distillery, but they don't have the joy in their hearts.

Liu Yusheng and Qian Wanjin and his family got out of the carriage with their family members. The villagers crowded in front of them immediately greeted them.

"Qian Shaodong's house, Girl Liu!"

Even the county magistrate Kang, who was traveling together, was ranked behind by the villagers.

Liu Yusheng and Qian Wanjin nodded towards the villagers.

During this time, we built a new distillery, and have dealt with each other very well.

Every time two people responded, the smiles on the villagers' faces became brighter.

The two owners are mingling with them, and they have no shelf at all, which is what makes them most happy.

Mr. Liu, Mrs. Liu, and others looked at this situation, and a smile appeared on their faces. The children of their family were likable.

The new distillery is built at the entrance of the village, and the entire area is more than twice the size of the distillery in Xinghua Village.

The door of the distillery was closed tightly, and a festive red silk had been hung on the door, adding a warm warmth to the still cold winter and early spring.

The villagers were waiting to cut the red silk. Qian Wanjin and Liu Yusheng were not wasted time.

"I know that everyone is anxious. Today, we brought Kang Kang and a lot of celebrities in the city. In addition to witnessing the opening of the winery, we also let them watch our winery. The celebrities in the presence Jia reached a cooperation and sold our wine to all parts of Nanling! "

Standing at the door of the distillery, looking around and looking forward to the villagers surrounded by joy, Qian Wanjin spoke.

"Okay, sell our brewed wine to all parts of Nanling! We must do our best, and we will never fail the expectations of the two owners!" The village chief applauded and responded loudly.

In the applause, Qian Wanjin gave up his position to Kang Shiming. "Kang Kang is our parent officer in Xiangshan. The establishment of the distillery has his full support. This is a good official, a real parent officer! Now we ask Kang Kang to say a few words After that, let ’s cut the red silk and officially open it, and everyone will be able to work! "

There was thunderous applause all around again.

Liu Yusheng and the Liu family stood in a later position, smiling at Qian Wanjin's ability to control the scene.

Kang Shiming didn't say much. He only briefly said a few words of congratulations, looking forward to the future for the villagers.

In the eyes of the villagers, Qian Wanjin, Liu Yusheng and Kang Kang picked up the scissors prepared by the village chief and cut the corner of the red silk hanging next to the gate to symbolize the opening of the door.

The new winery officially opens.

The villagers laughed and shouted loudly, and the warm atmosphere of the celebrities who had come from high levels was infected.

Because the distillery was to be displayed in front of the owner, the village chief personally opened the distillery door.

Qian Wanjin led a group of people to visit and explain in the workshops of the winery.

"It's really big, I'm afraid it's more than twice the size of the distillery in our village." Wife Liu was surprised.

Liu Yusheng explained to her and the Liu family softly, "This place is different from our village. Because the people want to benefit the people, the new wineries are all built up. People from several villages are working together in one place, and there are a lot of people. This is still Quotas have been set, otherwise a winery can hold two or three people from the village. "

Mr. Liu nodded, indeed, "there are more people working, can you manage it?"

The new distillery selected village heads from various villages for supervision and management. All of them have just taken office and have no experience. They are afraid of making mistakes easily.

"It will be a bit messy at first, and it will be fine when we get started. Doesn't our village come here like this. As long as the villagers are more conscious and work hard, nothing can go wrong, everyone is rushing to make money, then it must be I will take it seriously. "Liu Dadao.

The wine shop only recruited sixty people in each village. Fortunately, they chose to come in. If you don't do a good job, if you cheat and disobey the management, many people will want to squeeze in.

With a sense of crisis and urgency, everyone will cherish this opportunity even more.

No one wants to be brushed down.

Although the distillery is large, there is nothing good between the various workshops. The interior should be similar to the Xinghuacun distillery. Liu Zhiqiu feels bored and tight. When people don't pay attention, he quietly leaves the team and instead slips out and hides.

(End of this chapter)