Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 402: Who will beat you in the future, I will

Chapter 402 Who will beat you in the future, and I will give him a scoop?

"Don't make any effort, the bones don't want to heal anymore?" Xue Qinglian sang.

Because An Cai had broken the ribs, he had to tear the clothes and bones, so it was inconvenient for him to heal.

Mr. Liu is so busy that Liu Jinfu, who is still going to provoke him, pulls him down, so that he won't make a fuss about his popularity.

How to say Ancai is also in order to safeguard the crimes suffered by their family this time.

Liu Yusheng couldn't stay in the consulting room. Xue Qinglian didn't bother her. She blinked at Wei Hong, and the two went to the side.

"Aunt Hong, go pick up someone, there are ordinary villagers over there, and I'm worried about something wrong."

The two kung fu men were treated with low-grade sweat medicines, and their effects could not last long.

"No, people are here." Wei Hong said, and went to the door.

Hearing another noise in that direction, a group of people came in.

The few sandwiched in between are particularly prominent.

In groups of two, rough wooden sticks are carried on the shoulders, each of which is tied to a person.

The corner of Liu Yusheng's eyes was drawn.

The human hands and feet are tied to the stick and carried away. This method of binding is used to tie pigs in the countryside.

During the New Year, the pigs were tied to the square to slaughter. That's how the four hoofs were tied and lifted away with a stick.

These people in Downhill Village ... Liu Yusheng moaned with his forehead.

Are their ancestors a butcher or a bandit?

"Fu doll!" Daifuku also carried one of the sticks. When he saw Liu Yusheng's subconsciously, he shouted the nickname he used to call in the village, and then he responded and changed his mouth.

"People are in there. You can go in and see. Give these two to Aunt Hong."

The people in the downhill village immediately threw the stick and ran to the clinic.

The sound of the two hitting the ground again made Liu Yusheng help.

"Well, I'll take the person down, and come back later. So as not to scare the family." Wei Hong said, and dragged the person one by one and went to the backyard.

The two were embarrassed, with blood on their heads and their faces, blood clots on their hair, and their legs still bent at unnatural angles. They were obviously broken. I was afraid that I would not suffer a little on the road. People in Po Village must have started all the way.

Misfortune, Mrs. Liu's family members did not dare to look over her eyes.

"Well, what the **** is going on here, how can anyone go to Xiapo Village to inquire about our family? Is there anything good about our family?" Madam Liu frowned.

Their family is a farmer's family with their own duties. When the ancestors counted to this generation, they were all innocent and there was nothing to grasp. What kind of people are doing their home ideas and what are they doing?

Chen Xiulan and the cuckoo also did not look good.

People in Xiapo Village said that those two people can work hard. Where can ordinary people work?

Explain that the people behind their family ideas are definitely not simple characters.

"Mistress, mother, second son, don't worry, I'll take care of this matter, it's not a big deal. You go to the house first, and I'll explain it to you when things are clear."

The three female relatives were coaxed to the hall, and Liu Yusheng waited for An Cai's injuries to be dealt with before entering.

"Mayor Ancai, can you tell us about the situation?"

An Cai nodded. Although he was injured, it was not terribly fatal. He had given him a pill before. He didn't feel chest pain after eating.

"The two said that they came from other villages. Although they are very ordinary, I can tell at a glance that the shoes they wear are not bargains. Also, if they are rural people, they should not What will happen, a bunch of flaws that can't fool the real countryman. "

Liu Jinfu rolled his eyes.

Is this talking about the situation or is he bragging about his cleverness?

忒 Shameless.

"They are very interested in what happened to Liu family ancestors, and even your family ancestor's name is Liu Hesheng."

It's Mr. Liu's turn, and Liu Hesheng is the ancestor of his generation who has counted up to three generations. His name is almost forgotten. What's wrong with those people?

"I'm worried that your Liu family fell down, and our village followed the bad life. I coaxed them to drink sweat medicine, gave them a head, and tied them up to ask you the details." Ancai glanced at Liu Yusheng. The new distillery can't fall, we just went down to work in the village, and the first month's money bonus has not yet been obtained. The good days have not yet begun, and we can't be pried.

Xinghua Village, "..."

Liu Jinfu smiled angrily, "You make such a big one, you have broken your ribs, just for the monthly salary for work?"

"I'm the village head. Whoever wants me to go downhill in the village is not good, I can give him a scoop." When Ancai said this, his voice was soft, and the shiver could make people chill.

This person is really a lifetime.

Speaking of opening the scoop, Daifuku in the middle of the crowd in Xiapo Village covered his face, and his tall and strong body went down to make him as short as possible.

He had opened a scoop for Liu Er, and now he was still standing on the site of others. The two words that the village chief blurted out almost shocked him with cold sweat.

Liu Er tilted his eyes over there, snorted coldly, stepped out and hurled people out, "Don't hide, I saw you already. I can't forget this look at you!"

Dafu struggled, "Yu Er, you almost got it. How can I count the redemption of power now? It is common for two villages to have conflicts and fights, and it is not intentional to hurt people. It has been years of you. Remember! "

"You have Laozi open a spoon to try! I still have scars on my head!"

Pushing them away, the people in the room didn't manage it.

Personal grievances are resolved by themselves. As long as it is not a major event involving the two villages, everyone will open their eyes and close their eyes.

Fighting for decades, enough.

When he was pulled to the corner outside the clinic, Daifuku broke away from Liu Er and dangled his neck. "Say, what do you want, or if you hit me, just give me a head up. It ’s over. I'll write it off, and no one will mention it again! I'm still working in a new distillery, and you can't publish my personal grudge against me! "

"His mother ..." Liu Er had really intended to get started, and was told by his last sentence that he seemed to be bullying others, and he couldn't handle it. "Lao Tzu is really a kind of person who publishes vengeance. You wouldn't appear on the list, thinking that everyone looks like you? "

Raised his hand and patted on the head of a man half a head higher than him, Liu Er turned back depressed, the big bear posed a small milk dog expression, who is it?

"Even before, I'm watching you help my family for a while!"

Dafu touched his forehead and flattered, "I know that the old Liu family is a man of profound righteousness. In this way, who will hit you in the future, I will give him a scoop?"

"Roll the calf!" Jiantian thought to give people a scoop, from the village head to the villagers, who the **** are.

It's all **** upside down!

(End of this chapter)