Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 418: Spring sowing is busy

Chapter 418: Spring Broadcast is Busy

Zhixia, I love you.

I love you.

At the bottom of her heart, she said this to him again and again.

"I love you, Yuzheng." Between the gaps, he opened his lips slightly and whispered to her.

She rushed up again, blocking all his words to be said.



Enough she gave everything to him, still not enough.

Tonight, Fu Yuzheng did not return to his own courtyard.

Stayed in Liu Yunge, in Liu Zhixia's room.

Willfully cut off his time, tempted him to linger on her.

Even proactive, indulgent, pestered him all night.

The red tent in the greenhouse shook overnight, and the large carved wooden bed with thick wooden shelves was tossed continuously.

The warm breath of the room continued to ignite sparks and explode.

In the tent, the figures overlap and undulate, with heavy breathing and groaning intertwined, with the original rhythm, the most original music is composed.

Time quietly came to mid-March, when the ice and snow began to melt in Kyoto, the south was already blooming in spring and the sun was shining.

The rice fields in Xinghua Village have begun to transplant rice.

The winery has a busy spring holiday, and the villagers are in the ground, busy with the harvest of the autumn.

There was a smile on everyone's face, full of joy and vitality.

Across the Qinghe River, across the river is the farmer's field, which is also a lively scene at this time.

The sound of laughter and talk is endless, and you can hear the score across a river.

"It's up over there, too. I can't see this kind of scene a few years ago." In the gap between rice transplants, Mr. Liu turned his head to look there and laughed.

The wife also turned her head and sighed, "How can you compare it with the first few years? In the first few years, our place is flourishing, and there is still the same way as it was a few years ago. People are lazy without a dash in their hearts. I ’m too lazy to take care of it.

"No, before, how could I see them so diligent and so lively, listening to it now, they laughed happier than us." There was a villager joking next to him, and after tearing his throat, he shouted to the river, "So happy to talk, yes Not talking about monthly money for a few days! "

"It's just talking about the moon money. You can hear it so far. Are you listening?" Someone over there answered with a voice.

On both banks of the Qinghe, laughter was boiling.

Xinghua Village is doing well and is not jealous of the sight of others getting better.

Seeing the hope of life over there, the days are more and more flavorful, and my heart is opened, and I no longer care about things as before.

Between the two villages, the relationship quickly reversed.

Liu Yusheng squatted on the field, while throwing seedlings for his family, while listening to the embarrassing chats on both sides of the strait, his lips had a shallow smile.

Let go of your heart and look up at the pure sky. Even the sky looks wider, wider, and bluer.

The new winery has been running for almost a month.

The next two days will be the monthly money, and the villagers of the newly recruited villages will work harder, and everyone is excited to wait for that day.

With real silver money in his hand, he has a solid bottom in his heart, and the more life he has, the more he works, the more seriously he works.

Because of the busy spring, the family's wife and two female relatives came to help early, and waited for the time to come back to cook.

Qian Wanjin and Xue Qinglian, two people who were regarded as respected and honored, were not spared, and were drawn to become strong men.

I ca n’t transplant seedlings, and I ’m very patient to teach by hand. In short, I wo n’t let you go ashore.

Xue Qinglian was lazy. The old man in his ear kept musing and annoyed him. After weighing the two phases, he chose to work.

Dry slowly and insert a row of seedlings for half an hour.

The old man did not dislike it, just stay idle.

Qian Wanjin was serious, grasping a handful of seedlings and cutting them quickly, and after looking up the rows, the seedlings were straightened out of the sky by him.

This is not to help, but to add chaos and insert crooked seedlings. Looking back at the old man Liu Daliu, he has to help him pull it out and reinsert it into the proper position.

In the end, the old man couldn't bear the rush, and the person was still unwilling to leave. Standing in the paddy field, holding his waist and pretending to dress, he pulled a ant from the legs and stomach to play. I am so distressed to see you work so tired, or should I help? "

"Hurry off! Give you time to set up those seedlings, enough for me to plug in three points!"

Xue Qinglian learned a trick.

Damn, you can be lazy. Why didn't he think of it just now?

Then Xue Qinglian started walking in the field.

"Xue Qinglian, come back to the place where you have been crooked, and go home for dinner. Look at what you have done. Looking back, grandma has to help you back to work again, isn't it tiring? What would you do besides pharmaceuticals? useless!"

Xue Qinglian narrowed her eyes and stared at Qian Wanjin, I'll go to your sister! "Qian Wanjin, wait for me, I'll pack you up later!"

"Fuyao, look at him. In addition to pharmaceuticals, it only threatens people. Rice is wasted at home. What's the use of keeping him? Boom!"

As soon as this word came out, Xue Qinglian came after him, Qian Wanjin threw the ants back, and the girl fled.

The two ran around the paddy field. When they ran, they also knew to go around the seedlings and choose the ground.

The laughter around him has rang through the entire Qinghe River.

Liu Yusheng covered his face silently, these two goods.

"Grandfather, grandmother, father and mother, second uncle and second concubine, first come to rest and have a drink of tea, so that the second brother with money Wanjin busy with Xue Qinglian, there is not much left in the field, do not rush." ​​Liu Yusheng Focus on the family

Wei Hong also wiped her sweat on her head and walked over, "I'll let them round if I'm lazy."

He squeezed his fist and clicked.

The two men who were still chasing laziness paused there.

Force is not as good as human beings.

One of Xue Qinglian's most aggrieved points was that she could still give Wei Hong some medicine to gain the upper hand.

Later, Wei Hong also took Baidu Dan, and his medicine was useless.

He persuaded before Wei Hong.

The Liu family is now a big pit in his eyes.

Fu Yan used the potion to seduce him and he was reluctant to pull away. Once he stayed, it was the pure labor of the entire Liu family.

Whenever it is needed, it is also available.

The various top bars are simply not a way of life for free people.

The Liu family was really able to listen to Liu Yusheng's cry, so she put down her hands and sat down to Tian Yan, holding the tea that she handed over to drink slowly.

The spring is bright on the head, the sun is warm on the body, and the water in the field is still cold, which can just drive out the dryness brought by the work.

In the air, the smell of paddy field mixed with seedlings has a special fresh aroma.

There is hope, there is a rush, and my heart is hot, this is the day.

During the three-day holiday in spring, the villagers rushed to finish the farm work in these three days. If the hands and feet were slower, other villagers would come together to help.

After three days of hot scenes, the second day is the day when the distillery starts to work again, and at the same time, the money of this month is taken.

(End of this chapter)