Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 430: Show favor

Chapter 430: Inviting Pets

This matter was not intended to tell her, lest she be worried.

But whenever she asked, he didn't want to, and he couldn't refuse.

Involuntarily followed her, strung her.

"Fu Yuxian told people to destroy Fu Yuzhen's innocence, and the scene was ugly. Wei Zi reported that when they rushed to deal with it, Zhixia was first taken away by the people, and there were five of them. . "

Wei Zi's report needs to be more detailed. He didn't describe everything, so as not to dirty the girl's ears.

Even so, Liu Yusheng had already taken a breath.

Feng Qingbai said it was implicit, but she could still imagine such a picture.

"Zhixia went in time, those people didn't succeed." He didn't want her to be uncomfortable, he explained.

Liu Yusheng was silent, clasping the man with both hands.

Whether or not he succeeds, experiencing such things is a devastating blow to Yuzheng.

Fu Yuxian's heart poison makes people shudder.

Fearful words can kill people.

When people spread rumors, they don't care about the truth of the facts, they just want to be happy.

They didn't know what they were saying, and they were pushing the victims to the cliff little by little, pushing them into the abyss.

They don't care.

Even in post-modern times, if a woman encounters the same thing, she will be pointed and can't lift her head to be a person.

What's more, this time and space era is more harsh on women, and women themselves value personal names more than lives.

At first Fu Yuxian just fell into the water, his clothes wrapped his body tighter, and he was rumored to be an unscrupulous **** in Beijing.

Such things happened in Yuzheng, and even if they were not infringed, the matter spread out and passed on to others, and in the end it would only be more unbearable.

She didn't dare to think how she survived it.

If you change to a weak-hearted woman, you are afraid that you will either be driven crazy or die for relief.

She was grateful after her heart trembled.

Fortunate for Yuzheng's strength, fortunately she finally propped up and walked in the sun again.

She is also grateful to her elder brother, Liu Zhixia.

Thanks for his tolerance and for his sincerity.

For Fu Yuzheng, if rumors can push her to the cliff, then the attitude of the elder brother is to decide Yuzheng's life and death.

He thought it would pull her back and push her out.

"How did Fu Yuxian end up?" After a long time, he calmed down, Liu Yusheng asked lowly.

Feng Qingbai shot, certainly will not let Fu Yuxian easily.

His means have never been gentle.

"It was what Fu Yuzheng should have withstood."

Liu Yusheng immediately understood.

Govern his body in his own way.

This kind of revenge is extremely vicious and vicious for a woman.

However, Fu Yuxian blame himself, not worthy of sympathy.

The other side got the due end, Liu Yusheng's heart widened.

Then remembered something, took something out of her arms and handed it to Feng Qingbai.

"A stranger went to Xiapo Village to find out about my house a month ago. We found this from them. Wei Hong said that this should be the identity card of an organization. I will give it to you to see if it helps you. "

Feng Qingbai's eyes were slightly sunken, and he took the things in his palm.

A black wooden sign with eagle claws on it.

The same texture as the pile of wooden signs in his study drawer.

This caused a chill in his eyes.

Those people actually touched the downhill village, and his defense was negligent.

Fortunately, this time the person sent by the other party just went to check the news, giving him a chance to make up for the lack of defense.

"Wind green cypress?" His face was too ugly, and Liu Yusheng frowned in doubt.

"Nothing, it's just that there is no clue. Where exactly this organization is hidden and who is managed by it needs to be examined carefully."

"Behind this organization, is the Kyoto Yanagi?"

Feng Qingbai raised his eyes, Sheng Sheng's mind was always keen, "It is the Kyoto Liu family."

"Then do you know why they sent someone to check the details of my family?" And the strangest thing is that the information of their ancestors was still inquired.

What does Tai Fei Liu want to do?

"If I guessed right, they are Qianqijue poor and want to start from the Liu family name."

"... Starting from the last name, do you mean that they want to make a family with our Liu family?" Liu Yusheng's eyelids jumped sharply.

Kyoto willow house, apricot flower village willow house.

Both are surnamed willows. The Kyoto willow family wants to start from this aspect. Doesn't that mean giving birth to two and making one? And still annex!

Knowing the girl's intelligence, she thought of the key point. Feng Qingbai slowly said, "Nanling first takes the country as the largest, followed by the royal family, and then goes to the family. The family has its own clan rules, which can set up the children of the clan Rules, children can be punished with clan rules when they do wrong. These are recognized and protected by the Nanling Law. As long as they are children in the clan, even if they die in the clan, others will not be criticized. "

"So, their Kyoto Yanagi family wanted to use this to force our family into their clan, so as to achieve complete control and control of us." Liu Yusheng knew it.

After figuring it out, she wanted to put her **** in the direction of the Qingning Palace.

Old Witch!

She has seen too many shameless people.

Mrs. Yanagi and the Yanagi family in Kyoto are shameless.

The little girl was so angry that Feng Qingbai laughed softly and stroked her spine, "Don't worry, I will find a way to solve this."

"any solution?"

"For the time being. Just trust me."

Arching in the man's arms, Liu Yusheng was furious.

She believed everything he said, and since he said that he would find a way to solve it, then Princess Liu could not find any waves.

"Feng Qingbai, I tell you, I gave 300,000 yuan to me for disaster relief and used it for other purposes. Guess what I did?" Raising his small head, Liu Yusheng was proud of his eyes, The man showed his favor, "I took the money to make money, and I can help more people."

He laughed and cooperated with her, "How does money make money?"

"I have built wineries, and I have built five. Villagers in Shili and Baxiang all work in wineries, or cooperate with wineries. It is better to teach people to fish than to give them fish, and to give them silver money to make it through a difficult time If we give them a long-term livelihood to support their families, they can get more benefits, and we can also make money for other uses, the best of both worlds. "

"Sheng Sheng is amazing."

"That's it. I put in your money, and I can pay you dividends at the end of the year. Then you will have money to support me!"

"I give you all the money. Will you support me?"

Liu Yusheng frowned, "The king of Nanling wants soft rice?"

"Nothing, you can raise it."

"give you to eat."

"Eat now?"


No more than three seconds.

(End of this chapter)