Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 452: How old was he to want to go home?

Chapter 452: How Old Is He? He Wants To Go Home?

A group of people immediately looked at that side.

Feng Qingbai saw Liu Yusheng for the first time. The cunning spirit flowed in the little girl's eyes, and it seemed to be no big deal.

Liu Zhixia was relieved.

Things are not as bad as he thought.

There is a concubine, persuading grandparents to save a lot of time.

Unfortunately, Mrs. Liu did not give him a chance to persuade him, and sat down and asked directly, "Zhi Xia, what are you going to do and when will you marry someone?"

The entire hall was silent for a moment.

Liu Zhixia settled for a while, seeing the solemn expression of the grandmother and his mother, the corners of her mouth slowly drew, and the eyes diminished.

His family never let him down, nor let him down.

"Grandpa, milk, dad, mother, I will definitely marry back, but also please give me some time, and also give Yuzhen a little time."

"how long?"

"Up to a month."

The wife nodded, "Then give you a month, you can't solve it after a month, the wife goes out on her own, I will take Yuzheng back to Xinghua Village!"

Liu Yusheng and Liu Zhixia Qiqi winked.

Bring back to Xinghua Village, but Liu Zhixia has nothing to do with it.

He must have stayed in the capital when he entered the government. That was not to separate people from each other, and even the opportunity to warm up his feelings was gone.

Liu Zhixia rubbed her eyebrows. "Mistress, you and my mother will continue to buy the things needed to make a marriage with them as usual. After one month, I will bring you grandsons and daughters-in-law."

Qian Wanjin laughed aside, "You finally have today." Only Liu family members can help Liu Zhixia helplessly.

Feng Qingbai glanced at Liu Yusheng, who was also smirking, "Master, milk, uncle Liu, Liu Yan, I and Sheng Sheng ..."

"You will talk about the matter later, there is no way now!" Liu Da interrupted him immediately.

This kid is cunning, thinking he doesn't know what he's thinking?

Don't you just want to take care of your father and mother while they're feeling better now?

How old was his family?

Say it in a few years!

Feng Qingbai's face turned black.

Qian Wanjin smiled again, and Shi Xianrou was covering his mouth for him to prevent him from saying anything that should not be said. Feng Qingbai held revenge for others. He will not report it now, and will report it later.

Think about whoever offends him well.

The matter was initially settled. Father Liu and Dicai looked at their elder ladies, "Do you really want it? Now that things are settled, you can't regret it later."

Mrs. Liu gave the old man a white look, "When did I settle my repentance? Yuzheng is a good one. Marrying a wife and marrying a sage, I will surely be at home with Zhixia in the future. What else can we hope for except this?"

Mr. Liu nodded and smiled, "That's right, we have no other hopes, or we just look forward to them. Zhixia, things are your own decision. Now that you have decided, no matter what happens between the two in the future Contradictions, you can't talk about the previous things and poke Yuzhen scars. Once you become a pro, the days are chaotic oil and salt. You need to work hard and be considerate to go far. "

"I see, grandpa."

"This is what you asked for. If you dare to regret it later, don't say you are from the old Liu family!" Liu Dajia added.

"Dad, I and Yuzheng will be able to live in peace forever like you and your mother."

"Dad, mother, I will look at my brother. If he dares to bully Yuzheng, I will sue you. He can't be spared." Liu Yusheng interrupted the playfully and revived the atmosphere.

Grandma and mother have a decision here, grandpa and dad are not a problem, there is no need for her to talk to her brother.

No one in their family is pedantic.

Although the elder brother and Yuzheng still had some twists and turns, the ending must be good.

Regardless of the attitude of their family members, Yuzhen couldn't bear to go away just by looking at her leaving, she couldn't get away from her brother.

Now there is only one second brother to worry about.

Thinking of the two women appearing next to the second brother, Liu Yusheng sighed secretly, I really don't know what the second brother's daughter-in-law will look like in the future.

"Who are you worried about again?" The little girl looked sad and made Feng Qingbai laugh.

She looks like a little housekeeper who needs to worry about everything.

Glancing at him, "Is there news from Xinghua Village recently?"

"Yes, nothing big."

"It's been more than a month since we left, and everything at home was thrown to the second uncle, the second uncle, and my second elder brother, and I don't know if they can survive it." Liu Yusheng frowned.

The rice field and medicine field at home need to be busy, and the wine provided by the winery to the major partners in the county needs to be transported and settled. There are only three people left at home, and they must not be busy to become a spinning top.

"Don't worry, she can help a lot with Wei Hong's presence. There is Zhiqiu in the county. Don't treat your second brother so uselessly."

Liu Yusheng sighed again, her second brother is not useless, but he doesn't like to use his mind.

Otherwise, why is she so worried?

Fu Yuzheng's departure, on the surface, did not seem to cause much movement in Wangfu.

The Liu family didn't have any special reaction. They still looked at the soil and watered the vegetable field, and after finishing the work of the vegetable field, the female relatives took the street to buy things. All the festive supplies used by couples and relatives were fancy. I moved to Wangfuli and accumulated little by little. In a few days, half of the warehouse was piled up.

This attitude made the people of Wangfu secretly speculate for a while, and couldn't figure out what the Liu family thought.

Obviously, it is about to make a marriage with Fu Fu. Now Fu Fu suddenly disappears, and I don't see them in a hurry. Is it because she wants to stop Fu Fu, and change someone else?

It is not impossible.

Some people in the Liu family might say that it was a cold gate. Now Liu Gongzi is in high school, and he will be able to take office immediately after the appointment of the court. That is an official.

There are many officials in North Korea and China who want to recruit Liu Gongzi to make him a fast-moving Dongmen.

Marrying a lady with a lot of money is more face-saving than marrying a helpless orphan who can help her.

Otherwise, the son of Liu will not be busy with entertainment all these days. Since he was the top student in the high school, he has been sending invitations to the palace every day. After the outing, the Negro will not come back. With a glass of wine, it can be seen that the table must be a cup of tea or not hilarious.

Poor girl Fu. She often stayed at Liu Yunge before she became married. As a result, she changed her face immediately.

In the end, it was only Fu Fu who was hurt.

I have these thoughts in my heart, but as a junior in Fuchu, I dare not show them even if I have dissatisfaction.

How can they be qualified for others in this capacity? Taking care of yourself is important.

(End of this chapter)