Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 460: Willow family feast

Chapter 460: Liu Family Banquet

What exactly happened to Li Junyue at home? After that yesterday, she already had some vague knowledge.

The sisters can provoke alienation in front of her, and Li Junhua's bitter humiliation. These people do it very naturally.

She's not doing well at home. Then marry a good family, stay away from the family, can always get better?

"Marry?" Liu Zhiqiu rolled his eyes. "It's so easy to think. Marrying will be better? If the other person's character is not good, it's better to be married at home."

"How could it be a bad character! I picked her personally!"

The words of the woman made Liu Zhiqiu look lazy and frowned, "Kang Ziyu, don't mess things up, you don't necessarily give what the other party wants, don't be kind and end up pushing the other side to the Jedi!"

"Huh!" Kang Ziyu sat back in place, not listening to Liu Zhiqiu's advice at all.

She helped pick people in person, could she still intentionally harm Li Junyue? She is definitely not good for bad people.

Did n’t the Li family hope that all the women in the family would marry into the high gate and high government. She chose a favorable condition, and Mrs. Li would nod. By then, Li Junyue would marry and leave the family, and she would not be insulted by those. Become the head mother, she can take care of her own affairs.

Not the best of both worlds?

Although Li Junyue used her and missed her previous friendship, she still didn't want to see her struggling alone.

She finally helped her.

Outside the carriage, Liu Zhiqiu was sitting in the front of the carriage. When the carriage was running at a high speed, the morning breeze was brought on. It was very cold and very cold, but he could not put off his fretful mood.

He didn't know where that dullness came from.

In short, it's like having a bad hunch.

It was just that feeling was quickly forgotten by him.

In the capital, it was the day when we went to feast at the Yanagiya House in Kyoto.

Mrs. Liu and Chen Xiulan began to choose their jerseys again.

This time is not the same as the last time I went to Wanjin Restaurant to celebrate the completion of the new distillery. In the view of Mrs. Liu, this time is the real battlefield.

The other party is thinking about their home.

You can't lose any momentum.

They are not so bullied in the country.

"Ma'am, ma'am, why don't I take you to the clothes shop in the street to pick clothes?" Liu Yusheng sat beside him, watching his grandmother picking with his mother.

"No, what's the waste of that money?" Mrs. Liu immediately rejected, "We don't want to make those beautiful flowers, but we can wear them decently and imposingly. We can't compare with noble temperament. Wearing gold and silver looks like an upstart Yes, that's not the whole set. "

"Yeah, our old lady still has such insights. The young granddaughter is so impressed!" Liu Yusheng opened his mouth and boasted, making the two women happy.

Chen Xiulan picked a set of uncomplicated and dignified shirts and skirts, which was compared on her body. "It's over to the feast today. Let's pick some time to see Yuzheng. She lives alone in the alley. I don't think I can be assured. At this time, there should be someone around me, but unfortunately we can't rush people. "

"I have to go and see, we don't show up, and take a quiet look next to me." The wife sighed, thinking of the girl's heart hurt.

That was the grandmother's son and daughter of their family, who was spread out on the same kind of family, and had suffered as much as bitter cauliflower for more than ten years. No one hurt and no one loved.

"Mistress, mother, I'll take you there when you do, but you have to take care not to be found. I'm worried that Yuzheng turns around and moves away. It won't be easy to find."

"Don't worry, even if you find out, Grandma still has a trick to keep her from running!" How can anyone let anyone run, then her wife hasn't lived for decades.

Liu Yusheng covered his mouth and laughed. Grandma always kept up with the battlefield.

They changed their clothes here, and a few old men in the hall were already waiting.

The carriage of the king's house was just outside the door, and Feng Qingbai personally took them to the car.

He made arrangements all the way to Liu's house so that no accidents would happen.

Even so, he was still uneasy. He went to Liu Yunge to dig up Xue Qinglian, searched for a few things from him, and shoved them into the hands of several female relatives. Xue Qinglian was exploited to be ruthless.

Studying day and night during the time in Wangfu, the good things he made did not leave him a bit.

He has become unpaid labor.

"Feng Qingbai, I'm gone." In the carriage, the little girl's head peeked out of the window, and she reluctantly faced Feng Qingbai and was pulled back by Liu Da.

"It ’s just going to have a meal, but it ’s not going to be far away. It ’s not like how long it will take to see you!" In this case, he didn't dare to say to his own daughter, he would be beaten by his father and mother, and he would not be willing to go all the way to the wind and cypress. .

Feng Qingbai smiled lightly, "Uncle Liu, I'll wait for you to come and pick you up at that time."

"No need to pick up, can a city get lost?" With such a smile, people couldn't swear.

It's a pity that his daughter demolished him, "I'll wait for you at the door after dinner."

"Okay." Feng Qingbai smiled deeper.

What else did Liu Da want to say? He was kicked off by the old man, "I'm almost done, but can't I see a girl?"

Young people who feel good about being elders do n’t look forward to it.

He really broke up with A Xiu, the first one who cried was him!

Liu Dakeng made a noise, staring at the old lady's eyes, and did not dare to say a word.

Chen Xiulan covered her mouth and laughed.

He deserves to be jealous with the future son-in-law.

The Kyoto Yanagi family is the first richest man in Nanling. It is the most powerful person in Beijing, but because of the birth of merchants, his family status is inferior in class, and he is not eligible to be close to the inner ring of the imperial city.

Liu Zhai is located in the rich third ring of the outer ring road, separated from the inner ring of the official residence by two streets. It takes about half an hour to ride a horse-drawn carriage.

When the Liu family arrived, Liu Huai, who was in front of the Liu House, had taken several elders of the family and his younger generation's younger brothers to wait to be greeted, thereby expressing the importance they attached to the old Liu family.

"Troubled Liu Da personally greeted him personally, flattered." Liu Zhixia's first carriage, as a younger member of the family, has the first name, and it is most appropriate for him to cope with this kind of scene.

"Zuanyuanlang and the family of Ruyi County can come to the appointment, it is my willow puppet that is bright and glorious." Liu Huai smiled forward, and swept away the gloomy time when he interviewed Liu Yusheng and Qian Wanjin.

Liu Yusheng supported his elders in the car for a while. He admired Liu Huai's ability to hide his emotions. He was anxious to kill a person, and he could laugh at him.

Kyoto's Liu family seems to have this ability, Liu Huai is so, so is Tai Liu.

Looking at the traces of Mr. Liu and Mrs. Liu, Liu Huai's face had a deeper smile. After a brief greeting, he and his party greeted him.

(End of this chapter)