Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 470: It's not my brother.

Chapter 470: Not My Brother

"It is estimated that it will take half a month to finish the repair. There is just enough time. If there is not enough preparation, you can make additional purchases during this time." "If you're really anxious to get married now, I'm afraid my elder brother would have to sleep in the study."

"..." Liu Zhixia's face was dry, and Fu Yuzheng's face was buried lower.

The parents and their parents silently heard the amazing words of their granddaughter, and decided to treat them normally. "Well, you have a cure for the injury on your elder brother. Can you cure it earlier, what effect does it have?"

Don't affect the cave house!

The candlesticks in the cave house are the same happy event as the title of the gold list. If their grandson's candlesticks in the house don't work, it would be shameful to go out!

Liu Yusheng laughed and shook his small shoulder. "Grandpa, milk, it's not because my elder brother can't do it, but Yuzheng can't."

"Yu Zheng? What's wrong with this?" Madam Liu immediately covered her chest, and stop doing business!

The old man and Mrs. Liu were also nervous.

Can it be okay with twists and turns?

They were old and couldn't bear the shock.

On such an important matter, Liu Yusheng didn't plan to cross over to take the place of his wife, leaving Yuzhen to say in person that he would tell his family the surprise.

Fu Yuzheng gave her a grateful glance before blushing. "I, I have, and I am pregnant."


The hall was quiet for a while, not to mention that Liu's parents were stagnant, Liu Zhixia was stiffened into wood.

I suspect something is wrong with my ears.

"Are you pregnant?" As soon as she passed away, Mrs. Liu immediately pulled her throat up.

"Mother, don't be excited, don't scare Yuzheng!" Chen Xiulan reached out to help the old lady to support her chest and ease her over-excited mood. You still run so fast, you almost fell when you got off the carriage, I, oh I'm scared to death ... "

The old lady was calm and Chen Xiulan's blood pressure rose.

I remembered that Yuzhen was so anxious before she was so disregarded. Fortunately, nothing happened!

Mr. Liu and Mr. Liu also reacted. Their grandson-in-law has a body! This is pregnant!

Zhixia, a joke boy, scared his daughter-in-law to his soul. Fortunately, nothing happened ... this joke boy!

The old man began to look for the guy at hand, and Liu Da immediately handed off the shoes he had just taken off.

Feng Qingbai took her little girl to find a place that would not be affected, and sat down slowly to prepare for the theater.

Fu Yuzheng wondered what happened.

Only Liu Zhixia was black.

"Grandpa, dad, I still have injuries ..."

The sole snapped on his ass, and the old man yelled, "How can you coax your daughter-in-law? You have to scare you? You have to scare you!"

Liu Zhixia wants to die, and he can hide in peacetime. Now that he is really hurt, he can't run!

The old man took a good time, Liu Zhixia wiped his face, and his mouth had to cooperate with begging for mercy, otherwise grandpa was not happy enough, "Grandpa, I was wrong, and I dare not, and you will spare me this time, ah?"

If Zhiqiu's kid is here, he must come up and stop him, so that he won't be isolated now.

Wind green cypress? It's not a big deal to watch a movie.

Xue Qinglian? Go back to his room long ago.

No one can count on.

Fu Yuzhen watched the sole of the old man's shoes squeak, and he didn't stay at all.

Anxious, go up and grab the old man's arm, "Grandpa Liu, don't hit, don't hit, can you teach him when you know Xia is better?"

"Yu Zheng, don't stop, my brother really owes lessons. If he bullies you in the future, let his grandmother pump him!" Liu Yusheng held his face with interest and did not intend to sympathize with his brother.

It's been a long time since I saw my elder brother being beaten.

Fu Yuzheng, "..."

Liu Zhixia took the daughter-in-law into her arms while taking advantage of it, her buttocks were beaten, and Wen Xiang nephrite in front was also worth it.

Besides, he still has a magic weapon, "Master, please lightly, my granddaughter is twins in my arms, don't be shocked."

Mr. Liu squeezed the upper of the shoe, his shoes were held in the air, and he was afraid to start with his eyes narrowed.

This muddy boy also pulls his back!

He was so angry that he threw his shoes out, "I'll hit you again next time!"

"Dad, my shoes!" Liu looked dumbfounded at the shoes that had been thrown far away, and his whole face was drawn.



On the chair, several women depended on each other.

Fu Yuzheng also couldn't help but feel sorry for the man, "Doesn't it hurt?"

"It doesn't hurt. Grandpa looks hard. He couldn't help it."

The old man listened to the grandson while he was uncovering and flattering, and grinned with a smile.

Stinky kid.

An old wife was in a hurry to make arrangements, and Fu Yuzheng and Liu Zhixia exchanged Geng posts the same day.

Fu Yuzheng officially responded.

One day the mood was ups and downs, and everyone went to bed early in the morning.

Mrs. Liu in that yard never let Fu Yuzheng go back.

Thinking of the fat mother who said that her grandson was a widow, she deserved panic.

When he got married, Fu Yuzheng got married from Wangfu.

In the following days, the wife and Chen Xiulan almost regarded Fu Yuzheng as a fragile porcelain doll. Nothing was allowed to get her started. Even in the Wangfu kitchen, the wife personally followed, and the chef changed the tricks every day to help the chef cook the soup , All to support themselves.

Seeing Fu Yuzheng's originally pale and pale face flushed, Liu Yusheng sighed, "Grandma and mother-in-law are empathy and do not fall in love."

Fu Yuzheng pouted, "You're still jealous of me? What is it about Wang Ye that hurts you?"

"Don't you have my brother's pain? As long as he is at home, his eyes will stick to you. My brother will be a wife and slave in the future."

"What is a wife and slave?"

"The lady's slave, which means you can't fight east!"


"Hahaha!" After the fun, Liu Yusheng put his face on Fu Yuzheng's belly. "Little nephew, born later, you must be like your father, respect your mother, and filially honour her. She has suffered for many years. Days later, our whole family hurts her! "

Looking deeply at Liu Yusheng, this young girl who first made her feel relieved as a friend, Fu Yuzheng smiled softly.

Liu Yusheng is like a bridge connecting happiness. Because of her existence, she will meet Zhixia and know each other and love each other.

"Thank you, oh." Thanks for the words she said to her and thank her for accepting her.

"You are my sister-in-law, I will take the thank you from the elder brother. I will definitely not let myself suffer." Liu Yusheng took out a piece of yellowed paper and put it in Fu Yuzheng's hand. "This is when you leave. The next thing is now the original owner. "

"Hmm ..."

"Yuzheng, I know your heart, but this is left over from your ancestors. You should take it out and give it to my little nephew, who will pass on the inheritance of the Yu family."

(End of this chapter)