Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 50: Genius, evil?

Chapter 50 Genius, Demon Sin?

Two little babies are talking about business in eight classics.

A group of grown-ups stood by, all in petrified state.

Like dreaming.

The dream hasn't woke up, everything is finalized.

When the Liu family returned to God, Qian Wanjin had already left and went back to the plan to build a new winery.

Leave a pile of pastries.

Liu Yusheng looked up at the look of her buns, raised a smile into the wife's arms, and his eyes were like little puppies for praise.

"Grandma, isn't it terrible? It's Brother Ashu who taught me! He said that if Xiao Dong came back, he would definitely want to buy our secret recipe, and then taught me how to talk to him many times. I never forgot a word ! "

"Asiu taught you?"

"Yeah, these days I go to the cabin. Brother Ashley is teaching me all this. He said that once our wine is sold, there will definitely be a lot of people working on secret recipes. If Xiao Dong's family comes again, let me Talk to him like this and make a request so that we can continue to live a peaceful life. "

The whole family sighed.

Asiu's child is very clever and steady in their eyes. If he taught it, there would be no surprise.

Mr. Liu drew Liu Yusheng over, "Today we can make grandma an eye-opener. Speaking together, it really looks like that, it is really amazing!"

"Dad, mother, do you want me to also learn from the kid from Asho, and then I can kill the Quartet with one mouth? It's so refreshing to say that the last meal can bring a distillery!" Liu Two one face dreamy.

Lost his eyes by the family, "Just because of your qualifications, don't lose sight of yourself."


"Dad, mother, if you really build a distillery in our Xinghua Village, should we talk to the village chief first?" Liu asked.

"No hurry, wait until it is confirmed over there. Although Xiao Dong's family has agreed to build a wine shop in our company, it is not a small matter. He should also discuss it with his family. In the end, it may not be possible." Liu The old man said.

This incident drew the attention of the family. After you talked about me, Liu Yusheng quietly sighed with relief.

Before confronting Qian Wanjin, it wasn't that she didn't want to continue to play innocently in front of her family, something was not allowed.

Once the Liu family's wine is on the market, there will never be fewer people who formulate ideas. Qian Wanjin is the first or perhaps the best one to deal with. For others, the Liu family may not be in this atmosphere now.

A small peasant family has no money, no rights, and no background. Those who are rich and powerful want to take control of their homes, just like twisting ants. They have no resistance at all.

So she can only seize this opportunity and pull Qian Wanjin into the water to change Liu's home safely.

The ultimate purpose of her negotiations with Qian Wanjin is also for this.

As for the distillery, it is very stable. Her fruit wine is not simple. The Qian family must have seen it, how could they give up this piece of fat.

In the early morning the next day, when Liu Yusheng arrived at the cabin, he took Asu's hand, and he dumped it all to him.

"Grandpa and grandma they were all frightened by me, giggles! Brother Ashu, would you be scared of me too?"

With her bright smile on her face and her slightly wandering eyes, Asiu smiled, "No."


"Really, Shengsheng is just smart."

Liu Yusheng patted his chest with a small hand, relieved, "Brother Ashu is also very smart! Brother Ashu, what were you doing when you were three years old?"

"Three years old ... debate the golden mean with your husband."

"..." Liu Yusheng put his hand down with a face on his face. Therefore, he will not be scared.

If she is a genius, then he is a demon. Qualifications run her a few streets! scare? Scary!

She was worried for nothing.

I practiced the characters a few times in the sand to comfort the feeling of being hit.

He couldn't hold his mouth again.

"Brother Ashu, Qian Wanjin will soon build a winery in Xinghua Village. Do you have any suggestions?"

"No, there will be Sheng Sheng, the winery will surely flourish, and the whole Xinghua Village will also benefit from this."

"Then I said Wan Rongji had a pharmaceutical wine. Do you say she would agree?"

"Sheng Sheng, this has to ask my mother."

"Isn't I nervous ..." Liu Yusheng sneered, and when she was nervous, she was guilty.

When drawing a big cake in front of Qian Wanjin, Wan Rongzhen painted it without her consent.

"Don't be nervous, Sheng Sheng said that he wanted to help us. You are kind, how could my mother blame you."

He seemed to be able to see through her mind at a glance, and then heal her emotions in the simplest words.

Liu Yusheng's heart solidified, his little finger hooked and hooked, grabbed the boy's hand, and shook it gently.

The corner of his mouth was a sweet smile.

And he, shaking by her, holding a branch in his other hand, writing new words to teach her to read.

Asunian assembled her tools for going up the mountain and came over carrying her backpack. "Xiuer, oh, I have to go up the mountain to pick up medicine. Do you stay at home or stay with me?"

"Well, today I'm practicing calligraphy with Brother Xiu at home! You go up the mountain carefully, go early and return early!" Xiaowa'er's milky sound was crisp and sweet.

Asunian laughed, "Okay, then I'll go. There is a cooked corn tortilla on the stove pan. Hungry, you can eat it yourself."

"Wait slowly!" Waving his hand to watch Xiu Niang go out, Liu Yusheng turned his eyes to smile on Xiu as soon as he turned his head.

"Laughter, what's the laugh!" I snorted, and then twitched his arm again. "Brother Ashu, I still dare not tell you, otherwise, can you help me with it? Can you give me a wine for me? You do n’t have to work so hard to collect medicine every day, and you can spend more time with Brother Ashu ... "

"Okay." Before she said a series of benefits, he responded, pinching her face petulantly, nostalgic for the touch of her fingertips.

Liu Yusheng was a little stunned, and he got up with a small mouth when he was excited. Let's kiss on the boy's face, "Brother Ashu, you are the best!"

The boy suddenly became stiff.

The morning breeze blew gently, and the boy's forehead fluttered, softening his eyes.

After quitting, Liu Yusheng realized afterwards that he felt something wrong and quietly covered his face.

She didn't do it on purpose. She used to be good at home. From time to time, she kissed her grandparents and teased them.

Just now, it was really a subconscious behavior, and it didn't have a brain.

Now that she is embarrassed to look at him, she can only pretend to be scratching the sand with nothing to do, and her little eyes are floating around.

Bearded, a very light laugh sounded in his ear.

Liu Yusheng blushed and looked up, facing the boy's eyes like Xia Yexing.

He looked at her with a smile, staring in his eyes.

Then she lowered her head, and clumsily kissed her face. "Sheng Sheng, better."

(End of this chapter)